Subject:   HOME ECONOMICS Class: BASIC 4

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Personal belongings are owned by _______ person (a) three (b) two (c) one   (d)four
  2. The most important thing that personal belongings does for us is that they _________ (a) makes us proud (b) makes us appear beautiful (c) cover our nakedness    (d) Makes us sad
  3. One of the things that determine the type of personal belongings people have is  ________   (a)school    (b)sex    (c)house      (d)church
  4. It is our duty to _______ personal belongings (a) sell     (b) borrow   (c) keep   (d) tear 
  5. Our relatives can claim ownership of our personal belongings    (a)true    (b)false    (c)none
  6. A policeman wears uniform for _______   (a)identification       (b)harassment    (c)molestation   
  7. _______  is what we wear on our feet cover them   (a)foot clothes    (b)foot wear   (c)foot  cover
  8. Visitors are received in the  _________    (a)bedroom     (b)sitting room    (c)store
  9. Foodstuffs are preserved in the  _________     (a)bedroom  (b)sitting room     (c)store 
  10. We excrete in the  _______   (a)store     (b)toilet    (c)bedroom    (d)kitchen
  11. The bedroom is used for _______   (a)resting    (b)cooking     (c)storing     (d)singing
  12. General cleaning of the home should be done once in a   _____    (a)year    (b)month    (c)week
  13. The cleaning of the sitting room allows  _______  air into the house    (a)fresh     (b)polluted    (c)dried
  14. The kitchen must be kept  ______  always   (a)dirty     (b)rough     (c)neat
  15. Cleaning agents like  ______  should be used to clean the kitchen    (a)dust    (b)soap   (c)salt    (d)pepper
  16. Insecticides should be used in the kitchen to kill the  ______   (a)rodents and insects    (b)animals and plants     (c)worms and lions
  17. Foods are substances that ______     (a) weakens     (b)disease      (c)give the body nutrients and energy
  18. It is good to eat vegetables regularly     (a)true     (b)false
  19. Hand glove is worn on the hands to _____ the hand   (a)damage    (b)spoil     (c)protect
  20. _______  are also called body protectors  (a)adornment     (b)leather     (c)powder    (d)lipstick



Attempt any four (4) questions    


  1. Define laundry  
  2. List five (5) laundry equipment 
  3. Define kitchen
  4. mention five (5) modern kitchen equipment
  5. List five (5) personal belongings materials
  6. List five (5) rooms in the house     
  7. Explain two (2) functions of a room
  8. Mention ten (10) materials for cleaning house



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