Examination Questions Computer Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes

Primary 6 Second Term Computer Studies Examination

Subject: Computer Studies
Class: Primary 6
Term: Second Term
Week: 12

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  1. For Teachers:
    • Ensure all students understand the instructions before beginning the exam.
    • Remind students to avoid any form of malpractice. Let them know that fairness and honesty are important to help them grow and succeed.
    • The exam should be administered in a quiet, well-lit environment. Make sure students have enough time to complete the exam.
    • Ensure that no student leaves the examination room without handing in their exam paper.
  2. For Students:
    • Read each question carefully before answering.
    • Answer all questions. If you do not know the answer to a question, try to write something related to the topic.
    • You may write in either full sentences or key points, as long as your answer is clear.
    • Ensure you work independently and do not talk to your classmates.
    • Stay calm and do your best. You have learned a lot this term, and now is the time to show it.
    • Important: Any form of cheating or copying will lead to disqualification. Be honest, and work on your own.

Part A: Objective Questions

Answer all the questions below. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer by choosing the appropriate option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. The program used to design and create simple animations in computer studies is called _______.
    a) Microsoft Paint
    b) Scratch
    c) Photoshop
    d) Word
    Answer: b) Scratch
  2. The _______ is used to represent different people or objects in a Scratch project.
    a) Stage
    b) Sprite
    c) Backdrop
    d) Script
    Answer: b) Sprite
  3. A computer network is a system that allows computers to _______ with each other.
    a) Disconnect
    b) Connect
    c) Print
    d) Update
    Answer: b) Connect
  4. In a LAN network, computers are connected in a _______ area.
    a) Local
    b) Wide
    c) Global
    d) Private
    Answer: a) Local
  5. A computer that controls and manages the network is called a _______.
    a) Server
    b) Client
    c) Switch
    d) Router
    Answer: a) Server
  6. _______ is a type of network topology where all devices are connected to a central device.
    a) Ring
    b) Star
    c) Bus
    d) Mesh
    Answer: b) Star
  7. The _______ in Scratch is where the project is shown.
    a) Stage
    b) Block palette
    c) Scripts
    d) Backdrop
    Answer: a) Stage
  8. The _______ block in Scratch allows a sprite to move from one point to another.
    a) Glide
    b) Jump
    c) Turn
    d) Wait
    Answer: a) Glide
  9. The primary function of the _______ tool in Adobe Photoshop is to edit images.
    a) Crop
    b) Paint
    c) Selection
    d) Brush
    Answer: c) Selection
  10. In Microsoft Paint, the _______ tool is used to fill a closed area with color.
    a) Pencil
    b) Paintbrush
    c) Fill
    d) Eraser
    Answer: c) Fill
  11. A _______ is a device that connects computers in a network.
    a) Router
    b) Keyboard
    c) Monitor
    d) Printer
    Answer: a) Router
  12. The _______ tool in Microsoft Paint allows you to draw freehand lines.
    a) Pencil
    b) Fill
    c) Line
    d) Text
    Answer: a) Pencil
  13. A _______ network allows communication across a large geographic area, such as a country or continent.
    a) LAN
    b) WAN
    c) WLAN
    d) MAN
    Answer: b) WAN
  14. The _______ tool in Adobe Photoshop allows you to paint over an image using different brush styles.
    a) Fill
    b) Eraser
    c) Brush
    d) Magic Wand
    Answer: c) Brush
  15. In Scratch, the _______ block is used to start a program.
    a) Stop
    b) When Green Flag clicked
    c) When this sprite clicked
    d) Broadcast
    Answer: b) When Green Flag clicked
  16. A _______ is a simple drawing tool in Microsoft Paint used to create basic shapes.
    a) Shape
    b) Fill
    c) Brush
    d) Line
    Answer: a) Shape
  17. In a _______ topology, all devices are connected to a single cable.
    a) Mesh
    b) Star
    c) Ring
    d) Bus
    Answer: d) Bus
  18. The _______ is the part of the computer that controls communication between devices in a network.
    a) Server
    b) Switch
    c) Router
    d) Client
    Answer: c) Router
  19. The _______ tool in Scratch is used to create text-based interactions.
    a) Say
    b) Think
    c) Show
    d) Write
    Answer: a) Say
  20. _______ is used in Scratch to control the behavior and actions of sprites.
    a) Blocks
    b) Backdrops
    c) Tools
    d) Scripts
    Answer: a) Blocks

