Elements of Security Creativity Sharing Information Security Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 3

Term: First Term

Week: 9

Topic: Elements of Security: Creativity, Sharing Information

Sub-topic: Providing Helpful Information, Recognizing Proper Channels

Duration: 45 minutes

Previous Knowledge: Basic understanding of staying safe and recognizing familiar security symbols.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define providing helpful information in security.
  2. Understand the importance of recognizing proper channels for sharing information with security agents.
  3. Foster creativity in thinking of new ways to stay safe.
  4. Promote the concept of sharing information for the safety of everyone.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Teamwork

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures illustrating providing helpful information and recognizing proper channels.
  • Chart paper with key terms.
  • Examples of creative security measures.
  • Role-play scenarios for sharing information.


Security means being safe. Here’s what “Security Creativity Sharing Information” means:

  1. Security: Staying safe and protected.
  2. Creativity: Thinking of new and smart ways to stay safe.
  3. Sharing Information: Telling others about things that help everyone stay safe.

(i) Provide Helpful Information: Share any useful details or evidence related to a security matter. This could include descriptions, dates, times, or any other helpful information.

(ii) Recognize the Proper Channel: Know the right way to give this information to security agents. It might be through a hotline, in-person at a police station, or using an official online platform. Choose the method that ensures the information reaches the right people.

Security Creativity Sharing Information:

(1) Provide Helpful Information: Give useful details or evidence about any security matter to help keep everyone safe.

(ii) Recognize the Proper Channel: Know the right way to share this information with security agents, like using a hotline or going to the police station.


  1. To keep everyone safe, we should __________ information or evidence about a security matter. a) Hide b) Share c) Eat d) Forget
  2. Giving useful details about a security matter helps __________ safety. a) Decrease b) Increase c) Ignore d) Stop
  3. Knowing the right way to share information is like understanding the __________ to the treasure. a) Map b) Book c) Movie d) Game
  4. Recognizing the proper channel means choosing the best __________ to tell security agents. a) Color b) Day c) Way d) Animal
  5. We can provide __________ information to help in different situations. a) Unimportant b) Useful c) Boring d) Broken
  6. Security creativity means thinking of __________ ways to stay safe. a) Old b) New and smart c) Funny d) Dark
  7. Being creative with security helps us find __________ solutions. a) Easy b) Difficult c) Quick d) Smart
  8. Creativity in security is like using a __________ to open a locked door. a) Key b) Hammer c) Feather d) Leaf
  9. Sharing information is like passing along a __________ to help others. a) Ball b) Flower c) Song d) Secret
  10. Recognizing the proper channel means knowing the __________ way to share information. a) Wrong b) Right c) Left d) Fast
  11. To keep everyone safe, we should __________ information about a security matter. a) Hide b) Share c) Eat d) Forget
  12. Providing helpful details about a security matter is like being a __________. a) Detective b) Chef c) Pilot d) Painter
  13. Sharing information is a way of being a good __________ in the community. a) Helper b) Jester c) Sleeper d) Singer
  14. Creativity in security means using your __________ to think of smart ideas. a) Hands b) Brain c) Feet d) Nose
  15. Knowing the proper channel helps us __________ information to the right people. a) Forget b) Share c) Break d) Ignore


  1. Step 1 – Introduction (5 mins):
    • Discuss the importance of staying safe and introduce the topic: “Today, we’ll learn about being creative in staying safe and how sharing information is like being a safety helper.”
  2. Step 2 – Providing Helpful Information (15 mins):
    • Define providing helpful information as sharing details or evidence about security matters.
    • Show pictures and discuss situations where providing information is crucial.
  3. Step 3 – Recognizing Proper Channels (15 mins):
    • Explain recognizing proper channels as knowing the right ways to share information with security agents.
    • Illustrate through examples, such as using a hotline or going to the police station.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions about staying safe.
  • Use visual aids to explain providing helpful information and recognizing proper channels.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts on creative ways to stay safe.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Engage in class discussions.
  • Observe pictures and identify instances of providing helpful information.
  • Discuss and role-play scenarios for recognizing proper channels.


  • Summarize key points about providing helpful information and recognizing proper channels.
  • Reinforce the idea that everyone can contribute to safety by being creative and sharing information.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does providing helpful information mean in security?
  2. Why is recognizing proper channels important when sharing information?
  3. How can you creatively contribute to staying safe in your community?
  4. Give an example of when sharing information can help keep everyone safe?
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