Write a composition on “How i spend my last holiday”




  1. Write  in figure One billon, Seventy-Three Thousand and Five Hundred.

(a) 1,000,073,500  (b) 1,000,730,500 (c) 1,000037,700

  1. Write in words 1347840321

(a)One billion, three hundred and forty-seven million, eight hundred and forty thousand, three hundred and twenty-one.  (b) Thirteen billion, four hundred and seventy-eight million, four hundred and thirty-two thousand and one (c) One billion, four hundred and seventy-eight million, forty thousand, three hundred and thirty-two

  1. What is the place value of 8 in 24823114? (a) Ten thousand (b) Hundred thousand (c) Million
  2. Determine the place value of 5 in 4.052? (a) Hundredth (b) Thousandth (c) Tenth
  3. What is 5/1000 in decimal? (a) 0.050 (b) 0.0005 (c) 0.005
  4. Find the LCM of 8 and 12? (a) 24  (b) 26  (c) 42
  5. Find the HCF of 9, 15 and 21? (a) 5  (b) 4  (c) 3
  6. Express 0.125 as fraction in its lowest term? (a) 1/9  (b) 1/8 (c) 1/10
  7. What is 1/5 of an hour?  (a) 13minutes (b) 15 minutes (c) 12 minutes
  8. Add 5/18 + 5/6 + 4/9? (a) 5 1/9   (b) 5 5/9   (c) 2 4/9   
  9. Divide 3 by 8? (a) 0.375 (b) 0.573  (c) 0.537
  10. Multiply 32.4 by 126? (a) 40.824 (b) 408. 24 (c) 4082.4
  11. Why is one not a prime number? (a) Because it can divide all numbers without reminder  (b) Because it does not have two different factors   (c) Because it is a whole number.
  12. Add 0.165 and 1.001? (a) 1.166 (b) 1.116 (c)1.616
  13. Solve 123000 – 98471 + 7289? (a) 31,717 (b) 31,819 (c) 31,818
  14. Find the difference between 4,000,000 and 291,325? (a) 3,708,675 (b) 3780675 (c) 3708576
  15. Write to nearest whole number 625.18? (a) 625  (b) 626  (c) 665
  16.  Correct 969.198 to 1 decimal places? (a) 969.2  (b) 969.3 (c) 969.5
  17. Divide 2.58 by 0.7, give your answer correct to 2 decimal places? (a) 3.86  (b) 3.69  (c) 3.96
  18. Which of these is not a factor of 49? (a) 7  (b) 1 (c) 3


  1. a) Write 8 026 012 324 in words.
  1. b) Write in figure Seven billion, nine hundred million, forty-one thousand and seven.
  1. a) Find the HCF of 16, 32 and 40
  1. b) What is the LCM of 100 and 200
  1. a) Divide 8363 by 11
  1. b) Multiply 327 by 19
  1. a) List all the factors of 27
  1. b) Write out all the prime factors of 42
  1. a) Simplify  8  x 4 + 6 ÷ 2
  1. b) Solve 12 + 1/5 of 20 – 6




  1. yams can be preserved in the ____________ (a) bags (b) silo (c) barn 
  2. Grains are stored in the _______ (a) silo (b) barns (c) refrigerator
  3. Which of the following is not a method of preservation? (a) smoking (b) boiling (c) bottling 
  4. One of these can be stored in bags?   (a) tomato (b) maize (c) orange
  5. Factors that may hinder preservation include the following except ______ (a) temperature (a) moisture (c) crops
  6.  The water content of crops can be removed or reduced by ________ (a) bagging (b) sun drying (c) salting 
  7. _________ was the job of the early men (a) teaching (b) farming (c) butchers
  8. Agriculture provides employment for the following except _______ (a) doctors (b) fishermen (c) butchers 
  9. Which of the following is not the activity of crop farmers?  (a) planting crops (b) feeding fish (c) weeding 
  10. One of these animals is not source of power to farmers? (a) lions (b) camels  (c) donkey
  11. Young fish reared in ponds are called _________ (a) pond fish (b) fingerlings (c) small fish
  12. Which of the following is a medicinal herb? (a) pawpaw leaf (b) lettuce (c) cabbage 
  13. The rearing of fish is called _______ (a) fishing (b) fisherman (c) fishery
  14. Farm products that provides heat is _______ (a) electric stove  (b) firewood (c) gas cooker
  15. Early people were _______ (a) wanderers (b) hunters (c) fruit gathers
  16. Yam, maize, rice are regarded as ________ (a) raw materials (b) food products (c) medicinal
  17. The process of growing trees is called ______ (a) planting of crops (b) afforestation (c) deforestation
  18. Cutting down of trees in the forest is called _______ (a) deforestation (b) afforestation  (c) cultivation 
  19. We can process cassava into _______ (a) garri (b) moimoi  (c) poundo yam
  20. The early people ate ______as food (a) fruits  (b) grains  (c) yams    


