The Early Regions In Nigeria History Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5


Topic: Early Regions in Nigeria

Class: Primary 4

Subject: History

Term : First Term

Week : Week 5

Duration: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  1. To identify the early regions in Nigeria.
  2. To understand why these regions were created.
  3. To locate these regions on a map.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Geography
  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication

Learning Materials:

  • Map of Nigeria
  • Pictures of Lagos, Northern, Western, and Eastern regions
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard
  • Chalk/Markers

Previous Lesson: Colonial Administration in Nigeria

Set Induction:

  • Show a map of Nigeria and ask students if they remember what we discussed in the previous lesson about colonial rule.


What are regions?

A region is like a big area of a country. It’s a place where people live, and it has its own special things, like the way people speak or the kind of food they eat. Think of it like a big piece of a puzzle that makes up a country. So, when we talk about the regions in Nigeria, we’re talking about different parts of the country with their own unique characteristics. That’s what “region” means!

The early regions in Nigeria and who created them.

  1. The first region is Lagos, created in 1914 by the British.
  2. Next is the Northern Region, made in 1914 by the British too.
  3. Then, there’s the Western Region, also in 1914, by the British.
  4. Lastly, the Eastern Region, also formed in 1914 by the British.

So, we have Lagos, Northern, Western, and Eastern regions, all created in 1914 by the British. Great job, everyone!

Why these regions were made and where they are on the map.

  1. Lagos Region was created because it was an important place for trade and had a big city. It’s in the southwest part of Nigeria.
  2. The Northern Region was made because it had many people and resources. It’s in the northern part of Nigeria.
  3. The Western Region was created because of its cocoa and people. It’s in the western part of Nigeria.
  4. The Eastern Region was formed because it had lots of coal and people too. It’s in the eastern part of Nigeria.

So, these regions were made for different reasons, and you can find them on the map in different parts of Nigeria. Easy, right?



1. Name the early regions in Nigeria, their year of creation, and who created them:
a) Lagos, 1914, British
b) Western, 1914, French
c) Eastern, 1960, Nigerian leaders
d) Northern, 1950, Portuguese

2. The __________ Region in Nigeria was created because it had many people and resources.

3. The __________ Region was formed in 1914 by the British.

4. The __________ Region is located in the eastern part of Nigeria.

5. The Northern Region is in the __________ part of Nigeria.

6. Lagos Region was created in the year __________.

7. The Western Region is in the __________ part of Nigeria.

8. The Eastern Region had lots of __________ and people.

9. __________ created the Lagos Region in 1914.

10. The Northern Region was made because of its __________.

11. The __________ Region had an important place for trade and a big city.

12. The year of creation for the Western Region is __________.

13. The __________ Region is located in the southwest part of Nigeria.

14. The Eastern Region was formed by __________ leaders.

15. The British created the __________ Region in 1914.


Step-by-Step Presentation:

Step 1 – Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Briefly discuss the previous lesson on colonial administration.
  • Explain that today, we will learn about the early regions in Nigeria.

Step 2 – Main Content (20 minutes):

  • Show pictures of Lagos, Northern, Western, and Eastern regions.
  • Explain that these are the early regions in Nigeria.
  • Discuss why these regions were created:
    • Lagos Region for trade and a big city.
    • Northern Region because of its people and resources.
    • Western Region for its cocoa and people.
    • Eastern Region for its coal and people.
  • Point out the locations of these regions on the map.

Step 3 – Activity (10 minutes):

  • Divide the class into groups.
  • Give each group a map of Nigeria and ask them to locate the early regions.
  • Have each group present their findings.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the information clearly and concisely.
  • Encourage class participation.
  • Provide guidance during group activities.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively.
  • Participate in discussions and group activities.
  • Locate regions on the map.


  • Assess students based on their participation in group activities and their ability to locate regions on the map.


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of understanding Nigeria’s early regions in history.


  • Ask students to draw a simple map of Nigeria and label the early regions.
  • Write a short paragraph about one early region and why it was created
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