CLASS: GRADE 4            




  1. _____________provide schools hospitals and roads to make life easy and enjoyable (a) God (b) government (c) Jesus 

(d) Angels

  1. To receive from God , we must be _____________to him and his word (a) obedient (b) disobedient (c) greedy (d) partial 
  2. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 tell us that anyone who does not work should not ____________ (a) play (b) eat (c) laugh (d) sleep
  3. God delivered the children of Israel from a life of slavery in __________________ (a) Israel (b) Egypt (c) Babylon (d) Jerusalem
  4. God can use firefighters to deliver us from danger ( true/false)
  5. ______________  environment consists of the things we can see, feel, and touch around us (a) touchable (b) social (c) physical (d) seen
  6. Afforestation means ________________ (a) planting of trees (b) falling of trees (c) forest of tree (d) tieing of trees
  7. _____________ is a small family (a) extended family (b) nuclear family (c) happy family (d) sad family
  8. It is the duty of the ______________ to make sure that people in the home are safe from outside threats (a) grand father (b) father (c) gardeners (d) security people
  9. _______________ include house helps nannies and stewards (a) step brothers (b) step sisters (c) security people  (d) domestic servants
  10. Loyalty can be shown to the following except (a) our country (b) national symbol (c)leaders (d) none of the above
  11.  A disloyal person may find it difficult to become successful (true/false)
  12. The Nigerian military is made up of the _________ ,____________and ______________ (a) army, airforce , navy i(b) police, army, navy (c) red cross, navy, airforce (d) navy, police, airforce
  13. ___________ are members of the voluntary agencies except (a) the Nigerian red cross (b) boys scout of Nigeria (c) the Nigerian girl guides association (d) the police
  14. The national pledge is a _________ every Nigerian make (a) promise (b) songs (c) hymns (d) things 



  1. Mention 2 ways to receive from God
  2. Define work?
  3. List three people God can use to deliver us from danger
  4.   ____________ ordered Shadrach, meshack and Abednego to be thrown into the fiery furnace.
  5.   mention 2 dangers that God delivers us from
  6.   Mention 2 positive ways that man interact  
  7.   List two others members of the family
  8.   State 2 things that can be achieved when people in the family learn to tolerate one another
  9.   Define loyalty?
  10.   mention 3 national services that show loyalty
  11.   List 3 types or styles of leadership
  12.   mention two problems or bad leadership 
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