1a. What is preservation? _______________________________________________________



  1. Mention two factors that may hinder preservation? 

(i) __________________________________ (ii) ____________________________________

2a. Define agriculture? ________________________________________________________


  1. State two people in agriculture? (i) ____________________________________________

(ii) ___________________________________

3a. Mention four methods of preserving food? (i) ____________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________ (iii) __________________________________

(iv) _____________________________________

  1. Mention two foods that can be stored by refrigeration? (i) ____________________________

(ii) ____________________________________

4a. What are grains? _____________________________________________________________


  1. Mention four examples of grain food? (i) __________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ (iii) ___________________________________

(iv) ___________________________________

5a. Mention four examples of oil crops? (i) ____________________ (ii) ____________________

(iii) _____________________________ (iv) ______________________________

  1. State four examples of tuber crops? (i) _____________________ (ii) ____________________

(iii) _________________________ (iv) _______________________




  1. Which of these countries doesn’t have influence on Nigeria family? (a) Canada (b) Togo (c) Britain
  2. Foreign countries have influenced Nigerian families in the following ways except ________ (a) language (b) dressing (c) sleeping
  3. _________ are people who are engaged in a job either for themselves or working for someone in order to cater for their family. (a) travelling parents (b) working parents (c) lazy parents
  4. A marriage between an Hausa man and Hausa woman is referred to as ________ marriage (a) intra-marriage  (b) court marriage (c) inter-ethnic
  5. An Igbo man that marries an Urobo women, this type of marriage is called ________ (a) court   (b) intra-marriage (c) inter-ethnic
  6. One of the following is an advantage of working parent? (a)  they do not have enough time for their family (b) they make money to cater for the family (c) they have their babies in the care of neighbours or housemaid.
  7. A woman who has not yet married is called ___________ (a) spinster (b) unmarried woman (c) bachelor
  8. A man who has not yet married is called _________ (a) unmarried man (b) bachelor (c) spinster 
  9. Religious intolerance is caused when ________ (a) people believe their religious is better than other religious (b) people believe the serve of one God (c) people believe that all religious preach love
  10. One of the following religious is not practiced in Nigeria? (a) Christianity (b) Islam (c) Buddhism 
  11. Which of the following is a positive aspect of foreign culture on our values and beliefs? (a) internet fraud  (b) education (c) mass accident
  12. The following are disadvantages of foreign cultures on our values and beliefs excepts ______ (a) eating canned food instead of fresh food (b) loss of interest in our traditions and customs (c)we are able to learn western education 
  13. ________ are associations formed by groups of workers for the purpose of working to improve the welfare and conditions of services of their members. (a) national union (b) trade union (c) teachers union 
  14. The money received after hourly or daily work is __________ (a) wages (b) income (c) salary 
  15. The condition in which one has a job to do on a daily basis to earn a living is referred to as _________ (a) job  (b) employment (c) unemployment
  16. Examples of trade unions are the following except _________ (a) NTA (b) NUJ  (c) NUT
  17. _______ is a condition in which one has no job to do on a regular basis. (a) unemployment (b) job (c) employment
  18. The money a worker receives at the end of the month is called __________ (a) wages (b) savings (c) salary
  19. Parents and teachers responsibilities to children include the following except ________ (a) supervise their studies (b) teach them morals (c) allow them to play all time
  20. _____ is the head of the family (a) mother (b) father (c) aunts


