TRCN Certification Exam Prep: Educational Technology and Pedagogy

Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria TRCN Online Exam Instructions

TRCN Certification Exam Prep: Educational Technology and Pedagogy

  1. Factors to consider in selecting instructional materials include the following except a. Objective of lesson b. Availability c. Relevance to lesson d. Learner e. Parents
  2. Realia is an instructional material requiring the use of a. Dramatization b. Artificial objects c. Real objects d. Simple objects
  3. According to Edgar Dale’s cone of experience, the lowest and highest levels are: a. Indirect experience and visual symbols b. Contrived experience and demonstration c. Direct real experience and verbal symbols d. Verbal symbols and visual symbols
  4. Approaches of solving instructional problems through educational technology exclude the following a. Software approach b. System approach c. Hardware approach d. Dynamic approach
  5. The following comprise attributes of good information except: a. Completeness b. Accuracy c. Relevance d. Confidentiality
  6. Basically communication is a ………. Affair a. Personal b. Selfish c. Social d. Literary
  7. The design and production of an effective educational media should not necessarily involve the following persons: a. Teacher b. Parent c. Learner d. Librarian
  8. CAPTCHA refers to … a. Unique identification code b. Children game c. A new cap style d. Ancient cap style
  9. Communication is a tool to enhance a. Knowledge b. Understanding c. Power d. Listening
  10. Effective instructional communication should be a. Formal b. Informal c. Reflective d. Systemic
  11. Good communication implies to a. Speak b. Follow c. Study d. Teach
  12. Visual aids can be referred to as a. The use of objects and pictures in teaching and learning b. The use of virtual library c. Assistance from e-learning d. Non-physical assistance e. All of the above
  13. Dale’s cone of experience is an example of a. Visual instruction materials b. Auditory instruction materials c. Physical experience materials d. Upward moving experience
  14. Educational technology can be described as a. The use of audiovisual media in education b. The use of software and hardware in education c. The application of technology in solving educational problems d. The use of teaching machine in education
  15. Which of these is not among Dale’s cone of experience beneficial in teaching? a. Symbolic b. Iconic c. Active d. Dormant
  16. Which of these does not refer to technology in education? a. The hardware approach in education b. The application of machines or equipment to improve education c. The use of instructional materials or media and teaching machines to solve educational problems d. The use of traditional approach in education
  17. Instructional media does not include following a. Language of instruction in education b. Use of computers in education c. Use of projected media in education d. Use of audio-visual media in education
  18. Which of these does not refer to technology of education? a. The use of systems approach to solve educational problems b. The use of theories, principles, and rules in education c. The use of related discipline to improve educational system d. The use of technology in education
  19. Technology of education excludes the use of the following approach in education a. Philosophy b. Sociology c. Psychology d. Religion
  20. The goal of educational technology is based on which of the following objectives a. Material objective b. Specific objective c. Multiple objective d. School objective
  21. The following instructional mode is mainly teacher-centered a. Lecturing b. Indoctrination c. Teaching d. Facilitating
  22. Which of the following statements is not correct? a. Principles of educational technology can only solve problems at the macro level b. Principles of instructional technology can only be applied to solve problems at the micro level c. Principles of instructional technology can be applied to solve educational problems d. Principles of instructional technology can be applied at macro and micro levels
  23. Which of the following educational problems is not solved using the principle of educational technology a. Designing a new curriculum b. Mass failure c. Teachers recruitment d. Decision of instructional media to use in class
  24. Which of the following educational problems is not solved using the principles of instructional technology? a. Conduct of teachers professional examination b. Choice of instruction media in class c. Choice of topic in class d. Classroom management
  25. The following is not an advantage of media utilization in class a. Reinforcement of verbal and visual messages b. Motivation and increased attention of learners c. Illustration of abstract concepts and ideas d. Identifying the difference between teaching and instruction
  26. Which of the following chronologically identifies the phases of educational technology a. Early man era, chalk board era, mass communication, information, communication and technology b. Stone age, scientific age, mass media and ICT c. Carving, chalk board, mass communication and ICT
