Types of Visual Based Programming Languages Computer Studies ICT Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 8

Date: [Specify the date]

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Computer Studies (ICT)

Topic: Types of Visual Based Programming Languages

Sub-topic: Introduction to Visual Based Programming

Duration: 45 minutes

Key Vocabulary:

  • Visual Based Programming Languages
  • Scratch
  • Blockly
  • Tynker
  • MIT App Inventor
  • LEGO Mindstorms
  • Roblox Studio
  • GameMaker Studio

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing a picture of a famous video game and asking the students if they know how games like these are created.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define visual-based programming languages.
  2. Identify and describe various visual-based programming languages.
  3. Recognize the applications of these languages in real-life scenarios.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving

Reference Materials:

  • Visual aids (pictures of visual-based programming interfaces)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector (optional)

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts with the names and pictures of visual-based programming languages
  • Examples of Scratch, Blockly, and Tynker blocks
  • Computer or tablet with one or more visual-based programming environments installed
  • Worksheets

Previous Knowledge: Students should have basic computer literacy skills and an understanding of what programming is.


Types of Visual Based Programming Languages 

  1. Scratch: It uses colorful blocks to create games. Example: Making a cat move with blocks like LEGO pieces. 🐱
  2. Blockly: It’s like puzzle pieces for coding. Example: Putting together pieces to make a virtual robot move. 🧩🤖
  3. Tynker: It’s for making animations and stories. Example: Creating an animated character. 🎬📚
  4. MIT App Inventor: Good for making mobile apps. Example: Designing a simple app for counting. 📱
  5. LEGO Mindstorms: It uses LEGO robots and is super fun. Example: Building a robot that follows a line. 🤖🧱
  6. Roblox Studio: It’s for making games you can play with friends. Example: Creating your own game with characters. 🎮🕹️
  7. GameMaker Studio: Used by game developers. Example: Building a simple game with levels and challenges. 🎮🕹️

These are some cool visual-based programming languages you can explore. Have fun coding, and remember, practice makes perfect! 👨‍💻👩‍💻🚀

  1. What is programming?
    • Programming is a set of instructions given to a computer to perform specific tasks or solve problems.
  2. What are visual-based programming languages?
    • Visual-based programming languages are coding tools that use visual elements like blocks or puzzle pieces to create and control computer programs.
  3. Can you name some visual-based programming languages?
    • Some visual-based programming languages include Scratch, Blockly, Tynker, MIT App Inventor, LEGO Mindstorms, Roblox Studio, and GameMaker Studio.
  4. Describe the purpose of Scratch.
    • Scratch is used to create games, animations, and interactive stories using colorful blocks, making it easy for beginners to learn programming.
  5. How is Blockly used for coding?
    • Blockly uses puzzle-piece-like blocks that fit together to create code. It’s used to teach programming concepts by arranging these blocks.
  6. What can you create with Tynker?
    • Tynker is great for creating animations and interactive stories, allowing you to bring your ideas to life in a creative way.
  7. Mention one application of MIT App Inventor.
    • MIT App Inventor is used to create mobile apps for Android devices, making it possible for people to build their own custom apps.
  8. What is LEGO Mindstorms?
    • LEGO Mindstorms is a robotics platform that uses LEGO components and visual programming to build and control robots.
  9. Explain the purpose of Roblox Studio.
    • Roblox Studio is a tool for creating and designing games in the Roblox online gaming platform, allowing users to bring their game ideas to reality.
  10. How is GameMaker Studio used?
    • GameMaker Studio is a software used by game developers to design and build video games, making it possible to create a wide variety of games, from simple to complex.


  1. Scratch uses colorful _______ to create games. a) puzzles b) blocks c) drawings d) words
  2. Blockly is like using _______ pieces for coding. a) puzzle b) LEGO c) paper d) keyboard
  3. Tynker is good for making _______ and stories. a) animations b) food c) music d) houses
  4. MIT App Inventor is for making _______ apps. a) mobile b) web c) computer d) robot
  5. LEGO Mindstorms uses _______ robots. a) wooden b) LEGO c) metal d) paper
  6. Roblox Studio is for making _______. a) music b) movies c) games d) food
  7. GameMaker Studio is used by game _______. a) developers b) teachers c) doctors d) astronauts
  8. In Scratch, you use colorful _______ to code. a) blocks b) books c) cars d) dogs
  9. Blockly is like putting together _______ for coding. a) pieces b) words c) numbers d) drawings
  10. Tynker is great for creating _______ and stories. a) games b) animations c) puzzles d) food
  11. MIT App Inventor is used to make _______ apps. a) computer b) mobile c) web d) TV
  12. LEGO Mindstorms involves building with _______ robots. a) wooden b) metal c) paper d) LEGO
  13. Roblox Studio is used to create your own _______. a) books b) movies c) games d) food
  14. GameMaker Studio is a tool for game _______. a) doctors b) developers c) teachers d) astronauts
  15. _______ is a visual-based programming language for making games you can play with friends. a) Scratch b) Tynker c) Roblox Studio d) MIT App Inventor

Presentation: Step 1:

  • Begin by explaining that programming is like giving instructions to a computer.
  • Introduce the term “Visual Based Programming Languages.”
  • Show pictures of various visual-based programming environments.
  • Ask students if they recognize any of them.

Step 2:

  • Explain the concept of Scratch, Blockly, Tynker, MIT App Inventor, LEGO Mindstorms, Roblox Studio, and GameMaker Studio.
  • Describe a simple task in each language to illustrate their purposes.

Step 3:

  • Discuss real-life applications of visual-based programming languages.
  • Show how games, animations, and mobile apps are created using these languages.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the content using visual aids and examples.
  • Encourage questions and participation.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen, observe, and ask questions.


  • Assess understanding through class discussions and questions.


  1. What is programming?
  2. What are visual-based programming languages?
  3. Can you name some visual-based programming languages?
  4. Describe the purpose of Scratch.
  5. How is Blockly used for coding?
  6. What can you create with Tynker?
  7. Mention one application of MIT App Inventor.
  8. What is LEGO Mindstorms?
  9. Explain the purpose of Roblox Studio.
  10. How is GameMaker Studio used?
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