First Term Mid Term Test Basic Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Mid Term Assessment for Basic Science Primary 5

Term: First Term
Week: 7
Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 5
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Marks: 100

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Marks)

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. The process of transferring pollen from the stamen to the pistil is called ______.
    a) Fertilization
    b) Pollination
    c) Germination
    d) Photosynthesis
  2. A substance that makes the environment dirty and unsafe is called a ______.
    a) Nutrient
    b) Pollutant
    c) Resource
    d) Fertilizer
  3. An example of land pollution is ______.
    a) Littering
    b) Air contamination
    c) Water contamination
    d) Noise disturbance
  4. The female part of a flower where pollen is received is called the ______.
    a) Stamen
    b) Sepal
    c) Pistil
    d) Anther
  5. ______ is an agent of pollination.
    a) Soil
    b) Water
    c) Wind
    d) Both b and c
  6. The ______ helps protect the flower bud before it opens.
    a) Petal
    b) Sepal
    c) Pistil
    d) Ovule
  7. Pollination by insects is called ______.
    a) Hydrophily
    b) Anemophily
    c) Entomophily
    d) Zoophily
  8. The process by which harmful substances enter our air is known as ______ pollution.
    a) Water
    b) Noise
    c) Land
    d) Air
  9. The type of waste that includes bottles and cans is known as ______.
    a) Organic waste
    b) Recyclable waste
    c) Hazardous waste
    d) Biodegradable waste
  10. An example of noise pollution is ______.
    a) Running water
    b) Loud music
    c) Blooming flowers
    d) Fresh air
  11. The male part of the flower that produces pollen is called the ______.
    a) Pistil
    b) Stamen
    c) Petal
    d) Sepal
  12. Pollen grains are found in the ______.
    a) Stigma
    b) Anther
    c) Style
    d) Ovule
  13. Waste materials can be harmful to the environment because they cause ______.
    a) Air freshness
    b) Pollution
    c) Cleanliness
    d) Growth
  14. A major source of air pollution is ______.
    a) Running streams
    b) Factory smoke
    c) Flowering plants
    d) Fresh vegetables
  15. Pollination that occurs within the same flower or plant is called ______.
    a) Cross-Pollination
    b) Self-Pollination
    c) External Pollination
    d) Wind Pollination
  16. ______ is a method of waste disposal where waste is burned.
    a) Composting
    b) Incineration
    c) Recycling
    d) Burying
  17. The part of a flower that turns into a fruit is the ______.
    a) Petal
    b) Stamen
    c) Ovary
    d) Sepal
  18. A flower’s ______ attract insects and other pollinators.
    a) Sepals
    b) Pistils
    c) Petals
    d) Ovules
  19. The process of reducing waste by making it into something new is called ______.
    a) Pollination
    b) Fertilization
    c) Recycling
    d) Incineration
  20. A common effect of noise pollution on humans is ______.
    a) Hearing loss
    b) Better sleep
    c) Clean air
    d) Clear vision
  21. Materials like bottles, papers, and cans that can be used again are called ______.
    a) Organic waste
    b) Recyclable waste
    c) Toxic waste
    d) Hazardous waste
  22. ______ is a liquid pollutant often found in water.
    a) Air
    b) Oil
    c) Plastic
    d) Noise
  23. The process by which plants make their own food is called ______.
    a) Respiration
    b) Germination
    c) Pollination
    d) Photosynthesis
  24. A type of waste that can decay and break down naturally is called ______.
    a) Biodegradable waste
    b) Non-biodegradable waste
    c) Recyclable waste
    d) Hazardous waste
  25. The tiny particles produced by flowers that are carried by pollinators are called ______.
    a) Seeds
    b) Pollen
    c) Roots
    d) Flowers
  26. The loud noise from cars, factories, and airplanes is considered ______ pollution.
    a) Water
    b) Noise
    c) Land
    d) Air
  27. The ovary of a flower develops into a ______ after fertilization.
    a) Root
    b) Stem
    c) Fruit
    d) Leaf
  28. The transfer of pollen by water is mostly seen in ______ plants.
    a) Aquatic
    b) Desert
    c) Mountain
    d) Forest
  29. The waste that does not decompose easily and can harm the environment is called ______.
    a) Biodegradable waste
    b) Non-biodegradable waste
    c) Organic waste
    d) Toxic waste
  30. Pollution that affects the land is known as ______ pollution.
    a) Air
    b) Noise
    c) Land
    d) Water

Part B: Theory Questions (40 Marks)

Instruction: Answer the following short answer questions.

  1. What is pollination, and why is it important for plants?
  2. Name and describe the two main types of pollination.
  3. List three agents of pollination and explain how they help in the process.
  4. What are the parts of a flower, and what role does each part play in reproduction?
  5. Define pollution and give examples of two types of pollution.
  6. Explain how air pollution can affect human health.
  7. What are some common sources of water pollution?
  8. How can recycling help in reducing waste in the environment?
  9. What is the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste?
  10. Why is it important to dispose of waste properly?
  11. Describe the process of recycling and mention two advantages of recycling.
  12. How can we control noise pollution in our environment?
  13. Name three effects of land pollution on the environment.
  14. How does water pollution affect aquatic life?
  15. What materials are commonly used to maintain a healthy environment?
  16. Explain the role of plants in maintaining clean air.
  17. Why is it important to maintain a healthy school environment?
  18. What are some methods used to dispose of waste?
  19. How can composting help in waste management?
  20. What happens to a flower after it is pollinated?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Marks)

Instruction: Write True or False for each statement.