  27. Which of the following inventors developed the printing machine? a. Alexander Graham b. Isaac Newton c. Johann Gutenberg d. Ted Turner
  28. Which of the following is the central point of focus in a class? a. Teacher b. Chalk/whiteboard c. Learners d. Book
  29. The pre-missionary traditional educational system emphasizes the following subjects except a. Geography b. History c. Religion d. Arts and craft e. ICT
  30. The first education broadcast in Nigeria was done in? a. 1951 b. 1952 c. 1953 d. 1954
  31. The following is the first television in Africa a. NTA b. Western Nigeria television c. Eastern Nigeria television d. Africa channel television
  32. The first television in Africa was established in a. 1956 b. 1958 c. 1959 d. 1960
  33. The National Educational Technology Centre, Kaduna (NETC) was established in a. 1960 b. 1969 c. 1977 d. 1979
  34. The National Educational Technology Centre was established to perform the following functions except a. Training of educational technologists b. Development and production of instructional teaching aids c. Organization of conferences for teachers on the use of educational technology and instructional teaching aids d. Organization of conferences for teachers on the use of educational technology in class
  35. The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) was established in a. 1999 b. 2000 c. 2003 d. 1998
  36. Which of the following did not contribute to the early development of educational technology in Nigeria? a. Ford Foundation b. Carnegie Foundation c. UNESCO d. UK and Canadian governments e. American government
  37. The following school was registered as the home of microteaching in Nigeria in the 1980s a. ABU b. University of Ibadan c. Alvan Ikoku College of Education d. College of Education Abraka
  38. Which of the following educational agencies’ contribution is not foremost in government’s efforts to integrate technology into the educational system? a. National universities b. National Commission for Colleges of Education c. Nigeria Educational Research and Development Council d. National Teachers Institute
  39. Telecommunication includes the following media except a. Radio b. Telephone c. Television d. None of the above
  40. The following is not one of the benefits of ICT in teacher education a. Easy management of large class b. Simplifying the task of the teacher c. Eliminating the need for large class d. Increasing the quality of teaching education available and informative e. Hacking information
  41. Which of the following is not a place designed to store and organize instructional materials for the purpose of learning? a. Education Resource Centre b. Learning Resource Centre c. Centre of Education Technology d. The Library
  42. The recognized educational system in Nigeria excludes a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Pre-primary education e. None of the above
  43. The categories of resource centres in Nigeria exclude which of the following? a. Governmental b. Institutional c. Individual d. Federal
  44. Education Resource Centres are owned by which of the following levels in Nigeria? a. State and L.G.A’s b. Federal Government c. Higher institutions d. Private individuals
  45. The acronym NETI means a. Nigerian Educational Technology Institute b. National Educational Technology Institute c. National Education Training Institute d. National Evaluation Training Institute
  46. Which of the following ways can instructional resources be categorized? a. By purpose and method b. By design and purpose c. By method and utilization d. By design and utilization
  47. Instructional resources which are not intentionally produced for classroom usage are types of a. Utilization b. Design c. Purpose d. Method
  48. Instructional resources deliberately produced for classroom usage are types of a. Instructional resources by design b. Instructional resources by utilization c. Instructional resources by method d. Instructional resources by purpose
  49. Instructional materials seen when students go for field trip are types of resources by a. Method b. Design c. Utilization d. Purpose
  50. Official government souvenirs like audio tapes, posters, calendar, CDs are a. Instructional resources by design b. Instructional resources by utilization c. Instructional resources by method d. Instructional resources by purpose
  51. Community resources refer to a. Available resources found in the environment b. Resources made by the teacher c. Resources made by the community d. Resources made by the government
  52. Which of the following is not a technology of the computer era? a. PC conferencing b. Virtual library c. PowerPoint and electronic board d. Multimedia system e. Printing technology
  53. Which of the following is not an advantage of community resources? a. They are cheap b. Readily available c. Provides natural experience for learners d. Shows teachers’ ingenuity and resourcefulness
