CRS 4 Exams

  1. ——- is a thing that is wanted or required. (a)Scarcity (b)Shift (c)Need (d)Option
  2. God provides our need because He —— us. (a)hates (b)values (c)struggles with (d)forbids
  3. God wants us to _____ first. (a)seek his kingdom (b)search for good (c)struggle for food (d)be lazy
  4. We make our requests known to God through _____. (a)electronic mail (b)wailing (c)prayers (d)arguments
  5. The Bible instructions us ask, seek and ____ (a)search (b)knock (c)find (d)approve
  6. Our father in heaven gives us ____ when we ask. (a)calamity (b)catastrophe (c)our needs (d)sickness
  7. God put Adam in the Garden of Eden to ____. (a)sleep in it (b)eat fruits (c)work in it and take care of it (d)destroy the trees
  8. The Bible advises us to keep away from ____ people. (a)idle (b)good (c)obedient (d)kind
  9. A _____ is a job or activity that you do regularly especially in order to earn money. (a)ritual (b)work (c)punishment (d)project
  10. A profession is a type of job that requires special education, training or skill. TRUE/ FALSE
  11. We work to die of hunger. TRUE/ FALSE
  12. We work to take care of our needs. TRUE/ FALSE
  13. We work in order to be responsible. TRUE / FALSE
  14. _____ is an example of work. (a)Farming (b)Eating (c)Drinking (d)Beautiful
  15. God saved _____, _____ and _____ from fire. (a)Adam, Eve, Cain (b)Moses, Joshua and Caleb (c)Shedrach, Meshack, Abednego (d)Paul, Silas, Barnabas
  16. God saved _____ from the lion’s den. (a)David (b)John (c)Daniel (d)Abraham
  17. God provided _____ and quails for the Isrealites. (a)manna (b)bread (c)rice (d)ice cream

Complete each of these statements (Matthew 7:7-11)

  1. Ask and it shall be ____ 
  2. Seek and you shall _____
  3. Whom did God send to rescue the Isrealites from the Egyptians? (a)David (b)Joshua (c)Moses (d)Paul


1a. What is work?

  1. List out three reasons why people work.
  2. God provides us with all our needs. Mention five (5) things God provides.
  3. What did God create on the following days of creation:
  4. First:___________              ii. Second:_______________        iii. Third:___________________
  5. Fourth:___________        v .Fifth:__________________       vi. Sixth:___________________

4a.What is profession?

  1. Mention five (5) types of job you know.
  2. Mention five (5) people God delivered from danger.           
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