  1. Pollination can only occur between different plants.
  2. The pistil is the female part of a flower.
  3. Land pollution only affects plants and animals.
  4. Insects are one of the agents of pollination.
  5. Recycling helps reduce waste in the environment.
  6. All types of waste are biodegradable.
  7. Loud noise can cause hearing problems in humans.
  8. Air pollution can be caused by factory emissions.
  9. Composting is a method of burning waste.
  10. Polluted water is safe for drinking.
  11. Flowers can be pollinated by wind.
  12. Non-biodegradable waste breaks down easily in the environment.
  13. Fruits develop from the ovary of a flower.
  14. The anther is part of the female reproductive system in flowers.
  15. Burning waste is a safe way to dispose of all types of waste.
  16. Soil contamination is a form of land pollution.
  17. Pollination is not necessary for plant reproduction.
  18. Biodegradable waste can decompose naturally.
  19. All pollutants are visible to the human eye.
  20. Recyclable waste can be turned into new products.
  21. Water pollution affects only aquatic plants.
  22. Pollination can occur without the help of pollinators.
  23. Noise pollution does not affect animals.
  24. The transfer of pollen to a stigma on the same flower is called self-pollination.
  25. Hazardous waste is safe to handle without protection.
  26. Recycled materials are always safe for the environment.
  27. Noise pollution can be controlled by reducing loud noises in public places.
  28. Pollutants can enter the environment naturally or through human activities.
  29. Wind and water are agents of pollination.
  30. Every type of waste can be recycled.

Note to Teacher: Ensure the pupils attempt all sections. Mark and provide feedback, highlighting areas where they need improvement.

CLASS: PRIMARY 5                        

SUBJECT: Basic Science


  1. Pollution is the ___________ of the environment (air , water, and land) by harmful substances caused by human (a) Renewal               (b) Contamination               (c) cleaning
  2. _____________ is a disease that can be caused by water pollution (a) HIV (b) malaria (c) cholera
  3. Water pollution occurs when water is _____________ (a) purified (b) contaminated (c) stored
  4. Which of these is not a causes of air pollution? (a) smoke from burning (b) fumes from vehicles (cars etc)        (c) paper on land
  5. Air pollution can lead to ___________ (a) malaria (b) AIDS        (c) lungs infection
  6. Air pollution is good for our health. True/False
  7. Waste in solid from is called _________________(a) refuse       (b) sewage                 (c) paper
  1. Land pollution can lead to the spread of _____________(a) health       (b) diseases               (c) environmental sanitation
  1. _____ pollution occurs when wastes and other solid matters are disposed on land. (a) land             (b) water        (c) air
  2. Noise is ___________ through our ears. (a) seen (b) perceived           (c) heard
  3. Noise is a/an ________ sound (a) organized (b) unorganized        (c) cool
  4. ___________ is a sound especially a loud or unpleasant one. (a) pollution     (b) noise     (c) sun
  5. Erosion is an example of __________ change that take place around us. (a) man-made (b) natural (c) super natural
  6. _____ lowers that level of land by wearing it away. (a) reproduction (b) erosion    (c) geography
  7. All these can cause erosion except ________ (a) running water (b) wind     (c) insect
  8. ____________ means the same as environment. (a) heaven (b) surrounding      (c) science
  9. ____________ is a way of maintaining good quality environment.(a) environmental pollution         (b) environmental sanitation           (c) erosion
  1. We should live in a ___________ environment. (a) healthy      (b) dirty         (c) dangerous
  2. A/An ___________ environment is of poor quality. (a) good       (b) healthy       (c) unhealthy
  3. Mosquito lays egg in __________ water. (a) stagnant (b) ocean        (c) running
  4. ____________ can help to improve the quality of the environment

(a) dirt              (b) cleanliness            (c) erosion

  1. There are _________ types of waste (a) 2 (b) 3            (c) 10
  2. A ____________ is a container for household refuse.        (a) pocket       (b) drum        (c) dustbin
  3. _____________ is a waste in liquid form. (a) sewage (b) refuse        (c) gas
  4. The process of converting waste to reusable material is called ______(a) forming            (b) breaking            (c) recycling
  1. Which of these waste materials cannot be recycled? (a) excrement (b) paper       (c) nylon
  2. Sewage can be disposed by the use of ____________ (a) fire         (b) sewers         (c) lorry
  3. Wastes are burnt to ashes in a / an ___________ (a) dustbin        (b) incinerator       (c) sewer
  4. _____________ means the washing away and caring off the top soil on the surface of earth by water and wind. (a) air pollution (b) erosion (c) pollution
  5. Which of these is not a cause of Air Pollution? (a) smoke from burning (b) fumes from vehicles (c) paper on land



  1. Define Erosion_________
  2. Give the main classes of erosion_________
  3. Define Pollution? _________
  4. List common causes of pollution_________
  5. Give the difference between waste and waste disposal. __________________
  6. What is environmental quality? _________
  7. What is the meaning of healthy environment_________

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