  54. Which of the following is not a necessary factor in the acquisition of instructional resources? a. Appropriate content b. Cost c. Technical quality d. Learning time
  55. Effective communication patterns can be described as a. Linear b. Cyclical c. Top-bottom d. Bottom-up
  56. In society, communication is necessary for the following reasons except a. As a social instrument to exchange information and ideas b. For the accumulation of knowledge c. Human development d. Distinguishing humans from animals
  57. In the classroom, the teacher does not necessarily manipulate which of these to attain effective communication and learning objectives a. Instructional method b. Teaching and learning environment c. Learners d. Subject content
  58. Berlo’s communication model excludes which of the following elements? a. Sender b. Receiver c. Message d. Medium e. Noise
  59. For the sender to be effective in any communication process, the following must be done except a. Know the receiver and present information at his level b. Speak or write clearly c. Show a positive attitude d. Obtain feedback e. Present information at the highest academic level
  60. The KISS principle in communication means? a. Keep it short and simple b. Show love to receiver in communication c. Kind information is simple and short communication d. Keeping information short and structured
  61. Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective instructional materials? a. Clarity b. Complexity c. Accuracy d. Relevance
  62. Which of the following is an example of non-projected instructional media? a. Slide projector b. Overhead projector c. Television d. Flipchart
  63. The acronym ICT stands for: a. International Communication Technology b. Information and Computer Technology c. Integrated Communication Technology d. Information and Communication Technology
  64. In the context of educational technology, LMS stands for: a. Learning Management System b. Local Media Source c. Learning Methodology System d. Longitudinal Measurement System
  65. Which of the following is a type of educational software? a. Adobe Photoshop b. Microsoft Word c. Adobe Acrobat Reader d. Edmodo
  66. The term ‘e-learning’ refers to: a. Electronic learning b. Enthusiastic learning c. Effective learning d. Educational learning
  67. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using instructional technology in education? a. Enhances learning efficiency b. Requires initial investment c. Facilitates personalized learning d. Increases teacher workload
  68. A smartboard is an example of: a. Hardware b. Software c. Network d. Peripheral device
  69. Which of the following is not a type of instructional media? a. Books b. Charts c. Microscope d. Internet
  70. The term ‘blended learning’ refers to: a. Mixing various subjects in a curriculum b. Combining online and face-to-face instruction c. Integrating technology in every lesson d. Enhancing group learning activities
  71. Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective communication in education? a. Clear and concise b. Audience-centered c. Biased towards the sender d. Interactive
  72. In educational technology, what does the term ‘adaptive learning’ mean? a. Learning through physical activities b. Customizing learning experiences based on student performance c. Collaborative learning with peers d. Learning from textbooks only
  73. Which of the following is an example of synchronous learning? a. Watching pre-recorded lectures b. Participating in a live webinar c. Reading an e-book d. Submitting assignments online
  74. Which of the following is not a benefit of using multimedia in education? a. Enhancing retention of information b. Catering to different learning styles c. Decreasing student engagement d. Making learning more interactive
  75. What is the purpose of a formative assessment in education? a. To evaluate student progress at the end of a course b. To diagnose student learning needs during instruction c. To determine student grades for the semester d. To assess student behavior in class
  76. Which of the following is an example of an open educational resource (OER)? a. A textbook with copyright restrictions b. A video tutorial freely available online c. A software program for purchase d. A proprietary learning platform
  77. What is the main advantage of using virtual reality (VR) in education? a. Providing real-life experiences impossible in traditional classrooms b. Reducing teacher-student interaction c. Increasing costs of educational materials d. Limiting student engagement
  78. Which of the following is a principle of universal design for learning (UDL)? a. Using only auditory materials in instruction b. Providing multiple means of representation, action, and expression c. Excluding technology from the classroom d. Focusing solely on teacher-centered activities
  79. Which of the following is not a component of the SAMR model for technology integration? a. Substitution b. Augmentation c. Modification d. Transformation
