
  1. Social Studies is of _______ (a) house  (b) school (c) man and his environment 
  2. An examples of environment is _____ (a) people’s environment (b) society (c) physical 
  3. Social studies teaches us to know how to _____ (a) obey law (b) fight (c) make a noise in the class room 
  4. Which of the following is not part of our environment? (a) river (b) tree (c) heaven 
  5. Things we see in our environment that are created by God are called _____ (a) man-made objects (b) natural objects (c) God’s objects 
  6. The brother of my father is _____ (a) nephew (b) grandfather (c) uncle
  7. My aunt is ______ (a) the sister  of my uncle (b) the sister of my father  (c) the sister of my niece 
  8. One thing the children can do to help at home is ______ (a) to help in providing money (b) to help in washing clothes (c) both  A and B are correct 
  9. ______ is a common food among the Yorubas (a) Edikaikong (b) Amala (c) Tuwo
  10. Prostration to great elders is common among the _____ (a) Hausa (b) igbos  (c) Yorubas
  11. Hospitals, schools and electricity transformers are called ______ (a) government property (b) culture (c)musical instruments
  12. Telling the truth all the time is called _______ (a) honesty (b) dishonesty (c) values 
  13. Showing people that they are important to us is known as _____ (a) greeting (b) respect (c) honesty 
  14. When you are satisfied with what you have, you are _____ (a) respectful (b) contented (c) patient 
  15. A loyal person is a ______ person (a) troublesome (b) bold (c) faithful 
  16. When someone offend you, you should be ready to _____ (a) forgive (b) fight  (c) punch 
  17. It is not good to take alcohol? (a) true (b) false 
  18. An expired food can make someone to ____ (a) grow  (b) die  (c) sleep well 
  19. The ways of life of a group of people is known as _____ (a) greeting (b) activities (c) culture 
  20. We can have diseases if we _____ (a) cook in a dirty environment (b) wash meat before cooking it (c) fry our meat before cooking 
  21. Cooking with dirty hands can expose us to _____ (a) good cooking (b) danger (c) healthy living 
  22. Water is ________ (a) solid  (b) liquid  (c) syrup
  23. ______ does not need water (a) man (b) plant (c) stone 
  24. Water that come straight from the sky is _______ (a) spring (b) river (c) rain 
  25. Security is when someone is ______ (a) in danger (b) healthy (c) free from danger 
  26. We prevent insecurity on the road by _____ (a) obeying traffic lights (b) disobeying traffic lights (c) destroying traffic lights 
  27. If our food is bad we should ______ (a) throw it away (b) eat it quickly (c) wash it before eating
  28. It is good to take drugs? (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know
  29. It is good to buy drug from ______ (a) public bus  (b) an unregistered medical store (c) a registered medicine store 
  30. Water from deep hole is _____ (a) stream water (b) well (c) tap water 

Section B:


  1. Mention the sources of water? (i) _____________________________________
    • (ii) _____________________________ (iii) ________________________________
  2. Mention things we buy with money? (i) _________________________
    • (ii) ___________________________ (iii) _______________________________ 
  3. ___________________ is a colourless liquid.
  4. If some on inhales chemicals, he can ______________________________________ 
  5. List two (2)  risk factors in food distribution and preparation? 
    • _____________________________________________
    • _____________________________________________

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