  1. a) What is inter-ethnic marriage? ___________________________________________


  1. b) Give an example of inter-ethnic marriage? ________________________________

  1. a) What is intra-ethnic marriage?____________________________________________


  1. b) Give an example of intra-ethnic marriage? __________________________________

  1. a) What is culture? ________________________________________________________


  1. b) List four aspects of culture? (i)  ___________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________  (iii) ________________________________

(iv) _________________________________

  1. a) Define marital failure? ___________________________________________________


  1. b) State two causes of marital failure? (i) ______________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________

  1. a)What is labour? _________________________________________________________


  1. b) The reward for labour is ________________________________________________




  1. _______ are awards given to citizens of Nigeria who in the course of doing their work, have rendered exceptional contribution to the development to their nation. (a)  national symbols award (b) national honours award (c) national anthem award
  2. Which of the following is not a reason for awarding national honours? (a) to promote excellence (b) to promote patriotism  (c) to promote corruption
  3. When was national honours award established? (a) 1960 (b) 1946  (c) 1964
  4. Which is the highest honour of the national honour award? (a) GCFR (b) GCON  (c) CFR
  5. Goods brought into the country from another countries are called _______ (a) exported goods (b) imported goods (c) Nigerian goods 
  6. ________ are those things that are produced for our survival as human beings. (a) commodities (b) goods (c) Nigerian goods 
  7. One of the following is a value that promotes development in a society? (a) honesty (b) corruption (c) fraud 
  8. One of the basic duties of a citizen is to ________ (a) pay tax and levies (b) form rebel against government (c) be selfish
  9. Goods made in Nigeria is called __________ (a) Nigeria food (b) foreign goods (c) Nigerian goods
  10. _______ is an important reason for consuming made in Nigeria (a) national pride (b) unemployment (c) laziness
  11.   Is national unity a positive value that promotes peace? (a) yes (b) no (c) all of the above
  12. Why do citizens refuse to patronize made in Nigeria goods? (a) high quality (b) low cost in price (c) low in quality  
  13. Nigeria made goods can be encouraged by _______ (a) producing standard goods (b) using quality materials (c) producing fake products
  14. The following are factors affecting made in Nigeria goods except __________ (a) poor electricity supply (b) poor or bad managerial skills (c) employment opportunity
  15. The following are made in Nigeria goods except _____ (a) exercise books (b) television (c) pencils
  16. Which of these national honours award is conferred on President Muhammadu Buhari? (a) GCON (b) GCFR (c) GCOM
  17. Professor Yemi Osibajo the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which national honour conferred on him? (a) GCON (b) GCFR (c) MFR
  18. The following people are national honours award except ______ (a) Aliko Dangote (b) Mike Adenuga (c) Mrs Bode-Idowu
  19. Nigeria can become a great nation if ________ (a) we discourage corruption (b) we produce our own goods (c) we encourage corruption 
  20. Which is not a political party in Nigeria? (a) PDP  (b) APC (c) NTA


  1. a) State the full meaning of:




  1. b) The highest national honours award is ____________________________

  1. a) Define goods? __________________________________________________________



  1. b) What is Nigerian goods? _________________________________________________



  1. a) List four examples of goods made in Nigeria? _________________________________

________________________________, ______________________________________, ___________________________________

  1. b) State two reasons why we should value Nigeria goods? ________________________



  1. a) Give four examples of people awarded with national honours?  ___________________________, ________________________________, ____________________________, _______________________________
  1. b) Who established national honours award? ______________________________________________________________________

