

CLASS: PRIMARY 4                        


SUBJECT: Civic Education


Instruction: Answer all the questions


  1. __________ is not a major athnic group in Nigeria (a) Tiv (b) Hausa (c) Yoruba
  2. _____ is not a right attitude to cultural diversity. (a) ignorance    (b) Tolerance    (c) Co-operative
  3. __________ is an example of values (a) disobedience      (b) stealing     (c) honesty
  4. __________ will promote unity among people. (a) conflict     (b)  tolerance     (c) fanaticism
  5. We should respect other people’s belief and ________ (a) shoes     (b) clothes     (c) traditions
  6. Listening to other people’s view will not lead to _________ (a) conflict   (b) honesty   (c) poor
  7. A ___________ leader is in charge of a community (a) traditional (b) family      (c) military
  8. Emir is to houses as _________ is to the yoruba. (a) oba         (b) obi         (c) igwe
  9. A good leader should not be ________ (a) honest (b) kind          (c) wicked
  10. _____ will not help to promote the spirit of communalism?(a) hatred    (b) love    (c) togetherness
  11. Unity promotes _________ (a) co-operation (b) death          (c) hatred
  12. The best way to settle disagreement in a community is by ____(a) fighting (b) dialoguing (c) killing
  13. There are ____________ types of constitutional form of government (a) 1       (b) 2         (c) 3
  14. _________ is not a form of government. (a) traditional (b) parliamentary      (c) hooliganism
  15. A _________ is the head of a presidentail form of government. (a) king    (b) queen   (c) president
  16. In democracy, leaders are chosen by _________ (a) decree         (b) coup        (c) voting
  17. There are _________ arms of government. (a) 3 (b) 5             (c) 4
  18. What is the name of the president of your country? _________________________
  19. Local government is also called ___________ government (a) federal (b) inside (c) grass root
  20. How many Local government areas are there in the state where you live? ______________
  21. In which Local government area do you live? ________________
  22. How many tiers of government are there in Nigera? (a) 2                (b) 3                (c) 4
  23. How many states are there in Nigeria? ____________
  24. Which of these is not a tier of government in Nigeria? (a) state (b) federal (c) foreign

Answer True or False

  1. The state government pays taxes to people ____________
  2. The state government employs and pays salaries ___________
  3. State government is higher than Federal government ____________
  4. It is the role of the state government to create jobs ____________
  5. It is the role of the state government to build roads ____________
  6. _________ is not a problem facing state government.

(a) corruption           (b) insecurity            (c) excess revenue generation





THEORY (6marks per questions)

Answer all questions

1a.       Define Value?

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. List the ways we can us in respecting elders

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

2a.       What is Community Leadership?

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. List four leadership styles we have

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________


3a.       What is Communism?

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Mention the two Political Philosophers that founded Communalism

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

4a.       Define Government?

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. List the types of Constitutional form of Government

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What is Democracy?

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________5a.            List the arms (tiers) of Government we have.

________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________            ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Define the following?
  2. Local Government

________________________________________________________________________________                        ii.         State Government






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