Business Studies JSS 1 Second Term Examination


SUBJECT: Business Studies
TIME: 1 Hour
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.


Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. Factors of production are materials used to provide goods and services.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  2. There are _____ major factors of production.
    (a) 8
    (b) 4
    (c) 5
    (d) 6

  3. ________ is a natural resource found within a nation.
    (a) Capital
    (b) Land
    (c) Labour
    (d) Entrepreneur

  4. Capital is the monetary resource used for purchasing natural resources.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  5. _______ is required to transform raw materials into consumer goods.
    (a) Farmer
    (b) Labour
    (c) Doctor
    (d) Teacher

  6. _________ is the productive activity for which one is paid.
    (a) Business
    (b) Game
    (c) Occupation
    (d) Duty

  7. There are ____ types of occupation.
    (a) 7
    (b) 3
    (c) 6
    (d) 9

  8. Profession is a type of occupation.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  9. Truthfulness is expressing the _______.
    (a) Truth
    (b) Dishonesty
    (c) Cunning act
    (d) Lies

  10. Being truthful to yourself and others means ______.
    (a) Assurance
    (b) Honesty
    (c) Value
    (d) State

  11. _____ is an attribute of truthfulness.
    (a) Steadfastness
    (b) Stealing
    (c) Fraud
    (d) Embezzlement

  12. Fear makes people tell lies.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  13. Not being truthful affects the growth of a business.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  14. Fair play is an established standard of decency and honesty.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  15. The process of designing, launching, and running a new business to make a profit is called _______.
    (a) Entrepreneur
    (b) True
    (c) False

  16. _________ is an economic organization.
    (a) Employment
    (b) Rates
    (c) Enterprise
    (d) Bank

  17. A situation where an individual works for themselves is called ___________.
    (a) Employee
    (b) Enterprise
    (c) Self-employed

  18. The following are factors of production except ____________.
    (a) Entrepreneur
    (b) Advertising
    (c) Capital
    (d) Labour

  19. Provision of social service is a facility of self-employment.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  20. The following are components of the business environment except __________.
    (a) Bookkeeping
    (b) Shorthand
    (c) Computer
    (d) Insurance

  21. Documents used for preparing accounts are _______.
    (a) Cheque
    (b) Source documents
    (c) Purchase
    (d) Note

  22. Which of these is not a source document?
    (a) Invoice
    (b) Receipt
    (c) Credit note
    (d) Draft

  23. _________ means the transfer of goods and services from one place to another.
    (a) Transportation
    (b) Bill
    (c) Business
    (d) Transaction

  24. _________ is the first book in which we record the transactions of a business.
    (a) Journal
    (b) File
    (c) Docket
    (d) Bond

  25. Each record in the journal is called a/an ______.
    (a) Forward
    (b) Carriage
    (c) Entry
    (d) Positioning

  26. A joint journal used for both sales and purchases is called _______.
    (a) Joint journal
    (b) General journal
    (c) Passbook
    (d) Original journal

  27. Which of these is not a type of journal?
    (a) Purchase journal
    (b) Returns inward journal
    (c) Balance brought forward journal
    (d) Sales journal

  28. The sum of the debit side must always be equal to that of the credit side.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  29. _______ is anything of value that is owned by a business.
    (a) Liability
    (b) Expenses
    (c) Asset
    (d) Capital

  30. _________ is the total investment in a business.
    (a) Capital
    (b) Asset
    (c) Expenses
    (d) Liability

  31. The amount owed by a business to another is _______.
    (a) Liability
    (b) Expenses
    (c) Asset
    (d) Capital

  32. _________ is not an expense item.
    (a) Rent
    (b) Insurance
    (c) Wage
    (d) Plant and Machinery

  33. _______ accounts are those of debtors and creditors.
    (a) Impersonal
    (b) Real
    (c) Personal
    (d) Nominal

  34. A business document issued by a seller when goods are sold on credit is called _______.
    (a) Invoice
    (b) Cash register
    (c) Debit note
    (d) Pass

  35. _________ is a written order from an account holder to a bank to pay a specific sum of money to a person.
    (a) Teller
    (b) Receipt
    (c) Withdrawal slip
    (d) Cheque

  36. Business studies is the study of the ______ of a business environment.
    (a) Source documents
    (b) Component parts
    (c) Accounting information
    (d) Promotional sales

  37. ________ office deals with the day-to-day running of an organization.
    (a) Small office
    (b) Administrative office
    (c) General office
    (d) Large office


Answer all questions in this section.

  1. (i) What is the meaning of production?
    (ii) List and explain the factors of production.

  2. (i) Define Occupation.
    (ii) Explain each class of occupation and give examples.

  3. (i) What does it mean when we say a person is truthful?
    (ii) Name three attributes of a truthful person.

  4. (i) What is Fair Play?
    (ii) Mention five attributes of fair play.
    (iii) Mention the benefits you have personally derived from telling the truth.