Part B: Theory Questions

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  1. What is a computer network, and why is it important?
  2. Describe the difference between a WAN and a LAN network.
  3. Explain what a sprite is in Scratch.
  4. What are the advantages of using the Star network topology?
  5. How does the “when clicked” block in Scratch work?
  6. What is a community in Scratch, and how can it be represented?
  7. Describe the process of creating a simple animation in Scratch.
  8. How do you add sound to a project in Scratch?
  9. What is the role of the server in a network?
  10. Explain how the “glide” block in Scratch is used.
  11. What is the function of the “fill” tool in Microsoft Paint?
  12. How do you create a simple shape in Microsoft Paint?
  13. What are some common types of network topologies?
  14. Describe the main features of Adobe Photoshop.
  15. How can you use the “brush” tool in Adobe Photoshop?
  16. Why is it important to use a router in a network?
  17. What does a backdrop in Scratch do?
  18. Explain the difference between a “pencil” and a “brush” tool in Microsoft Paint.
  19. What are the main uses of the “selection” tool in Adobe Photoshop?
  20. How can you improve the quality of your Scratch project by adding interaction?

Part C: True or False Questions

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. LAN stands for Local Area Network.
  2. WAN networks are used for connecting devices in a single building.
  3. In Scratch, a sprite can be programmed to say something when clicked.
  4. Microsoft Paint is used to edit videos.
  5. A router is a type of computer used to manage network traffic.
  6. A bus topology connects all devices to a single cable.
  7. The “glide” block in Scratch makes a sprite jump to another location instantly.
  8. In Adobe Photoshop, the “brush” tool is used to add text.
  9. A community in Scratch can include only one sprite.
  10. A switch in a network helps to direct data between devices.
  11. The “paintbrush” tool in Microsoft Paint can be used to fill in areas with color.
  12. In Photoshop, the “crop” tool is used to remove parts of an image.
  13. Scratch projects can have multiple backdrops.
  14. A star topology connects devices in a circular shape.
  15. The “say” block in Scratch can make a sprite speak.
  16. A computer virus can be spread through a network.
  17. Adobe Photoshop is used for creating animations.
  18. In a ring network topology, each device is connected to two other devices.
  19. The “text” tool in Scratch allows you to type messages in your project.
  20. The “fill” tool in Microsoft Paint can be used to add color to a shape.

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

  1. A _______ is used to connect devices in a network.
  2. The main purpose of the _______ tool in Scratch is to create interactive programs.
  3. A _______ topology connects devices in a star-shaped pattern.
  4. A _______ network covers a wide geographic area, such as multiple cities.
  5. In Microsoft Paint, the _______ tool is used to draw freehand lines.
  6. _______ is a program used to create and edit images on the computer.
  7. The _______ block in Scratch makes a sprite move to a specific location.
  8. A _______ is a type of device used to route network traffic.
  9. The _______ tool in Adobe Photoshop allows you to paint over an image.
  10. In Scratch, a _______ is any object or character that can be programmed to interact.
  11. The _______ tool in Scratch is used to make a sprite speak.
  12. In a LAN, the computers are connected within a _______ area.
  13. The _______ in Scratch shows the animation or project.
  14. The _______ block in Scratch makes a sprite glide to another location.
  15. A _______ is a device that helps to connect a local area network to the internet.
  16. _______ is used to fill areas with color in Microsoft Paint.
  17. A _______ network is often used in schools and offices.
  18. The _______ tool in Scratch is used to create text-based interactions.
  19. A _______ is the program that manages network connections in a server-client setup.
  20. A _______ is used to create and design simple shapes in Microsoft Paint.


Well done! You have completed the exam. Please check your work and ensure that you have answered all the questions to the best of your ability.