Third Term Examinations Primary 3 Mathematics


SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS                         CLASS: PRIMARY 3



    How many squares are in this shape?  (a) 5   (b) 16   (c) 14


  1.                     9cm

                  4cm         The perimeter of this shape is _____(a) 13cm   (b) 36cm  (c) 26cm


  1. 2500grams = __________ kilograms  (a) 25   (b) 2.5   (c) 250
  2. The standard unit of measuring capacity  is _____ (a) the millitre  (b) the litre   (c)  the  centimeter
  3. How minutes  are  in  1hour  30minutes? (A)  90minutes (b)  130 minutes  (c)  60 minutes
  4. Equilateral  triangle  has  ______lines  of  symmetry (a)  2   (b)  3   (c)  4  of these  shapes  does  not  have  line  of  symmetry  (a) square  (b)  equilateral  triangle  (c)  scalene  triabgle

  1. Pictogram  is  represented  in  ____(a)  colour  (b) picture   (c) grams
  2. A mode is the  number  of items  that  occurs the ____(a) least  (b) most  (c)  middle
  3. WE  weigh  with  _____(a)  scale  (b)  ruler   (c)  tray
  4. How many  centimetres  from  1  to  5 in your  ruler?  (a)  6cm   (b)  15cm  (c)  20cm

              5cm      The  area  of  this  shape  is  _____ (a)  50cm2   (b)  15cm2   (c)  30cm2



  1. _______ is the  total  distance  around  the  outside  of  a  shape  object  or  surface. (a)  area  (b)  perimeter (c)  symmetry
  2. 2000grams   +  1000grams  +  500grams  =______ (a)  3500kg    (b)  3.5kg  (c)  35kg

                                          The  time  in this  clock  says   (a)  10:02    (b)  10:10   (c)  2:10


  1. Which  of these  shapes  has  two lines  of  symmetry ? (a)  square  (b)  equilateral  triangle  (c)  rectangle
  2.                                 2.5 

                    =  10   ,                =  5                 or  

Calculate  this  with the  pictures  above                                             (a) 30    (b)  32.5   (c)  35.2


  1. 250ml  =  ________  ɭ   (a)  1/3   (b)  ¼     (c)  1/5 


    This  object  is  called  ___(a)  hook   (b)  weight   (c) scale


  1. The  object  in question  number  (19)  is used  to  ____(a)  weigh   (b) cut   (c)  carry


  1. ________________________ and ___________________are  used  in  measuring  curved  line
  1. The  area  of  this  shape  below  is  ___________


  1. fill  in the  hands  according  to the  time given  under  the  clock  




                                                      Quarter  to  12

  1. We have  __________days  in the  last three  months  of the  year  
  2. 8 ½  kg=  _____________________grams
  3. 2000g +  2000g +  1500g =  _________________kg
  4. Square has  -___________________lines  of  symmetry
  5. Use  the  pictograph  above to  answer  question  9 and  10








9. The mode of the data is ____________________________

10. In which of the height has no pupil? _________________________


1a. Draw these shapes – square, equilateral triangle and rectangle and show their lines of symmetry.

b. How many minutes are there in 2 ¼ hours?



2. How many ?




b. How many grams make 2.1kg?________________________________

3. Calculate the perimeter of these shapes below

a. 6cm


7cm 7cm



4. Accurately measure the length and breadth of your question paper. Length ________cm , Breadth _________cm


b. Find the perimeter of this curved shape



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