Unified Schemes of Work

Subject : Christian Religious Studies

Class : Primary Four

Class : Second Term

Week : Week 2

Topic : Right Attitude To God’s Revelation

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Describe the right attitude
    to God’s revelation;
  • Discuss the important of
    been attentive.
  • Vigilant in order not miss
    the revelation
  • Narrates the story of the
    call of Samuel to pupils.
  • Students will understand what it means to have the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation.
  • Students will learn about examples of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation.

Learning Activities :

  • Pupils in small groups explain what should be the right attitude we must put up when God reveals Himself to us.
  • Pupils in small groups take turn to read the bible passages
  • Pupils in small groups think and discuss the importance of being vigilant in order not to miss God’s revelation.

Embedded Core Skills 

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Creativity and Imagination

Audio Visual Resources

  • The Holy Bible
  • 1 king 19 : 11 – 13
  • 1 Sam 3 : 1 – 6
  • Numbers 12 : 6 – 8

Content :

Attitudes towards God’s Revelation :

This simply refers to how we feel and behave towards the messages and teachings that God has given us through sacred scriptures like the Bible, Quran, and others. Here are some examples of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation:

  1. Respectful Attitude: We should always approach God’s word with respect and reverence. We can show this by being careful not to damage or deface holy books, treating them with care and consideration. We can also show respect by listening attentively when it’s being read aloud in church or at home.
  2. Open-minded Attitude: We should approach God’s word with an open mind and be willing to learn and understand new things. It means being open to the messages and teachings that may challenge our beliefs or ways of life.
  3. Obedient Attitude: We should be willing to obey God’s commands and teachings. We can show this by putting into practice what we learn from reading the Bible, Quran or other holy books. For example, following the Ten Commandments or practicing kindness, love and forgiveness.
  4. Faithful Attitude: We should believe that God’s word is true and trustworthy. We can show this by putting our faith and trust in God’s promises and teachings, even when we face challenges and struggles.
  5. Grateful Attitude: We should be grateful for the gift of God’s Revelation, and show appreciation by reading and studying it regularly. We can also express gratitude through prayer and Thanksgiving

Attitudes of Men of God when They Were Called

1 Kings 19:11-13: In this passage, the prophet Elijah was feeling discouraged and afraid, and he went to a mountain to seek God’s guidance and comfort. While he was there, he experienced a powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire, but God was not in any of those things. Then, he heard a gentle whisper, and that’s where God was. Elijah’s attitude towards God’s revelation in this passage was respectful, patient, and attentive. He didn’t give up when he didn’t immediately hear from God, but he waited patiently and attentively until he heard God’s voice.

1 Samuel 3:1-6: This passage tells the story of the young Samuel, who served in the temple of the Lord under the high priest Eli. One night, Samuel heard a voice calling his name, and he thought it was Eli. But after he went to Eli several times, Eli realized that it was God who was calling Samuel. Samuel’s attitude towards God’s revelation in this passage was obedient and respectful. He didn’t ignore the voice or think it was just his imagination, but he obeyed and listened to the voice of God.

Numbers 12:6-8: In this passage, God spoke to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, and said that He spoke to prophets in dreams and visions, but with Moses, He spoke face to face. Moses’ attitude towards God’s revelation in this passage was humble and grateful. He didn’t boast or think that he was better than others because he spoke to God face to face. Instead, he recognized that it was a privilege and blessing to have such a close relationship with God.

In summary, the right attitudes towards God’s revelation include being respectful, patient, attentive, obedient, humble, and grateful. These attitudes help us to better understand and apply God’s teachings and messages in our daily lives



Attitudes to put on when God calls:

  1. Attentive: Be attentive to God’s call by listening and paying attention to His voice. This means being present in the moment, quieting distractions, and being receptive to what God is saying.
  2. Obedient: Be obedient to God’s call by responding with a willingness to follow His direction. This means putting aside personal desires and submitting to God’s will.
  3. Humble: Be humble when God calls by recognizing that you are not in control and that God’s ways are higher than yours. This means being open to learning, seeking guidance, and being willing to grow in faith.
  4. Trusting: Be trusting when God calls by having faith that God knows what is best for you. This means trusting that God has a plan and that He will provide what you need to fulfill His calling.
  5. Courageous: Be courageous when God calls by stepping out in faith, even when it may seem difficult or scary. This means having confidence in God’s strength and ability to work through you.
  6. Grateful: Be grateful when God calls by recognizing the privilege and blessing it is to be called by God. This means expressing gratitude and thankfulness for the opportunity to serve God and fulfill His purpose for your life.

Lesson Presentation

The right attitudes towards God’s Revelation”:

Lesson Plan Title: The Right Attitudes Towards God’s Revelation

Grade Level: 4


  • Students will understand what it means to have the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation.
  • Students will learn about examples of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation.

Materials Needed:

  • Bible
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout with Bible verses and discussion questions


Introduction (5 minutes):

  1. Greet students and begin the lesson by asking them if they have ever heard of the term “God’s Revelation” before.
  2. Define the term and explain that it refers to the messages and teachings that God has given us through sacred scriptures like the Bible, Quran, and others.
  3. Explain that today we will be learning about the right attitudes we should have towards God’s Revelation.

Body (20 minutes):

  1. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students each.
  2. Distribute the handout with Bible verses and discussion questions.
  3. Instruct students to read each Bible verse and discuss with their group what attitude the person in the passage displayed towards God’s Revelation.
  4. After each group has finished discussing, come together as a class and have each group share their findings.
  5. As a class, discuss examples of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation, including respectful, open-minded, obedient, humble, and grateful attitudes.
  6. Write these attitudes on the whiteboard and provide examples of how each attitude can be demonstrated.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Review the key points discussed in the lesson.
  2. Encourage students to practice having the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation in their daily lives.
  3. Close in prayer.


  • Observe students during the group discussions to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Give a written assignment where students will be asked to identify and explain one of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation.

Week Assessment /Test 

  1. What is the right attitude towards God’s Revelation?
  2. What are some examples of the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation?
  3. How can we show a respectful attitude towards God’s Revelation?
  4. What does it mean to have an open-minded attitude towards God’s Revelation?
  5. What is an obedient attitude towards God’s Revelation?
  6. What did Elijah do when he didn’t immediately hear from God in 1 Kings 19:11-13?
  7. What did Samuel do when he heard God’s voice in 1 Samuel 3:1-6?
  8. What did Moses recognize in Numbers 12:6-8?
  9. What does it mean to have a humble attitude when God calls us?
  10. Why is it important to have the right attitudes towards God’s Revelation when we face challenges and struggles?
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