Second Term Examination Primary 1 Basic Science Second Term Lesson Notes

  1. The sky is usually ___________.
    • a) Red
    • b) Blue
    • c) Yellow
    • d) Green
  2. Apples are often ___________ in color.
    • a) Blue
    • b) Yellow
    • c) Red
    • d) Pink
  3. Sunflowers are commonly ___________.
    • a) Black
    • b) Green
    • c) Yellow
    • d) White
  4. Grass is typically ___________.
    • a) Pink
    • b) Green
    • c) Brown
    • d) Red
  5. Clouds in the sky are usually ___________.
    • a) Black
    • b) White
    • c) Blue
    • d) Yellow
  6. The night sky is mostly ___________.
    • a) White
    • b) Black
    • c) Green
    • d) Pink
  7. Flowers can come in the color ___________.
    • a) Red
    • b) Blue
    • c) Pink
    • d) Yellow
  8. Chocolate is often ___________.
    • a) Yellow
    • b) Blue
    • c) Brown
    • d) White
  9. Nighttime is associated with the colour ___________.
    • a) Green
    • b) Blue
    • c) Black
    • d) Pink
  10. A common colour of school chalk is ___________.
    • a) Yellow
    • b) Blue
    • c) White
    • d) Brown
  11. The red traffic light means ___________.
    • a) Go
    • b) Get ready
    • c) Stop
    • d) Slow down
  12. When the light is yellow, it signals you to ___________.
    • a) Go
    • b) Stop
    • c) Get ready
    • d) Turn right
  13. The green light means it’s safe to ___________.
    • a) Stop
    • b) Turn left
    • c) Go
    • d) Drive slowly
  14. The amber light is also known as ___________.
    • a) Yellow
    • b) Green
    • c) Red
    • d) Blue
  15. Red light means ___________ on the road.
    • a) Slow down
    • b) Go fast
    • c) Stop
    • d) Jump
  16. Yellow light is a sign to ___________.
    • a) Sleep
    • b) Eat
    • c) Get ready
    • d) Shout
  17. Green light is like a ___________ for cars and people.
    • a) Celebration
    • b) Warning
    • c) Go signal
    • d) Mystery
  18. What color is usually used for road markings?
    • a) Green
    • b) Yellow
    • c) White
    • d) Red
  19. What does yellow road marking typically indicate?
    • a) Go
    • b) Slow down
    • c) Restrictions
    • d) Celebration
  20. Which colors are used for kerb and object marking?
    • a) Red, white, blue
    • b) Yellow, green, black
    • c) White, yellow, black
    • d) Orange, pink, purple
  21. Road markings help to keep everyone ___________ on the road.
    • a) Bored
    • b) Confused
    • c) Safe
    • d) Lost
  22. __________ is a way of receiving objects thrown to you. a) Cooking b) Catching c) Jumping d) Sleeping
  23. Energy is the ability to do __________. a) Sing b) Dance c) Work d) Sleep
  24. We throw objects with our __________. a) Feet b) Hands c) Head d) Nose
  25. Non-living things are things that are not __________. a) Moving b) Breathing c) Alive d) Talking
  26. Colors make our world vibrant and full of __________. a) Toys b) Joy c) Books d) Cars
  27. __________ can represent calmness and peace. a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Green
  28. Bright colors in fruits and vegetables are good for our __________. a) Games b) Health c) Clothes d) Toys
  29. Light energy is like a magical friend that helps us see and have __________. a) Sadness b) Fun c) Sleep d) Work
  30. The colors in light can be seen when there is a __________ in the sky. a) Rainbow b) Thunder c) Storm d) Cloud
  31. Simple machine makes work easier (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  32. ______________ is an example of technology (a) television (b) leaf (c) sand
  33. Example of simple machine is _____________ (a) bottle opener (b) car (c) window
  34. We mould with ___________________ (a) soap (b) clay (c) crayon
  35. Plant are living things (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know
  36. We use water to wash our clothes (a) maybe (b) true (c) false
  37. We need water everyday in the house, office, school etc(a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know
  38. Fishes lives in __________________ (a) sand (b) water (c) sky
  39. ___________________ is a domestic animal (a) tiger (b) cat (c) snake
  40. Lion is a _____________ animal (a) water animal (b) wild animal (c) farm animal
  41. We use ___________ to sew our clothes (a) scissors (b) sewing machine (c) hammer
  42. _________________ is used to pack dirty (a) clothes (b) dust bin (c) spoon
  43. The colour of our school uniform is __________(a) grey & pink (b) white & purple (c) blue & red
  44. Plant normally grow well in soil (a) maybe (b) true (c) false
  45. Building blocks are made with sand and ________ (a) book (b) shovel (c) cement
  46. There are _______________ types of soil (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 4
  47. We can feel air around us (a) maybe (b) true (c) false
  48. Objects that needs air are _______________(a) stone and phone (b) plant and goat (c) bottle and book
  49. How many types of water do we have (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5
  50. Good water must be ____________ (a) smelling (b) dirty (c) colourless
  51. Things that have lives in them are called ____________ things (a) living (b) dead (c) non
  52. Non living things cannot ____________ (a) be moved (b) be burnt (c) die
  53. Living things can breathe ____________ (a) true (b) false (c) undecided
  54. ____________ are living things (a) Boxes (b) Chair (c) Pupils
  55. Non living things are things that do not have ______ (a) tyres (b) battery (c) lives







Part B


  1. Mention the three primary colours
  2. What is the colour of the sky?
  3. Name a fruit that is red.
  4. Can you name a colour you like?
  5. Identify the colour of a banana.
  6. Write two sources of water
  7. Mention four living things
  8. What colour is chalk commonly used in class?
  9. When do we stop at a traffic light?
  10. Can you name three colours of a traffic light?
  11. What is the purpose of the amber light?
  12. State five examples of simple machines
  13. Write three colours that you know
  14. Why is it important to follow traffic light signals?
  15. Draw and colour a traffic light, indicating the correct colours.
  16. Write two objects you can make with clay
  17. Mention three lights on the traffic light

Basic Science Primary 1 First Term Examination

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