














  1. What is the definition of mercy? A. Punishment B. Forgiveness C. Revenge D. None of the above
  2. Mercy helps us to show: A. Punishment B. Forgiveness C. Revenge D. None of the above
  3. How often should we forgive our brother? A. Once B. Twice C. Seven times D. Seventy times seven
  4. List two reasons why God shows us mercy: A. To punish us B. To teach us a lesson C. To show His love and compassion D. To make us suffer
  5. What is the purpose of mercy? A. To harm others B. To make others suffer C. To show kindness and compassion D. To seek revenge
  6. Mercy is often associated with: A. Anger and hatred B. Forgiveness and compassion C. Punishment and retribution D. None of the above
  7. When we show mercy, we are: A. Harming others B. Forgiving others C. Taking revenge on others D. None of the above
  8. Mercy is an important part of: A. Anger and hatred B. Forgiveness and compassion C. Punishment and retribution D. None of the above
  9. What does mercy mean in a spiritual context? A. Punishment B. Forgiveness C. Revenge D. None of the above
  10. Why is it important to show mercy to others? A. To harm them B. To make them suffer C. To show love and compassion D. To seek revenge
  11. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians? a. To provide comfort and peace b. To empower us to do the work of God c. To guide us in understanding God’s will d. All of the above
  12. Who is considered to be one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity? a. The Holy Spirit b. God the Father c. Jesus Christ d. All of the above
  13. How does the Holy Spirit help us resist temptation? a. By giving us the courage to stand up for our beliefs b. By providing comfort in difficult times c. By strengthening our faith d. By helping us make good decisions
  14. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives? a. To help us grow in our relationship with God b. To provide guidance and wisdom c. To help us spread the gospel d. All of the above
  15. Who is Segun in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  16. Who is Bolujo in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  17. Who is Fidelis in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  18. Who is Emily in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  19. What is the main purpose of help, according to the Holy Spirit? a. To make life easier or better for someone in need b. To provide physical, emotional, or financial support c. To be provided by an individual, a group, or an organization d. All of the above
  20. What does the Holy Spirit provide to Christians facing difficult times? a. Courage b. Peace and comfort c. Wisdom and guidance d. All of the above
  21. How does the Holy Spirit work within us to help us grow in our relationship with God? a. By changing our hearts and minds b. By giving us the power and strength we need to carry out the work of God c. By helping us understand God’s will d. All of the above
  22. How does the Holy Spirit help us make good decisions? a. By giving us the courage to stand up for our beliefs b. By providing comfort and peace c. By providing guidance and wisdom d. By helping us resist temptation
  23. How does the Holy Spirit empower us to live a faithful life? a. By helping us understand God’s will b. By giving us courage c. By resisting temptation d. All of the above
  24. What does the Holy Spirit do to help us spread the gospel? a. Provides courage and boldness b. Guides us in our words and actions c. Empowers us to share our faith with others d. All of the above
  25. How does the Holy Spirit help us grow in our spiritual lives? a. By helping us understand God’s word b. By giving us the power to live a holy life c. By giving us a heart of love and compassion d. All of the above
  26. In what ways can the Holy Spirit provide comfort and peace to us? a. By helping us feel the presence of God in difficult times b. By giving us hope and strength to endure c. By calming our minds and hearts d. All of the above
  27. How does the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily lives? a. By giving us wisdom and discernment b. By providing direction and clarity c. By helping us make good decisions d. All of the above
  28. What does the Holy Spirit give us the power to do? a. Overcome temptation b. Bear witness to Jesus Christ c. Live a faithful life d. All of the above
  29. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our personal relationships? a. By providing peace and unity b. By giving us the power to forgive c. By guiding us in our interactions with others d. All of the above
  30. Why is the presence of the Holy Spirit important in our lives? a. To help us grow in our faith b. To empower us to live a faithful life c. To provide comfort and peace in difficult times d. All of the above
  31. What is the significance of the day of Pentecost in Christianity? a. It is the birth of the Christian church. b. It is the fulfillment of a prophecy in the Old Testament. c. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit to believers. d. All of the above.
  32. When did the event of Pentecost occur? a. 50 days after the Feast of Passover. b. 100 days after the Feast of Passover. c. 75 days after the Feast of Passover. d. 30 days after the Feast of Passover.
  33. Who were present in the room where the event of Pentecost occurred? a. The apostles of Jesus. b. The Jews from all parts of the world. c. The followers of Jesus. d. Both a and c.
  34. What happened on the day of Pentecost? a. The disciples spoke in different languages. b. People from all over the world heard the disciples speaking in their own languages. c. The Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples. d. All of the above.
  35. What was the sound that the disciples heard on the day of Pentecost? a. The sound of a mighty wind. b. The sound of a gentle breeze. c. The sound of thunder. d. The sound of silence.
  36. What did the people think when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages on the day of Pentecost? a. They thought the disciples were drunk. b. They thought it was a miracle. c. They thought it was a trick. d. They thought it was normal.
  37. Who preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost? a. Peter. b. John. c. James. d. Andrew.
  38. What did Peter preach to the crowd on the day of Pentecost? a. The message of salvation through Jesus. b. The message of condemnation. c. The message of judgment. d. The message of prosperity.
  39. How many people were saved on the day of Pentecost according to the Bible? a. 3,000. b. 1,000. c. 5,000. d. 2,000.
  40. What does the event of Pentecost symbolize for Christians? a. The universality of the gospel message. b. The breaking down of barriers by the Holy Spirit. c. The empowerment of believers to serve as witnesses of Jesus. d. All of the above.

Part B

  1. What is the significance of the day of Pentecost in the history of the Christian church?
  2. When did the event of Pentecost occur in relation to the Feast of Passover?
  3. What was the form that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost?
  4. Why did the disciples speak in different languages on the day of Pentecost?
  5. How did the people respond when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages?
  6. Who preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost?
  7. How many people were saved on the day of Pentecost according to the Bible?
  8. What is the significance of the event of Pentecost in the lives of believers today?
  9. How did the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost fulfill a prophecy in the Old Testament?
  10. What does the Holy Spirit coming to the believers on Pentecost signify for all believers?


What is the significance of Pentecost in the Christian church’s history? Pentecost is important because it marks when the Holy Spirit came to the early Christians, giving them power to spread Jesus’ teachings.

2. When did Pentecost happen compared to Passover? Pentecost happened about 50 days after Passover.

3. How did the Holy Spirit come to the disciples? The Holy Spirit came to the disciples like a strong wind and as fiery tongues.

4. Why did the disciples speak different languages? The disciples spoke in different languages so everyone could understand them, even people from different countries.

5. How did people react to the disciples speaking different languages? People were amazed and some were confused, but many listened carefully.

6. Who talked to the crowd on Pentecost? Peter talked to the crowd and told them about Jesus.

7. How many people became believers on Pentecost? About 3,000 people believed in Jesus and became followers that day.

8. Why is Pentecost important for believers today? Pentecost reminds us of the Holy Spirit’s power and how it helps us live as followers of Jesus.

9. How did Pentecost fulfill an Old Testament prophecy? Pentecost fulfilled a prophecy by Joel, who said God would pour out his Spirit on all people.

10. What does the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost mean for all believers? The Holy Spirit’s coming means that God is always with us, guiding and helping us in our lives.

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