SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE CLASS: JSS ONE (1)     Time: 


  1. ________ is the type of agriculture which involves the production of crops and animals to feed himself and his family  (a) Agriculture (b) commercial agriculture (c) subsistence agriculture (d) horticulture
  2. The raw material used by paper industry is __________ (a) Pulpwood (b) latex (c) starch (d) rubber
  3. The system where food crops are grown alongside forest trees is called _______  (a) Mixed farming (b) taungya farming (c) land rotation (d) crop farming 
  4. _______ are crops which taxes more than two years to complete their life cycle (a) perennial crops (b) biennial crops (c) annual crops (d) ephemeral crops
  5. Germination of seed is said to be hypogeal if it is retained below the soil TRUE/FALSE 
  6. The housing facility of bees is called ________(a) pen (b) cage (c) apiary (d) hive 
  7. Snailry can also be called (a) apiculture (b) heliculture (c) aquaculture (d) horticulture
  8. The type of farming in which a farmer abandons land for cultivation with no intention of returning again is called _______ (a) crop rotation (b)land rotation (c) shifting cultivation (d) livestock farming 
  9. __________ crop is an annual crop (a) maize (b) ginger (c) cocoa (d) cocoyam
  10. Germination of seed is said to be epigeal if the seed is raised above the soil surface. TRUE/FALSE 
  11. An _________ keep bees in order to collect honey and beewax (a)apiary (b) apialist (c)hive (d) apiculturist 
  12. ________ are crops that complete their lifecycle within a very short period of time (a) annual crops (b) perennial crops (c) biennal crops (d) ephemeral crops
  13. Food crop farming can also be called (a) mixed farming (b) crop rotation (c) arable farming (d) fish farming 
  14. ________is the type of farming in which a farmer exhausts the land which is left for some years before it is used again (a) shifting cultivation (b) Land rotation (c) subsistence agriculture (d) pastoral farming 
  15. _______ crop is an example of perennial crop (a) rubber (b) carrots (d) plantain




Answer two (2) questions

  1. Define the following
  2. Subsistence farming (ii) commercial agriculture 
  3. Give two characteristics of subsistence and commercial agriculture 
  4. Briefly explain the following 
    • Pastoral farming (ii) fish farming 
  5. List five (5) importance of agriculture.
  6. State three (3) characteristics each of monocotyledonous plants and dicotyledonous with relevant examples 
  7. Define Perennial crops
  8. Define Ephemeral crops



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