  1. a) What are national symbols? _____________________________________________


  1. b) State two examples of national symbols? _________________________________, 





  1. The following are living things except _________ (a) stone (b) plants (c) animals
  2. Non-living things include the following except _______ (a)  iced block (b) banana plant (c) cup cake
  3. ________ is the liquid substance that circulates in the body, taking food materials and other nutrients round the parts of the body. (a) liquid (b) blood (c)  blood cell
  4. Blood is made up of the following except ________ (a) plasma (b) red blood cells (c) arteries 
  5. Which of the following helps in blood clothing? (a) white blood cells (b) platelets (c) red blood cells
  6. The organ that carries blood away from the heart is called _____ (a) vein (b) capillary (c) artery
  7. Which of these organs carries blood towards the heart? (a) vein (b) artery (c) capillary 
  8. ________ are substances other than food which we use for treatment and prevention of diseases. (a) panadol  (b) drug abuse (c) drugs
  9.   Pick out which is not a hard drug? (a) cocaine (b) paracetamol  (c) marijuana
  10. Which of the following is not to be considered before growing crops? (a) good seed (b) watering can (c) good stem cuttings
  11. The following are male reproductive organ except ________ (a) penis  (b) scrotal sac (c) ovary
  12. ______ is an example of a woman reproductive organ. (a) vagina  (b) penis  (c) testes 
  13. The following are synthetic drugs except ______ (a) panadol (b) kolanut  (c) paracetamol
  14. Pawpaw leaf, bitter leaf, kolanut are all examples of ________ (a) synthetic drugs (b) naturally occurring drugs (c)  pharmaceutical drugs
  15. The female ovaries produce ______ (a) sperm (b) eggs (c) yoghurt 
  16. The organ that produces sperm is the _______ (a) testes (b) scrotal sac (c) penis 
  17. The stages of change from childhood to adulthood is known as _________ (a) development (b) growing (c) puberty
  18. Factors affecting physical body changes include _____ (a) hereditary (b) food consumption (c) day of birth
  19. Which is not a characteristic of living things? (a) movement (b) reproduction (c) circulation 
  20. Self medication is regarded as ________ (a) drug abuse (b) hard drugs (c) synthetic drugs 


  1. a) What are living things? _______________________________________________


  1. b) State four characteristics of living things? _________________________________, _________________________________, ___________________________________, _________________________________________

  1. a) What is circulatory system? ______________________________________________


  1. b) State three agents of circulatory system? _________________________________, __________________________________, _____________________________________

  1. a) What is drug? __________________________________________________________


  1. b) State the two types of drug? _____________________, ________________________

  1. a) Define reproduction? ____________________________________________________


  1. b) List two for each (male and female) reproduction organs?

  1. a) What is drug abuse? _____________________________________________________


  1. b) Mention two ways by which we can abuse drugs? 






  1. Paul’s former name was _______ (a) Samuel (b) Stephen (c) Saul
  2. Paul was a _____ by profession (a) teacher (b) tent maker (c) plumber 
  3. Paul was ________ by birth (a) Jew (b) Musilm (c) Christian 
  4. ______ was stoned to death in the presence of Paul (a) Peter (b) Jesus (c) Stephen
  5. Saul fell off from his ______ (a) horse (b) donkey (c) camel
  6. Conversion means _______ (a) expression (b) change (c) wake up
  7. Saul met the Lord on his way to ________ (a) Damascus (b) Jerusalem (c) Bethlehem
  8. Saul was blind for ______ days (a) nine (b) three (c) seven 
  9. Who called Moses?  (a) Jesus (b) God (c) Pharaoh
  10. Yahweh means ________ (a) the disciples (b) the great I AM (c) the great WARRIOR 
  11. Who led the crossing of the red sea? (a) Pharaoh (b) Moses (c) Jesus 
  12. The birth of Moses saved the Israelites from _______ (a) bondage (b) entering the red sea (c) going to the promise land
  13. The promise land was ______ (a) Jerusalem (b) Damascus (c) Canaan
  14. How many tribes were in Jerusalem? (a) thirteen (b) twelve (c) ten
  15. Jesus had ____ disciples (a) fifteen (b) eleven (c) twelve
  16. _____ is not a disciple of Jesus (a) James (b) John (c) Abraham
  17. Sabbath day is meant to be a ____ day (a) work (b) rest (c) fighting 
  18. Christians worship on _____ (a) Saturday (b) Sunday (c) week days
  19. The Holy Trinity  include, except _____ (a) the father (b) the zion (c) the son 
  20. Jesus is the son of _____ (a) Mary  (b) Deborah (c) Sarah

