Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Christian Religious Studies (CRS)


SUBJECT: C.R.S                                 


1)    The Holy spirit is the third person of the        __________     (a)saint (b)Trinity  (c)garden 

2)    The holy spirit makes us        __________     Christians (a)Faithful  (b)rebellious  (c)cruel 

3)    The Holy spirit makes us   __________         to preach the gospel  (a)afraid  (b)scared (c)bold 

4)    Before Peter received the Holy spirit, he denied Jesus Christ    __________     times (a)three   (b)one  (c)two 

5)    When the Holy spirit fills us, we desire to do only what is   __________     (a)good  (b)fake  (c)dangerous 

6)      __________     was a deacon at a church in Jerusalem (a)Segun (b)Stephen (c)Micheal 

7)    Stephen was stoned because he stood for the     __________    (a)truth  (b)lies (c)deceit 

8)    The unfaithful servant    __________         his one talent to his master (a)scattered  (b)returned (c)kept 

9)    If we don’t use our talents, it will be    __________         from us (a)added  (b)taken  (c)returned 

10)    __________       is a statement that is right (a)truth (b)false (c)Deceit 

11)    The Holy spirit helps us to    __________         the truth (a)forsake (b)Ignore  (c)understand 

12)    Christians heard the knowledge of truth because there are so many     __________  teaching (a)false  (b)new (c)judicial 

13)    It is only the    __________     that can reveal the truth (a)devil  (b)Holy spirit  (c)friend 

14)    The feeling of goodness and kindness towards another person is   __________     (a)hatred (b)deceit  (c)love 

15)    We need to love because   __________     (a)God is love  (b)we must eat (c)we will win contract 

16)    Jesus’ death on the cross is an evidence of his   __________     to us. (a)Love  (b)hatred  (c)fear 

17)    In the parable of the good Samaritan, the man was travelling from    __________     to   __________     (a)Jerusalem to Jericho (b)Damascus to Isreal   (c)Jordan to Jericho 

18)    The good Samaritan cleaned the man’s wound with   __________     and__________       (a)coke and fanta (b)wine and oil (c)spirit and Dettol 

19)    Love is like life and hate is like        __________ (a)death  (b)food  (c)drink 

20)    We get    __________     for everything we do (a)snack  (b)money  (c)reward 

21)    __________   and   __________     sold their land and kept part of the money (a)James and John  (b)Ananias and Saphira (c)Daddy and Mummy 

22)    Laziness in school brings about     __________    (a)high level (b)failure  (c)good gift 

23)    The Holy spirit helps Christians to be__________         (a)united  (b)divided  (c)fighting 

24)    With the Holy spirit in us, we can avoid    __________     actions (a)eating (b)sinful  (c)general 

25)    And all who believed were together and had     __________  things in common (a)all  (b)few  (c)some 


1)    The Holy spirit is the         __________

2)    The Trinity consists of God the        __________         ,         __________   , and         __________           

3)    Reward means           __________    

4)    The        __________         treated the dying man’s wounds 

5)    Love is the feeling of            __________

6)    Truth is            __________

7)    The Holy spirit helps us to         __________

8)      __________         was a deacon stoned to death 

9)    The     __________          returned the one talent to his master. 

10)    When we do good, we get           __________    

11)    Laziness to work brings about       __________            

12)       __________     died for our sins to display his love for mankind 

13)    The first person to see the__________ wounded/dying man was the                

14)    The dove is referred to as         __________          

15)    When Peter received the Holy spirit, he preached and            __________    


1a)    Who is the Holy spirit __________

  1. b) Give 2 ways in which the Holy spirit influences us  (a)         __________        (b)            __________     

2)    Relate the parable of the good Samaritan __________


3)    What is ‘Truth’? __________

  1. b) Why is the knowledge of ‘Truth’ important to Christians? __________


4a)    Describe ‘Love’__________

  1. b) Give 2 reasons why we should love one another . i. __________
  2. __________

5 What do you understand of the term “Reward’? __________


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