Typing and Saving on Microsoft PowerPoint


Subject : Information Technology 

Term : Second Term

Class : Primary 4

Week : 2 & 3

Topic :

Typing and Saving on Microsoft PowerPoint

Previous Lesson :

Revision Test and Revision of First Term’s Work

Learning Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Type and save a short composition about themselves



Learning Activities

  • Individually, students should launch, type and save on Microsoft Word


Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Personal Development
  • Digital Literacy



Audio Visual

  • Charts
  • Computer set
  • Projector
  • Sound system
  • Online Resources





Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a computer program that helps you create presentations. Presentations are like speeches or reports that you give to a group of people, but with pictures, videos, and text to help you explain your ideas.

For example, let’s say you want to do a presentation about your favorite animal, the lion. You could use Microsoft PowerPoint to create slides that show pictures of lions, fun facts about lions, and maybe even a video of lions in the wild.

Here are some more examples of things you can do with Microsoft PowerPoint:

  • Create a school project about a topic you’re interested in, like space or dinosaurs.
  • Make a birthday party invitation with pictures and text that you can email or print out.
  • Create a recipe book with pictures of your favorite foods and step-by-step instructions on how to make them.
  • Make a timeline of important events in history or in your own life.
  • Create a photo album with pictures from a family vacation or a special event like a wedding.

Microsoft PowerPoint can help you organize your ideas, make them look nice and easy to understand, and share them with others. I hope this helps you understand what Microsoft PowerPoint is and how you can use it!




How To Type a Short composition about Themselves

  1. Start by opening a blank document in a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  2. At the top of the page, write your name and the date.
  3. Begin your composition by introducing yourself. You can write a sentence or two about your age, grade, and where you live. For example: “My name is Sarah and I’m in fourth grade. I live in a small town called Oakville.”
  4. Next, write about your hobbies and interests. This is a great opportunity to share what you like to do in your free time. For example: “In my free time, I love to play soccer with my friends. I also enjoy reading books and drawing pictures of animals.”
  5. Write about your family. You can include information about your parents, siblings, or pets. For example: “I have a mom and dad who love me very much. I also have a little sister named Emily and a dog named Max.”
  6. Describe your favorite things. This could be your favorite food, color, or animal. For example: “My favorite food is pizza. I love the color purple because it reminds me of flowers. My favorite animal is a dolphin because they are so smart and graceful.”
  7. Finish your composition by writing about your future goals. This can be anything you want to achieve or become in the future. For example: “When I grow up, I want to be a veterinarian so I can help take care of animals. I also hope to travel to different countries and learn about different cultures.”
  8. Once you’ve finished writing, read through your composition to check for any mistakes. You can also ask a teacher or parent to read it over and give you feedback.
  9. Finally, save your composition so you can access it later. You can also print it out to share with your classmates or family members.

By following these steps, you can type a short composition about yourself and share it with others. Good luck!





  1. What is Microsoft PowerPoint? a) A word processing program b) A presentation program c) A spreadsheet program d) A photo editing program

Answer: b) A presentation program

  1. What is the purpose of a presentation? a) To write a story b) To organize data c) To share information with others d) To create a photo album

Answer: c) To share information with others

  1. What should be included in a composition about yourself? a) Your favorite TV show b) Your age and grade c) Your favorite teacher d) Your favorite color

Answer: b) Your age and grade

  1. How can Microsoft PowerPoint help you create a composition about yourself? a) By allowing you to insert pictures and text b) By helping you write the composition for you c) By automatically saving the composition for you d) By allowing you to play games on the computer

Answer: a) By allowing you to insert pictures and text

  1. Which program should you use to type a short composition about yourself? a) Microsoft PowerPoint b) Microsoft Excel c) Microsoft Word d) Microsoft Access

Answer: c) Microsoft Word

  1. What should you include in the introduction of your composition? a) Your favorite food b) Your name and the date c) A story about your family d) A list of your hobbies

Answer: b) Your name and the date

  1. What should you write about in the body of your composition? a) Your favorite animal b) Your favorite TV show c) Your hobbies and interests d) Your favorite color

Answer: c) Your hobbies and interests

  1. What is the purpose of writing about your future goals in your composition? a) To share your plans with others b) To show off your writing skills c) To keep your goals private d) To write a story about your dreams

Answer: a) To share your plans with others

  1. How can you check your composition for mistakes? a) By asking a teacher or parent to read it over b) By printing it out and looking at it on paper c) By closing your eyes and imagining it in your head d) By reading it backwards

Answer: a) By asking a teacher or parent to read it over

  1. What should you do once you’ve finished typing your composition? a) Save it so you can access it later b) Delete it from your computer c) Print out copies to give to your friends d) Play a video game

Answer: a) Save it so you can access it later




Lesson Presentation


  • Ask students if they have ever given a presentation before, and what that means.
  • Explain that Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool that can be used to create presentations, which are like speeches or reports with pictures, videos, and text.
  • Explain that students will be using Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation about themselves.


  • Demonstrate how to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation by creating a sample presentation about yourself.
  • Show students how to add text, images, and videos to the presentation.
  • Explain that they can use these same skills to create their own presentations about themselves.
  • Pass out handouts with instructions on how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and have students practice creating their own presentations.
  • Once they have finished their presentations, have them present them to the class.
  • Next, explain that they will also be typing a short composition about themselves using Microsoft Word.
  • Show students how to open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
  • Explain what should be included in the composition (name, age, hobbies, etc.).
  • Have students practice typing their own compositions about themselves.
  • Once they have finished, have them save their compositions and share them with the class.


  • Review what was learned during the lesson.
  • Ask students if they have any questions or if there is anything they want to share about their presentations or compositions.
  • Encourage students to use Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word to create their own presentations and compositions outside of class.


  • Students will be assessed based on their ability to create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint and type a short composition about themselves using Microsoft Word. They will also be assessed on their presentation skills when sharing their work with the class

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool used to create _________. Answer: presentations
  2. A presentation is like a speech or report with pictures, videos, and _________. Answer: text
  3. Microsoft Word is a tool used to create and edit _________. Answer: documents
  4. In a short composition about yourself, you should include your name, age, and _________. Answer: grade
  5. To create a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can add text, images, and _________. Answer: videos
  6. When creating a short composition about yourself, you should also include your hobbies and _________. Answer: interests
  7. To practice typing a short composition about yourself, you can use a word processing program like Microsoft _________.

Answer: Word

  1. When giving a presentation, you should make eye contact with your audience and speak in a loud and _________ voice.

Answer: clear

  1. To check your composition for mistakes, you can ask a teacher or parent to _________ it over.

Answer: read

  1. Once you have finished typing your composition, you should save it so you can access it _________.

Answer: later

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