Relative Pronouns Definition, Identification and Functions. Vocabulary Development Words Associated with Building and Construction









SS 2


Relative Pronouns Definition, Identification and Functions

Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

 Noun Phrases: Meaning, Identification and Functions 


At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • Say the meaning of relative pronouns.
  • Identify relative Pronouns in sentences and say the functions of such relative Pronouns
  • Understand and make use of words that are related to building and construction



  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation



  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Education Curriculum




Summary (Reading to Summarize): NNAMDI  AZIKWE 

The passage focuses on Nnamdi Azikwe Sport Complex, the ultra- modern stadium in Enugu. The complex is said to have been named after the man who has given Nigerian sportsmen the greatest inspiration through his involvement in sports.

Nnamdi Benjamin Azikwe (GCFR) was born on the 16th of November 1904 and died on the 11th of May 1996.

He was usually referred to as Great Zik.

Nnamdi Azikwe Stadium was a multi purpose stadium in Enugu, Nigeria.

It is currently used for most sporting events and activities in Enugu. The multi-purpose complex has a capacity of 22,000.

Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium used to belong to the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC). Until then it was the most flamboyant playing facility in Enugu.

As far back as 1959, the facility was the sports ground of the corporation, the Eastern District. This is not surprising as the corporation was in the forefront of the promotion of sports during and even after the colonial era. As time went on, apparently because of its strategic location right at the heart of Enugu, the defunct Eastern Nigeria Government took over the management of the venue and raised its profile.

The stadium continued to serve as the rallying point for sportsmen and women residents in the eastern region, until the outbreak of the Nigeria/Biafra civil war. It was refurbished after the civil war with hostel facilities to accommodate athletes. It also housed the state’s sports council.


Answer the questions that follow.

  1. Who was the first president of the federal republic of Nigeria?
  2. Which state in Nigeria is Nnamdi Azikwe multi-purpose sport complex located
  3. Nnamdi Azikwe Stadium used to belong to the Nigerian Railway corporation (True, False, Undecided)
  4. Who was the only Nigeria whose name appeared in the Nigeria constitution?


Effective English,pg 26.


Structure: Relative Pronouns.

Content: Definition, Identification

Pronouns are words used as substitutes for noun. They are mostly employed to avoid unnecessary repetition of nouns or noun equivalents. Pronouns are of different kinds, one of which is relative pronouns.


A relative pronoun is a word that relates, points out or links an adjectival or relative clause to the word it describes (i.e its antecedent.

They include pronouns such as who, whom, that, which, whose, where, etc.

Note that these relative pronouns are used for.

  1. Where – it is used to indicate or refer to place
  2. Who – this is used to make reference to person or people
  3. Whom – it is used with preposition like (to) tọ refer to receiver of actions or objects in sentences
  4. Whose – it is used to show possession of something or someone
  5. When – it refers to the specific period of event or action
  6. That – it is a relative pronoun that is used to refer to person, animal, place or thing
  7. Which – it does the same function as that above with the only exception that which is used to refer to non human or inanimate objects

Most often than none, relative pronouns are used to join relative clause with the main clause




  1. That is the boy whose father once killed an elephant.
  2. I can identify the boy who took your toy.
  3. He wrote the poem which (or that) won the prize.
  4. The school where the football field is, produced the best player.
  5. The time when I was asleep was when he came in.
  6. That is the boy who cannot read nor write
  7. Micheal is the man that I will ever be grateful for what he has done for me
  8. The is the teacher to whom the letter was addressed.
  9. I don’t know why he was crying.
  10. The people that were kidnapped last month had been released by the kidnappers


Note: the pronouns who (subject), whom (object) and whose (possessive) are used strictly in reference to people.

The word ‘which’ is used for things, while ‘that’ goes with people or things.



Try how sound you are when it comes to relative pronouns.

Join the following sentences together by using the right relative pronouns.

  1. The boy drew the map. The geography teacher appreciated him.
  2. My brother bought tricycle. I love the tricycle
  3. Sola played the lead role in Anikulapo. Sola is a reputable actress by profession
  4. This is my aunt. She has just moved to Washington.

Write or construct five meaningful sentences using any of the relative pronouns.



Countdown in English, page 220.


Vocabulary Development: Building.

Content: Words, Meanings

Trench – A long narrow ditch or hole dug in the ground.

Concrete – Mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water that hardens as it dries.

Foundation – Part of a house on which the other parts test for support.

D.P.C (Damp Proof Course): Layer of material application to prevent moisture or damp from passing through a wall or floor.

Scaffold:  A structure made of scaffolding, for workers to stand on while working on a building.

Glazier:A person whose job is to put glass in windows.

German floor:  Concrete floor made over the short walls of a foundation to ground floor.

Plumbers:An individual who fits water pipes, basins, baths, water tanks etc.

Gravel:  Pebbles and pieces of rock coarse than sand.


Define the following words and make use of each word in sentences.

  1. Architect
  2. Building plan
  3. Quantity surveyor
  4. Superstructure
  5. Bulldozer
  6. Foundation
  7. Concrete
  8. Mason
  9. Scaffold
  10. Beam




Countdown in English, page 135.

Topic: Writing – Narrative

Content: Definition, Features, Sample Question.

A narrative essay is one in which the writer tells or relates a story or a past event. It involves giving an account of an incident or event in which somebody was involved to an audience that has not experienced it or to people who were not there when it took place.

Every narrative involves:

  1. people
  2. action
  3. time and;
  4. place


Features of narrative essay. 

  1. Tense forms (use the past tense forms).
  2. Natural sequences of events (i.e. arrangement in order of occurrence).
  3. Linkage of events: let there be unity and coherence.


Also note that there must be arrangement into different paragraphs – introduction, body and conclusion.


Sample Question: 

Narrate a journey by train that you embarked on.

Heading My Journey by Train to Kano

Paragraph 1: What necessitated the journey to Kano.

Paragraph 2: Arrangements for the journey.

Paragraph 3:.

Major things that happened during the journey while you were on the train 

Paragraph 4:.

Paragraph 5: The arrival in Kano.

Paragraph 6: The resolution. Lessons learnt and recommendations.



Use the outline to write a full length essay.



Make short sentences with the given words on building.

Write five sentences featuring the relative pronouns treated and underline the words.




Choose the correct option.

  1. She read through the manuscript but could not make __what it meant A. out B. up C. off D. in
  2. Aware of the fact that he will soon be caught, the thief turned himself __ to the police A. out B. up C. down D. in
  3. Although Charles was tired, he didn’t want to break __ the party A. off B. away C. up D. down
  4. How many players turned __ for the practice?    A. in B. up C. out D. off
  5. I’m easily turned __ by foul smell A. in B. out C. of D. off



Complete practice 2, page 35, Effective English 

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