  80. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using social media in education? a. Facilitating collaboration among students b. Enhancing communication between teachers and parents c. Creating distractions during learning d. Fostering global connections
  81. What does the term ‘pedagogy’ refer to in education? a. The study of child behavior b. The method and practice of teaching c. The design of educational buildings d. The analysis of educational policies
  82. Which of the following is a characteristic of constructivist learning theory? a. Teacher-centered instruction b. Passive acquisition of knowledge c. Collaborative learning activities d. Memorization of facts
  83. Which of the following is an example of an educational podcast? a. A science fiction audio drama b. A music playlist c. A history lecture series d. A motivational speech
  84. What is the role of a learning management system (LMS) in education? a. Assessing student physical fitness b. Managing course content and assignments c. Conducting psychological assessments d. Analyzing teacher performance
  85. Which of the following is a feature of differentiated instruction? a. Providing identical learning experiences for all students b. Customizing teaching methods to meet diverse learning needs c. Teaching only the most advanced students in a class d. Ignoring individual student progress
  86. Which of the following is not a type of educational assessment? a. Summative b. Formative c. Preparative d. Diagnostic
  87. The term ‘digital citizenship’ refers to: a. Using technology responsibly and ethically b. Only using technology in schools c. Avoiding all digital devices d. Learning computer programming
  88. Which of the following is an example of asynchronous learning? a. Participating in a live online chat session b. Attending a real-time virtual classroom c. Watching a recorded lecture at one’s own pace d. Collaborating on a group project in real-time
  89. What is the purpose of a rubric in education? a. Evaluating student work based on fixed criteria b. Setting strict rules for student behavior c. Organizing classroom seating arrangements d. Promoting student creativity
  90. Which of the following is an example of a digital literacy skill? a. Writing in cursive b. Using a search engine effectively c. Memorizing multiplication tables d. Drawing a landscape
  91. Which of the following is a characteristic of a culturally responsive classroom? a. Ignoring students’ cultural backgrounds b. Using only one teaching approach for all students c. Valuing diversity and students’ prior knowledge d. Excluding multicultural literature from the curriculum
  92. What is the purpose of ‘gamification’ in education? a. Using physical games in classrooms b. Incorporating game elements into learning activities c. Promoting competition among students d. Excluding digital tools from the curriculum
  93. Which of the following is a component of the flipped classroom model? a. Passive learning through lectures in class b. Active learning and problem-solving at home c. Using only textbooks for instruction d. Assigning group projects in class
  94. What does the acronym STEM stand for in education? a. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics b. Social Studies, Technology, English, Mathematics c. Science, Teaching, Engineering, Mathematics d. Science, Technology, Environment, Mathematics
  95. Which of the following is not a type of educational psychology? a. Behavioral psychology b. Cognitive psychology c. Physical psychology d. Developmental psychology
  96. The term ‘cognitive load’ in education refers to: a. The amount of knowledge a student can retain b. The mental effort required to process new information c. The physical weight of textbooks d. The duration of a learning session
  97. Which of the following is an example of a summative assessment? a. Quizzes conducted throughout a course b. Final exams at the end of a semester c. Observations of student behavior in class d. Peer evaluations of group projects
  98. What is the purpose of educational psychology in teaching and learning? a. Understanding how students learn and develop b. Training teachers in physical fitness techniques c. Analyzing school infrastructure d. Organizing extracurricular activities
  99. Which of the following is a characteristic of personalized learning? a. Using a standardized curriculum for all students b. Tailoring instruction to individual student needs and interests c. Ignoring students’ learning preferences d. Focusing only on group activities
  100. The term ‘reflective practice’ in education refers to: a. Teachers’ critical analysis of their own teaching methods b. Students’ ability to follow instructions in class c. Organizing school events and activities d. Assessing student performance at the end of a semester



  1. Answer: e. Parents
    • Explanation: Factors to consider in selecting instructional materials include the objective of the lesson, availability, relevance to the lesson, and learner. Parents are generally not directly involved in the selection of instructional materials.
