NAME:                            CLASS: PRIMARY 6            SUBJECT: Christian Religious  Studies


  1. Paul’s original name was ____________ (a) Peter (b) John     (c) Saul        (d) Jacob
  2. Where was Paul born? (a) Cilicia (b) Damascus     (c) Tarsus of Asia    (d) England
  3. Paul was a _________ of the Christians before he met Christ.

    (a) teacher     (b) persecutor     (c) pastor     (d) usher

  1. Where was Saul going to when he met with Christ? ______________________________
  2. What happened to Saul on his way to Damascus? 

(a) water from the sky flashed around him       (b) a great light from heaven flashed around him

(c) force flashed from the sky around him                (d) he died

  1. Saul was baptized by ______________ (a) Stephen         (b) Ananians        (c) John        (d) Daniel
  2. Paul after his conversion helped to __________the gospel.   (a) spread (b) curb (c) delay (d) stop
  3. Which animal was Paul riding to Damascus? (a) A horse (b) Acamel   (c) A goat (d) A unicorn
  4. Paul’s conversion is a sign that God loves sinners. True/ False
  5. Who is a missionary? (a) someone who surrenders all and preaches the gospel outside his place to abode (b) someone who persecutes Christians (c) a judaiser (d) person who is having vision
  6. Paul preached to different people in Antioch in ______(a) Israel (b) London (c) Pisidia (d) Lagos
  7. Paul and _________ were chosen by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel. (a) Barnabas (b) Jonathan (c) Jacob         (d) James
  8. Paul raised a/an ___________ at Troas (a) cripple        (b) Eutyehus         (c) Elymas
  9. Evangelism is the responsibility of ______(a) evangelists only (b) pastors only (c) every believer
  10. Paul also performed miracle in the course of his missionary. True/False
  11. Where was Paul when he had the vision to go to Europe? (a) Egypt      (b) Troas         (c) Lystra
  12. The first person to be converted and baptized by Paul was ________  (a) Mary (b) Lydia (c) Hannah
  13. Who did Paul see in his vision?  (a) A man of Macedonia           (b) A man of London 
  14. Where in Europe did Paul go? (a) Macedonia            (b) Jerusalem           (c) America
  15. Who among these people baptized Lydia (a) John (b) Paul    (c) Jonathan         (d) Abraham
  16. The story of the conversion of Lydia can be found in _________

    (a) Act 16:11     (b) Gen 1;3     (c) John 3;16         (d) Psalm 23

  1. Spirit of divination was cast out by ____________.  (a) Daniel     (b)Adam    (c) John    (d) Silas
  2. Paul went to Phillip with __________ (a) Silas (b) Jacob     (c) Daniel    (d) David
  3. Paul studied under __________ (a) Stephen (b) David         (c) Gamaliel         (d) Daniel
  4. Saul before he was converted was a ___________ of the church.

    (a) pastor     (b) prophet     (c) persecutor     (d) Singer M.

  1. Paul preached to the jews and the __________ (a) Nigerians   (b) Gentiles (c) Ghanians (d) Italians
  2. Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. True/False
  3. Paul also preached the gospel of Christ in Macedonia. True/False
  4. God called ___________ to function as a prophet.   (a) Jesus     (b) Joseph     (c) Paul      (d) David
  5. After Pauls baptism, he started to ____________________________________________________


  1. Mention any three(3) places visited by Paul in the cause of preaching the gospel.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Name five Epistles of Paul and to whom they were written.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Mention the three (3) challenges that Paul and Silas faced at Phillipi.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    __________________________________________________________________


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