Imaginative and Creative Drawing – How to Draw and Analyze from Imagination to Become Creative Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan Presentation

Grade: Primary 6

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Topic: Imaginative and Creative Drawing – How to Draw and Analyze from Imagination to Become Creative

Week: 5

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of imaginative and creative drawing.
  2. Apply imagination to generate original ideas for drawing.
  3. Analyze their drawings to enhance creativity.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Creative thinking
  • Imagination
  • Visual communication
  • Critical analysis
  • Self-assessment

Learning Materials:

  • Drawing paper
  • Pencils, colored pencils, and markers
  • Visual aids (examples of imaginative drawings)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Analytical worksheets


Imaginative Drawing: Imaginative drawing refers to the creation of visual art that is derived from the artist’s imagination and creativity rather than direct observation of real objects or scenes. It often involves the artist’s ability to visualize and express unique, abstract, or fantastical ideas, concepts, or images using various artistic techniques.

Creative Drawing: Creative drawing involves the artist’s capacity to think innovatively and produce original artwork that may or may not be based on real-life subjects. Creative drawing goes beyond conventional techniques and styles, allowing the artist to experiment with different materials, themes, and concepts to convey their artistic vision and convey emotions, ideas, or stories in a unique and inventive manner.

Topic: How to Draw and Analyze from Imagination to Become Creative

Alright, class! Today, we’re going to learn how to draw and analyze from your imagination to become more creative artists. Creativity in drawing means using your imagination to come up with unique and exciting ideas. Let’s get started with some tips and examples!

Tip 1: Start with a Simple Idea

Imagine something simple, like a tree. Now, think about how you can make it unique. Maybe it’s a tree with rainbow-colored leaves or a tree with eyes and a smile. Let your imagination run wild!

Example 1: Draw a tree with leaves that are all different shapes and colors. Use your imagination to make it unlike any tree you’ve seen before.

Tip 2: Combine Things

Creativity often comes from combining different things. Think about two things that you like or find interesting. Can you combine them into one cool drawing?

Example 2: Combine a bicycle and a fish. Draw a fish with wheels and pedals – a “fishcycle”!

Tip 3: Tell a Story

Your drawings can tell stories. Imagine a character and think about their adventures. Draw scenes from their story, like a superhero flying through the sky.

Example 3: Create a superhero with a unique power, like the ability to control plants. Draw them using their power to save a forest from a fire.

Tip 4: Use Your Emotions

Think about how you feel, and express it through your art. If you’re happy, your drawing might be full of bright colors and big smiles. If you’re sad, your art might be more subdued.

Example 4: If you’re feeling excited about a vacation, draw a picture of your dream destination with all the things you’d like to do there.

Tip 5: Experiment with Materials

Try different drawing materials like colored pencils, watercolors, or even digital tools if you have access. Different materials can bring out different aspects of your creativity.

Example 5: Experiment with watercolors to create a dreamy, underwater scene with colorful fish and mermaids.

Analyzing Your Drawings:

After you’ve drawn something from your imagination, take a moment to analyze it. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What message or story does my drawing convey?
  • What emotions does it evoke?
  • Is there anything I could improve or add to make it even more creative?

By asking these questions, you can learn and grow as an artist.

So, class, remember that creativity in drawing comes from your imagination, combining ideas, telling stories, expressing emotions, experimenting with materials, and analyzing your work. The more you practice, the more creative you’ll become. Keep drawing and let your imagination soar!


  1. To become creative in drawing, we start with a _______ idea. a) complex b) colorful c) simple d) funny
  2. Combining different things in your drawing can make it more _______. a) ordinary b) exciting c) small d) blue
  3. When you tell a story through your drawing, it’s like creating a visual _______. a) puzzle b) book c) map d) snack
  4. Expressing your feelings through art means showing your _______ in your drawing. a) emotions b) thoughts c) homework d) favorite color
  5. Trying out various drawing _______ can help you be more creative. a) tools b) books c) friends d) movies
  6. If you’re feeling joyful, your drawing might be full of bright _______. a) faces b) places c) colors d) numbers
  7. Combining a bicycle and a fish creates a “_______.” a) fish-bike b) bike-fish c) fisherman d) fishcycle
  8. When you draw a character, you can imagine their _______ and adventures. a) favorite food b) superpowers c) pet cat d) school schedule
  9. Your drawings can _______ a story or a message. a) eat b) dance c) tell d) draw
  10. Analyzing your drawing helps you see what you can _______ or add. a) forget b) buy c) improve d) share
  11. Creative drawing often involves using your _______. a) computer b) imagination c) smartphone d) bicycle
  12. Trying different _______ can bring out various aspects of your creativity. a) foods b) materials c) games d) songs
  13. Drawings that express emotions can be _______ and subdued. a) colorful b) bright c) boring d) quiet
  14. To become more creative in drawing, it’s important to _______ your work. a) analyze b) ignore c) forget d) hide
  15. Your imagination can _______ when you practice drawing from it. a) shrink b) disappear c) soar d) sleep


Step 1 – Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the students and create a positive learning environment.
  • Recap the previous lesson briefly.
  • Introduce the topic: “Today, we will explore the world of imaginative and creative drawing. This means using your imagination to create unique and exciting artworks.”

Step 2 – Understanding Imaginative and Creative Drawing (10 minutes):

  • Discuss the definitions of imaginative and creative drawing.
  • Show visual aids of imaginative drawings to inspire the students.
  • Encourage questions and discussions about how drawing can be creative and imaginative.

Step 3 – Practical Drawing Exercise (15 minutes):

  • Provide drawing materials (paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers).
  • Ask students to choose a subject they’d like to draw (e.g., an animal, a fantasy creature, or a dream landscape).
  • Instruct them to let their imagination run free and create a unique drawing.
  • Circulate to assist and provide guidance as needed.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explaining the concepts of imaginative and creative drawing.
  • Showing visual examples for inspiration.
  • Providing drawing materials and guidance during the practical exercise.

Learners Activities:

  • Actively participating in discussions.
  • Selecting subjects for their drawings.
  • Using their imagination to create unique artworks.

Evaluation and Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Distribute analytical worksheets.
  • Ask students to analyze their drawings by answering questions like:
    • What story or message does your drawing convey?
    • How did you use your imagination in this drawing?
    • What emotions or ideas does your artwork express?
  • Collect and review the worksheets to assess their understanding.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Encourage students to practice imaginative and creative drawing regularly.
  • Stress the importance of analyzing their own work to enhance their creativity.

In today’s lesson, we learned about imaginative and creative drawing. Remember, using your imagination and analyzing your drawings can help you become a more creative artist. Keep exploring and expressing your ideas through art!

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