Section B

  1. a) What is conversion? ___________________________________________________


  1. b) Who converted Saul to Christian?_________________________________________

  1. a) How did Pharaoh suffered the Israelites? _______________________________________________________________________


  1. b) State one significant of the crossing of the Red Sea? __________________________


  1. a) Mention any three tribes out of twelve tribes of Israel? _______________________, _______________________________, _____________________________________
  1. b) To which tribe did Jesus belong? __________________________________

  1. a) Explain the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelite? ________________________________________________________________________



  1. b) Who instructed Moses?  ___________________________________

  1. a) Mention any three Stones of Israelite? _____________________________, ___________________________________, ____________________________________
  1. b) Mention the first four books of the New Testament? __________________________, ___________________________, ____________________________, __________________________




Pick out the word that does not belong to the group.

  1.   hen             2.     Jumping             3.     Bus

    Ostrich                 running                boat

    Goat    `                singing                 car

    Cock                     trotting                 trailer

    Duck                    walking                 lorry

  1. table             5.    Hyena       

    Fork                    elephant 

    Knife                    lion   

    Spoon                    leopard

    Plate                    sheep

Fill in the gap with the most suitable word that complete the missing word.

  1. Hour and minute, week and ____________
  2. Man and house, lion and ______________
  3. Queen and king, princess and ____________
  4. Car and land, boat and __________________
  5. Sheep and bleat, dog and _________________

Choose:     A, if it is always true

        B, if it is often true but not always true

C, if it is never true

        D, if it is impossible to say how true it is 

  1. Rich men are proud.
  2. The moon shines only in the village.
  3. Aeroplane are faster than car.
  4. Twins look alike 
  5. The sun rises in the west.

Put a letter in the gaps that can complete the first word and begins the second word.

Examples:     Kn(o)ck



  1. (    ) ask            17. S(   ) out            18. Cl(   ) ck

I                     u                a

                    t                k



  1. Flut( )                20. (   ) owl

    v                    a

e                    t



Choose from A to D, the word that cannot be formed from the word written in capital letter 

  1. PROSECUTOR            22. CATHEDRAL         23. EDUCATION
  1. Procure               (a) Create            (a) Lotion
  2. Rope              (b) Thread             (b) Action
  3.  Prose             (c) Deal            (c) Date
  4. Prosper            (d) Cater            (d) Caution 

  1. REPORTER         25. CREATIVE

    (a) told             (a) veto

    (b) port             (b) rate 

(c) rote             (c) tea

(d) porter             (d) react

Underline the general word which describes other words.

  1. Zinc                27. President            28. Crocodile 

    Uranium                   Ruler                   Reptile 

    Lead                      Queen                   Alligator

    Mineral                   Governor                   Snake 

    Oil                      King                   Lizard

  1. Win                 30. Father

    Roam                       Mother 

    Read                      Daughter 

    Word                       Son

    Cry                      Relation 




  1. The drawing of man –made object is called _____ (a) life drawing (b) composite drawing (c) still life drawing 
  2. ____ is the art of entertaining in lyrics and sound (a) dancing (b) music  (c) speaking
  3. The drawing that covers the head, shoulder and chest region of the body is called ______ (a) half drawing (b) composite drawing (c) the burst.
  4. The drawing of living things is called _______ (a) nature drawing (b) life drawing  (c) still-life drawing 
  5. Another word for life drawing is ______ (a) word drawing (b) figure drawing (c) body drawing
  6. _____ is the series of body movement and steps perform to music (a) dance (b) song (c) music 
  7. The degree of lighten or darkness in a work of art is ______(a) value (b) shape (c) colour
  8. _______ is the universal language of visual science (a) economics (b creative (c) art 
  9. The following are objects of man-made except ________ (a) radio (b) tree (c) television
  10. The two major division of art is liberal art and ________ art. (a) cooperative (b) creative (c) musical 


  1. How many colours does the rainbow have? ______________________

  1. List all the colours of rainbow?__________________________________________
  2. State the three primary colours: _________________, _________________, ______________________

