Subject:   HOME ECONOMICS Class: BASIC 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Every human being has a ______   (a)body     (b)plant      (c)stone
  2. The _____ is part of the head  (a)leg    (b)fingers    (c)eye
  3. _______  is the part of the leg  (a)foot        (b)nose     (c)teeth
  4. The _____  is part of the hand  (a)leg     (b)finger     (c)knee
  5. We use our eyes to ________  (a)talk     (b)smell     (c)see
  6. Nose is for _____  (a)smell    (b)write      (c)see
  7. ______ and _____ are parts of the body    (a)pencil and pen    (b)leg and eyes   (c)book and eraser
  8. Brush your teeth with toothbrush and  ______   (a)soap    (b)toothpaste     (c)chew gum
  9. We should take our bath ______   (a)weekly    (b)monthly    (c)daily
  10. It is ______ to take care of our body   (a)good    (b)bed      (c)worst
  11. Girls and women should plait their hair   (a)yearly     (b)regularly     (c) I don’t know
  12. _____  and  _____ are materials used to take care of our body   (a)pencil and ruler    (b)soap and sponge     (c)table and chair
  13. We used _____  to cut our finger nails    (a)knife      (b)cutlass    (c)razor blade
  14. ______  your hand after using the toilet   (a)cut     (b)wash     (c)eat
  15. We used ______  to clean our ears    (a)cover of pen      (b)broom     (c)cotton bud
  16. We should always put on our _____   socks   (a)dirty    (b)clean     (c)wet
  17. All these are parts of the body except  _____    (a)ear      (b)clothes    (c)eyes
  18. I use my leg to  ______     (a)eat     (b)walk     (c)write 
  19. _______  and _____  can damage our teeth    (a)meat and fish    (b)rice and beans     (c)sweet and chewing gum
  20. After bathing we use _____ to dry our body   (a)towel     (b)rag    (c)paper




  1. List two materials used for bathing 
  2. _________ and ______ are parts of the head
  3. List three parts of the leg  i.  ________________ ii.    _____________      iii.    ________________________
  4. Write two materials used to take care of our mouth i.__________________             ii. ___________________
  5. Write two uses of mouth   
  6. List one function of your eyes
  7. Write eight parts of the body 
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