  2. Answer: c. Real objects
    • Explanation: Realia refers to real objects used in teaching. Examples could be bringing actual fruits to the class for a lesson on fruits, enhancing learning through tangible experiences.
  3. Answer: c. Direct real experience and verbal symbols
    • Explanation: Dale’s cone of experience suggests that direct, real experiences and verbal symbols represent the lowest and highest levels, respectively.
  4. Answer: d. Dynamic approach
    • Explanation: Approaches of solving instructional problems through educational technology include software, system, and hardware approaches, but not a “dynamic” approach.
  5. Answer: d. Confidentiality
    • Explanation: Good information attributes include completeness, accuracy, and relevance. Confidentiality is not typically a characteristic of information.
  6. Answer: c. Social
    • Explanation: Communication is a social affair, involving interactions between individuals. 👥
  7. Answer: d. Librarian
    • Explanation: The design and production of effective educational media may involve the teacher, learner, and parent but not necessarily the librarian.
  8. Answer: a. Unique identification code
    • Explanation: CAPTCHA is a unique identification code used to distinguish between human users and automated programs, preventing spam or automated access.
  9. Answer: c. Power
    • Explanation: Communication can enhance understanding, knowledge, and power dynamics among individuals.
  10. Answer: d. Systemic
    • Explanation: Effective instructional communication should be systemic, well-structured, and organized.
  11. Answer: b. Follow
    • Explanation: Good communication implies the ability to follow instructions effectively.
  12. Answer: a. The use of objects and pictures in teaching and learning
    • Explanation: Visual aids involve using objects and pictures to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
  13. Answer: c. Physical experience materials
    • Explanation: Dale’s cone of experience includes physical experience materials, such as hands-on activities.
  14. Answer: c. The application of technology in solving educational problems
    • Explanation: Educational technology involves applying technology to address educational challenges.
  15. Answer: d. Dormant
    • Explanation: Dale’s cone of experience does not include the term “dormant” in its beneficial levels.


These elements are designed to attract Nigerian teachers preparing for their Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) certification exams, focusing on educational technology and pedagogical knowledge.

Table of Contents

 Here are the answers:

  1. e. Parents
  2. c. Real objects
  3. c. Direct real experience and verbal symbols
  4. d. Dynamic approach
  5. d. Confidentiality
  6. c. Social
  7. d. Librarian
  8. a. Unique identification code
  9. c. Power
  10. d. Systemic
  11. b. Follow
  12. a. The use of objects and pictures in teaching and learning
  13. c. Physical experience materials
  14. c. The application of technology in solving educational problems
  15. d. Dormant
  16. d. The use of traditional approach in education
  17. a. Language of instruction in education
  18. d. The use of technology in education
  19. d. Religion
  20. c. Multiple objective
  21. a. Lecturing
  22. a. Principles of educational technology can only solve problems at macro level
  23. c. Teachers recruitment
  24. c. Choice of topic in class
  25. d. Identifying the difference between teaching and instruction
  26. a. Early man era, chalk board era, mass communication, information, communication and technology
  27. c. Johann Gutenberg
  28. c. Learners
  29. e. ICT
  30. c. 1953
  31. c. Eastern Nigeria television
  32. d. 1960
  33. d. 1979
  34. d. Organization of conference for teachers on the use of educational technology in class
  35. c. 2003
  36. e. American government
  37. c. Alvan ikoku college of education
  38. a. National universities
  39. d. Non of the above
  40. e. Hacking information
  41. d. The library
  42. e. Non of the above
  43. d. Federal
  44. b. Federal government
  45. b. National educational technology institute
  46. b. By design and purpose
  47. a. Utilization
  48. a. Instructional resources by design
  49. a. Method
  50. a. Instructional resources by design
  51. a. Available resource found in the environment
  52. e. Printing technology
  53. d. Shows teachers ingenuity and resourcefulness
  54. d. Learning time
  55. b. Cyclical
  56. d. Distinguishing humans form animal
  57. c. Learners
  58. e. Noise
  59. e. Present information at highest academic level
  60. a. Keep it short and simple