  1. A mixture of Red and Blue will give ______________________________

  1. Draw an object of still-life drawing?




  1. The quality or conduct by which a professional carries out his duties is referred to as ________  (a) professor (b) professionalism (c) teaching 
  2. The professional body that regulates bankers is _____ (a) CIBN (b) CBN (c) CIMN
  3. The regulatory body for engineer is __________ (a) COREN (b) ICAN (c) CINM
  4. The bank that controls other banks in Nigeria is the _______ (a) Central Bank (b) GTBank (c) Zenith bank
  5. The professional body that regulates accountants is _____ (a) CBN (b) ICAN (c) NUT
  6. To connect two or more computers, you need ________ (a) network devices (b) plastic cable (c) rope
  7. Information Technology involves data, storage, transmission and retrieval.  (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above 
  8. Information Technology makes use of the following except _______ (a) computer (b) plough (c) network devices 
  9. _________ is a processed data (a) computer (b) CPU (c) information 
  10. Which of these devices is used to connect computers together? (a) switch  (b) VSAT (c) RAM
  11. The fastest means of transportation is _____ (a) land (b) air (c) water 
  12. A locomotive engineer drives _______ (a) caterpillar engine (b)  train (c) ship
  13. ____ flies an aeroplane (a) drive (b) pilot (c) locomotive engineer 
  14. An automobile engineer repairs ______ (a) vehicle (b) bicycles (c) parachute 
  15. An automobile will use the following tools except _____ (a) spanner (b) screw jack (c) syringe 
  16. _________ is used to protect the eyes. (a) helmet (b)  goggle (c) file
  17. Which of these tools is used to make hole? (a) drill (b) plier (c) hammer 
  18. _______ build vehicles  (a) computer engineer (b) automobile engineers  (c) civil engineers 
  19. The engineers that build bridges, houses are called ________ engineers (a) mechanical (b) civil (c) construction 
  20. Does vocational work need university education? (a) yes (b) no (c) all the above 


1 a) What is transportation? ______________________________________________________

b) State three means of transportation? (i) ______________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ (iii) ___________________________________

  1. a) What is Computer hardware? _________________________________________________
  2. b) Mention three examples of computer hardware? (i) ______________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ (iii) ___________________________________

  1. a) Write three important traits of a good professional? (i) _____________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ (iii) ___________________________________

  1. b) Computers are repaired by __________________________________________

  1. a) Who is an automobile engineer? _______________________________________________
  2. b) Mention two products of automobile engineers? ___________________________________


  1. a) State the full meaning of following: 


    IT: _____________________________________________________________________

  1. b) RAM:  ________________________________________________________________

    ROM: ___________________________________________________________________




  1. A meal that contains all the classes of food in the right proportion is known as __________ diet (a) super (b) balanced (c) breakfast 
  2. A _______ is a list of food or dishes available at a restaurant or hotel (a) dish  (b) take away (c) menu
  3. _____ are hard cleaning materials, like broom, rake, used in cleaning our environment (a) cleaning agents (b) cleaning tools (c) cleaning brush 
  4. The soft cleaning materials, like soap, detergent used in cleaning are called ______ (a) cleaning tools (b) cleaning agents (c) cleaning towel
  5. In the making of detergent, we wear gloves to avoid _______ (a) skin smoothness (b) skin toning (c) skin irritation
  6. Another name for sodium carbonate is _______ (a) washing soda (b) washing potash (c) washing material
  7. Food is necessary for human beings in order to stay _____ (a) alive (b) dead (c) invincible
  8. A person whose job is to prepare meal at a restaurant is called _______ (a) cooker (b) housemaid (c) cook
  9. Special dishes and drinks are served during _____ (a) Christmas (b) breakfast (c) lunch 
  10. ___ dishes are food that are eaten in different cultural all over the world. (a) traditional (b) continental (c) special 
  11. Which of the following is not a type of stitches? (a) permanent stitches (b) common stitches (c) temporary stitches 
  12. _______ is an example of temporary stitches (a) tacking (b) sewing (c) running stitches 
  13. The following are permanent stitches except ______ (a) back stitches (b) basting stitches (c) heming stitches 
  14. ________ is the food cooked to be served at a particular time of the day (a) meal (b) food (c) diet
  15. Which of the following is not a good eating habit? (a) chewing food with mouth closed (b) drinking water in-between meals (c) chewing food with mouth opened
  16. In the making of detergent, one of these is not needed? (a) borax (b) honey (c) bar soap
  17. Soap or detergent should be kept out of reach of children? (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above
  18. _____ habit is the proper way one should behave at the table. (a) bad eating (b) good eating (c) table eating
  19. In Nigeria, cooking is done mostly by ______ at home. (a) father (b) children (c) mother 
  20. Perfume is added to detergent to give ______  (a) bad scent (b) good scent (c) slippery foam


