Subject-Verb Agreement Rules Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 11



English Studies


Primary 3 / Basic 3


Second Term




8–9 years


The Rule of Verb Agreement (Concord)


Using Subject-Verb Agreement in Sentences


40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define subject-verb agreement.
  2. Identify correct and incorrect examples of subject-verb agreement.
  3. Apply subject-verb agreement correctly in their own sentences.


  • Verb: An action or doing word.
  • Agreement: Harmony between the subject and verb.
  • Singular: Refers to one.
  • Plural: Refers to more than one.

Set Induction:

The teacher writes two sentences on the board:

  1. The boy play in the park.
  2. The boy plays in the park.

The teacher asks, “Which sentence sounds correct? Why?” This introduces the idea of subject-verb agreement.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils are familiar with the concept of verbs and how they indicate actions in sentences.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts with examples of subject-verb agreement
  • Worksheets for independent practice
  • Flashcards with singular and plural examples

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have previously learned about regular and irregular verbs. This knowledge will help them understand how to match verbs to singular and plural subjects.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Collaboration and communication (group discussions).
  2. Critical thinking (identifying and correcting errors).
  3. Problem-solving (applying the rule of concord).

Learning Materials:

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work.
  2. English grammar textbooks.

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard
  • Worksheets
  • Flashcards with examples of singular and plural subjects


The Rule of Verb Agreement (Concord):

  1. Definition:
    Subject-verb agreement means the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.
  2. Explanation:
    • Singular subjects use singular verbs (e.g., “She runs“).
    • Plural subjects use plural verbs (e.g., “They run“).
  3. Examples:
    • Singular subject: The boy plays football.
    • Plural subject: The boys play football.
    • Singular subject: He is my friend.
    • Plural subject: They are my friends.
  4. Rules to Remember:
    • Add -s or -es to the verb for singular subjects in present tense.
    • Do not add -s or -es to the verb for plural subjects.
    • For the verb “to be,” use is for singular and are for plural.
  5. Further Examples:
    • The cat sleeps on the bed (singular).
    • The cats sleep on the bed (plural).
    • He eats lunch at noon (singular).
    • They eat lunch at noon (plural).

Evaluation Questions:

  1. The baby _______ (cry/cries) loudly. (Answer: cries)
  2. The dogs _______ (run/runs) fast. (Answer: run)
  3. She _______ (is/are) my teacher. (Answer: is)
  4. They _______ (was/were) at the park. (Answer: were)
  5. The bird _______ (fly/flies) in the sky. (Answer: flies)
  6. The girls _______ (dance/dances) at the party. (Answer: dance)
  7. He _______ (write/writes) neatly. (Answer: writes)
  8. We _______ (go/goes) to school daily. (Answer: go)
  9. The boy _______ (run/runs) fast. (Answer: runs)
  10. It _______ (is/are) a sunny day. (Answer: is)
  11. I _______ (am/is) reading a book. (Answer: am)
  12. She _______ (sing/sings) beautifully. (Answer: sings)
  13. The children _______ (play/plays) outside. (Answer: play)
  14. He _______ (eat/eats) rice for lunch. (Answer: eats)
  15. The men _______ (work/works) hard. (Answer: work)

Class Activity Discussion FAQs:

  1. What is subject-verb agreement?
    • It means the subject and verb must match in number.
  2. What is a singular subject?
    • A subject that refers to one person or thing.
  3. What is a plural subject?
    • A subject that refers to more than one person or thing.
  4. What verb form matches “he”?
    • Singular verb (e.g., he runs).
  5. What verb form matches “they”?
    • Plural verb (e.g., they run).
  6. What does a verb show in a sentence?
    • It shows an action or state of being.
  7. Which is correct: “She eat” or “She eats”?
    • She eats.
  8. Which is correct: “The boy is” or “The boy are”?
    • The boy is.
  9. What verb do we use with “we”?
    • A plural verb (e.g., we play).
  10. What verb do we use with “it”?
    • A singular verb (e.g., it is).
  11. Why do we use “are” with “they”?
    • Because “they” is plural.
  12. Is “He go” correct?
    • No, the correct form is He goes.
  13. Which is correct: “The birds sings” or “The birds sing”?
    • The birds sing.
  14. What is the plural verb form of “to be”?
    • Are.
  15. What is the singular verb form of “to be”?
    • Is.

Presentation Structure:

  1. Revision: Briefly review the previous lesson on regular and irregular verbs.
  2. Introduction: Use examples to introduce subject-verb agreement.
  3. Main Activity:
    • Write examples on the board.
    • Guide students to identify correct and incorrect subject-verb agreement.
  4. Practice: Provide individual and group tasks for students to practice.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Explain the rules of subject-verb agreement.
  2. Write examples and correct errors on the board.
  3. Monitor students as they complete their worksheets.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Participate in identifying correct subject-verb agreement.
  2. Work in pairs to correct errors.
  3. Complete individual tasks on worksheets.

Assessment Questions:

  1. Define subject-verb agreement.
  2. What verb matches a singular subject?
  3. Give two examples of sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.
  4. Correct the error: “The dogs barks loudly.”
  5. Write a sentence using “she” with the correct verb form.


Review the lesson by asking students to share examples of correct subject-verb agreement. Provide feedback and encourage them to practice further at home.

SEO Elements:

Captivating Title:
“Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement for Primary 3”

Focus Keyphrase:
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

SEO Title:
Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Primary 3: Lesson Plan


Meta Description:
Learn subject-verb agreement rules with examples and practice exercises tailored for Primary 3 students. Simplify grammar learning today!



  1. The __________ (dog/dogs) run(s) in the park. Answer: dogs, run
  2. She __________ (is/are) happy. Answer: is
  3. They __________ (am/is/are) happy. Answer: are
  4. The __________ (bird/birds) __________ (chirp/chirps) in the tree. Answer: birds, chirp
  5. He __________ (run/runs) around the park. Answer: runs
  6. We __________ (is/was/were) going to the beach. Answer: were
  7. The __________ (baby/babies) __________ (cry/cries) in their crib. Answer: baby, cries
  8. It __________ (is/am/are) a beautiful day. Answer: is
  9. You __________ (am/is/are) my best friend. Answer: are
  10. The __________ (boy/boys) __________ (play/plays) in the field. Answer: boy, plays

Closure (5 minutes):

  • Review the rule of subject-verb agreement and ask students to give some examples.
  • Have students share one thing they learned about subject-verb agreement.


  • Check students’ understanding through their completed worksheets and participation in class activities.
  • Use formative assessment to check for understanding during the lesson, such as asking students to identify correct subject-verb agreement in sentences on the board

Weekly Assessment /Test 

  1. What is a verb?
  2. What does a verb show in a sentence?
  3. What is subject-verb agreement?
  4. What form of verb should we use for a singular subject?
  5. What form of verb should we use for a plural subject?
  6. Is the sentence “The dog runs” correct or incorrect subject-verb agreement?
  7. Is the sentence “They is happy” correct or incorrect subject-verb agreement?
  8. Which verb form agrees with the singular subject “she”?
  9. Which verb form agrees with the plural subject “we”?
  10. Can you give an example of a sentence with correct subject-verb agreement?