Valedictory Ceremony in My School”









SS 2



Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

(Argumentative Essay) “Corruption Should be fought from the top to the bottom”


At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66
  • Speech Work: Unstressed Vowel Sound /ə /
  • Writing (Argumentative) “Corruption Should be fought from the top to the bottom”



  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation



  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Education Curriculum




Topic: Structure – Sentence Types. According to Structure.

Looking into the internal components of sentences, there are various ways of classifying sentences according to their structural patterns. The five main classifications are: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex, multiple

  1. The Simple Sentence: This contains only one independent clause.

Ex:    The notorious robber has been executed.

Lekan fears snakes.

  1. The Compound Sentence

This type of sentence is made up of two main clauses linked by a co-ordinating conjunction and, but, or, etc.

Ex:    Emmanuel attended all the lectures but he did not sit for the examination.

I am not sure whether she wants me to attend the wedding or stay at home.

  1. Complex Sentence

A complex sentence is made up of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses which are connected by subordinating conjunction

Ex: We brought the book which he recommended

  1. Compound – Complex Sentence

This type of sentence is made up of at least two main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.

Ex: I had left the house and boarded a taxi when I looked back to see my younger sister waving me down to tell me my mother had arrived.

  1. Multiple Sentence

This type of sentence is made up of more than two main clauses joined by co-ordinating conjunctions.

Ex: I will go to the office and ask the Manager to sign the form but I will not submit it today



State the type of sentence each of the following is according to its structure

  1. We caught the thief who was plucking maize in our compound.
  2. The man with the black hat is my uncle.
  3. As soon as the chief arrived, we stood up and greeted him, but he did not respond to our greetings.
  4. The film was thrilling and we enjoyed every bit but we were greatly disappointed at the death of the hero.
  5. Although Olubiyo was a rich man, few people knew this.



Countdown in English, pg 271-272


Topic: Speech Work: Stress of Four Syllable Words

When some syllables are uttered with greater breath effort and muscular energy than the others, they are louder and longer and are therefore said to be stressed.

Words of two syllables are either stressed on the first or second syllable, based on the nature of the word. Words of three or more syllables have different stress pattern especially words that end in certain suffixes.

Words of Four Syllables

demarcation        de-mar-ca-tion            demarCAtion

fortunately        for-tu-nate-ly            FORtunately.

positively            po-si-tive-ly            Positively

nepotism            ne-po-ti-sm            Nepotism

tribalism            tri-ba-li-sm            TRIbalism

political            po-li-ti-cal            POLItical

certificate            cer-ti-fi-cate            cerTIficate

communicate        com-mu-ni-cate        comMUnicate

impossible            im-pos-si-ble            imPOSsible

reciprocate            re-cip-ro-cate            reCIProcate

economic            e-co-no-mic            ecoNOmic

photographic        pho-to-gra-phic        photoGRAphic

indigestion            in-di-ge-stion            indiGEStion

supervision        su-per-vi-sion            superVIsion

investigate            in-vesti-gate            inVEStigate

administer            ad-min-is-ter            adMINister



Stress the following words of four syllables

1) affinity    2) education    3) reproduction   4) community    5)ethnicity



Oral English for Schools and Colleges, pg 88; Effective English, pg 86.


  • Topic: Comprehension; On the Road, pg 90, Effective English 

The passages explains that the driver behind the wheels is the one in control at any point when he has to convey people from one place to another.



Read the passage and answer the questions.


Writing – Descriptive – Definition, Features, Sample Question

A descriptive essay is one that requires the writer to describe a thing, place or a person. The subject for description could be an object, a person, a place, an animal, a scene or an incident. The main preoccupation here is to describe. Description does not place emphasis on action but on definite qualities or characteristics. Here are other things you should do in order to write good descriptive essays.

  1. Form a good mental picture of what you want to describe.
  2. Make your description true to life by translating your mental picture into words.
  3. Get yourself fully involved in your description.
  4. Avoid flat enumeration of facts or the qualities of the thing or person you are describing.


Sample Question

A friend of yours who has not attended your school’s valedictory ceremony before has requested you to give a description of your school’s valedictory service.




Paragraph 1 (Introduction): Begin by stating where and when the programme usually hold.Include the arrangement put in place before the commencement of the programme.

Paragraph 2 and 3: Mention the dignitaries that are always in attendance, the activities that usually take place. Describe the peculiarity of each event that happens.

Paragraph 4: Describe one spectacular thing that happens in the course of the programme which catches the attention of all parents and students present ( e.g prize and award giving ceremony).

Paragraph 5: Conclusion.



Use the outline given, write a full essay on the topic.



Effective English, pg 115



Divide the following words into syllables and write in capital the syllable that carries the stress.

  1. Communication
  2.  Mediate
  3. Dearly
  4. Phantom
  5. Fellowship
  6. Abuse
  7. Reproduction
  8. Demarcation
  9. Stranger
  10. Poverty




Choose the options that are most nearly similar in meaning to the underlined expressions.

  1. The Prince’s uncle will usurp the throne.A. wrongfully take B. wrongfully attack C. wrongfully destroy
  2. Sodiq is a very versatile scholarA. dullB. clever at his special field C. show
  3. Nigerian soldiers are very virile.A. vindictive B. strong and manlyC. virtuous
  4. He always tries to do everything with zeal.A.enthusiasmB. pride C. force
  5. Jide is a a(n) mediocre student.     A. an average B. poor C. unfortunate.
  6. At first, we found life in the town very exciting but soon it became rather _______ A. tiring B. disturbing C. burdensome D. boring



Answer question B, 1 – 10, page 32, Effective English 


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