  1. a) What are stitches? ____________________________________________________


  1. b) State the two types of stitches? (i) ___________________________________

(ii) _______________________________________________

  1. a) What is meal planning? _________________________________________________


  1. b) State the three major meal of the day? (i) ______________________________

(ii) ________________________________ (iii) _________________________________

  1. a) State two factors to consider in meal planning? (i) ____________________________

(ii) ____________________________

  1. b) Mention the name giving to a professional cook? _____________________________

  1. a) State two reasons for cleaning the house, classroom and the environment?

(i) ____________________________ (ii) ____________________________

  1. b) List four materials for cleaning the house, classroom and the environment?

(i) ____________________________ (ii) ____________________________

(iii) ___________________________ (iv) ___________________________

  1. a) List four tools or equipment needed for making detergent?

(i) ____________________________ (ii) ____________________________

(iii) ___________________________ (iv) ___________________________

  1. b) Mention two materials for making detergent?

(i) ____________________________ (ii) ____________________________


CLASS: PRIMARY 6                    SUBJECT: HISTORY


  1. When did Nigeria gain her independence? (a) October 1st 1966 (b) October 1st 1960 (c) October 1st 1914
  2. Who was the first Nigerian President? (a) Obafemi Awolowo (b) Olusegun Obasanjo (c) Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe 
  3. The first democratically elected president was ______ (a) Alhaji Sheu Shagari (b) Samuel Oladoke Akintola  (c) Abubakar Salami 
  4. The first Republic was between _____ to _____ (a) 1960 to 1979 (b) 1960 to 1966 (c) 1960 to 1963
  5. The following people ruled during the first Republic except _____  (a) Alhaji Ahmadu Bello (b) Chief Obafemi Awolowo (c) President Muhammadu Buhari 
  6. The second Republic was between ____ to ______ (a) 1979 to 1983  (b) 1979 to 1985  (c) 1979 to 1980
  7. Who initiated the second Republic? (a) General Murtala Muhammed (b) General Abdul-Salam Abubakar (c) General Olusegun Obasanjo 
  8. General Murtala Muhammed was assassinate in the year _______ (a)  1966 (b) 1964 (c) 1976
  9. How many political parties competed in 1979 election?  (a) five (b) six (c) seven 
  10. After the second Republic was overthrow in 1983, who became the military leader? (a) Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (b) Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (c) Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo
  11. The third Republic was between _____ to ______ (a) 1992 to 1994 (b) 1992 to 1993 (c) 1992 to 1995
  12. The third Rpublic was initiated  by ______ (a) Gen. Sanni Abacha (b) Gen. Abubakar Abdul-Salam (c) Gen. Ibrahim Babaginda 
  13. In 1993, the election conducted was won by _____ (a) moshood abiola (b) bola ahmed tinubu (c) earnest sonekan 
  14. Who annulled the 1993 election? (a) Gen Olusegun Obasanjo  (b) Gen. Ibrahim Babaginda (c) Gen. Sanni Abacha 
  15. Who took over the government after the annulment of the 1993 election caused confusion? (a) Gen. Sanni Abacha (b) Gen. Murtala Muhammed (c) Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo 
  16. The first military head of state was _____ (a) Gen. T. Y. Danjuma (b)  Gen. Aguiyi-Ironsi (c) Gen. Dipo Diya 
  17. When did military start in Nigeria? (a) 1960  (b) 1966  (c) 1958
  18. The longest serving military head of state was _______ (a) Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Gen Yakubu Gowon (c) Gen Olusegun Obasanjo
  19. ______ was the first military ruler to hand over government to civilian in Africa. (a) Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (b) Gen. Sanni Abacha (c) Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo 
  20. Who handed over government to civilian in 1999? (a) Gen. Abdul-Salam Abubakar (b) Gen. Sanni Abacha (c) Gen. Ibrahim Babangida 


  1. a) What period is referred to as First Republic in Nigeria? ________________________
  1. b) Mention two people who ruled during the First Republic? ______________________


  1.  a) Who was the elected president in the Second Republic? _______________________
  1. b) Who was the vice president elected in Second Republic? __________________________________

  1. a) What led to the collapse of Second Republic? ____________________________________________
  1. b) Who initiated the Second Republic? ________________________________________

  1. a) Who was the winner of the 1993 election? ___________________________________
  1. b) Who annulled the election held in 1993? ____________________________________
  1. a) State the full meaning of M.K.O? _______________________________________________________________________
  1. b) M.K.O. died on the _________________________________________________________





Read carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Abdul wandered in the desert for nearly three days but found no water. He thought of nothing but water to drink. At about ten o’clock on the third night, feeling very tired and thirsty, he lay down to sleep. The sound of thunder disturbed his sleep. A few drops of rain splashed on him. He got up and with great joy collected some rain water and drank it. He then continued on his journey, not riding on his camel but leading it because the clouds had covered the moon. Just before dawn he heard a loud and confused noise to the right of his course. He went towards the sound and was happy to find that the noise was croaking of frogs in a shallow, muddy pool. There was so many frogs, that is was hard to see the surface of the water. The noise the frog made frightened the camel. He had to keep them quiet by beating the surface of the pool with a stick, while he and the camel drank. When they had had enough, Abdul climbed a stunted tree to survey the land.

  1. What interrupted Abdul’s sleep on the third night? ____________________________
  2. Abdul decided to lead his camel rather than riding it because __________________________________________________
  3. What was the loud and confused noise Abdul heard? _____________________________________________________________________
  4. Abdul could not see the surface of the water in the pool because ________________________________________________________________
  5. In the passage, to survey the land means _____________________________________

Underline the verbs in the following sentences

  1. Ibironke is a beautiful girl.
  2. The horse neighs.
  3. The flowers are bright.

Choose from letter A to D the words nearest in meaning to the words underlined.

  1. My mother advised me to always be punctual (a) nice (b) on time (c) late (d) quick
  2. We found the missing items packed in the store. (a) misplaced (b) wrong (c) lost (c) neglect 
  3. The enemies invaded the village and captured the village chief. (a) searched (b) attacked (c) saved (d) camped.
  4. It is good to hear t0hat you have agreed to resolve your dispute. (a) settle (b) forgive (c) push (d) tell
  5. I shall certainly pass my examination if I study very hard. (a) honestly  (b) happily (c) surely (d) painfully

From letter A-D choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined  words. 

  1. The wood has some rough edges. (a) clean (b) smooth (c) soft (d) hard
  2. The dog sat on its fore limbs. (a) hind (b) near (c) fast (d) rare
  3. It is dangerous to go near a viper. (a)  pleasant (b) beautiful (c) safe (d) wise 
  4. I met the reckless driver again yesterday. (a) fast (b) careful (c) slow (d) good
  5. It was very rude of Mary to walk out on the teacher. (a) stupid (b) wise (c) mad (d) polite 

Change the following direct speech into indirect speech.

  1. “ I will help you,” she promised.
  2. “The rises in the east”, said Tawab.
  3. Balqiz asked us, “where is Olamiposi?”
  4. “Would you like a cup of tea?” Dele asked.
  5. “Africa is a continent”, said the teacher.

Give the past and past participle of the following

  1. Blow:    ___________________    _______________________
  2. Dig:     __________________        _______________________


Write a composition on “How i spend my last holiday”



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