Third Term Examinations Primary 1 CRS
1) A _________ is someone who has forsaken sin and has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour (a)True
devil (b)True Christian (c)True people
2) A Christian must fight people of other religions _________(a)Yes (b)No (c)I don’t know
3) A Christian must _________ when he/she is being tempted to sin. (a)stay (b)play (c)runaway
4) A Christian must not , _________ , and _________ (a)Pray everyday, read the Bible and help
others (b)tell lies, insult others, disrespect his/her parents.
5) A Christian must _________ always (a) Play (b)Pray (c)Sway
6) A Christian is the _________ of the world (a)Candle (b)fire (c)light
7) Jesus told us to _________ other people from other religion (a)Love (b)Hate (c)Fight
8) The Early Christians _________ what they have with each other. (a)Sell (b)shared (c)kept
9) The early Christians _________ were of one heart and of one soul (a)believe (b)lie (c)sorrow
10) Children of God should _________ one another (a)kill (b)Love (c)Beat
11) Paul and Silas prayed and _________ praises unto God (a)abuse (b)curse (c)sang
12) A great _________ shaken the foundations of the person (a)earthquake (b)storm (c)thunder
13) The prison doors were _________ and everyone’s bands were loosed (a)closed (b)tight (c)opened
14) _________ and _________ were in prison (a)Mary and Joseph (b)Paul and Silas (c)Isaac and Jacob
15) Paul and Silas believed in _________ (a)Satan (b)Man (c)God
16) To become a Christian you must accept that you are a _________ (a)saint (b)sinner (c)God
17) A good Christian must not _________ (a)steal (b)pray (c)sing
18) We must do things that will bring to the name of God _________
(a)Shame (b)Cry (c)glory
19) We have different religions in our society _________
(a)Yes (b)No (c)Maybe
20) Christian must do _________ to people of other religion (a)bad (b)good (c)worst
1) Jesus told us to _________ one another
2) A Christian must not _________ people of other religion.
3) A true Christian must _________ always.
4) Paul and Silas believed in _________
5) _________ was the man who came to Jesus in the night.
6) The early Christian _________ what they have with each other
7) A true Christian must not _________
8) A Christian must _________ away from sin
9) Christians are the _________ of the world.
10) The _________ Samaritan helped the man that was attacked by arm robbers.
1) Who is a true Christian? _________
2) Mention 3 things a Christian must do
(a) _________ (b) _________ (c) _________
3) Recite John Chapter 3 verse 3
4) Mention 3 steps one needs to take before one can become a true Christian
(a) ______________________
5) State one moral lesson from the story of the Good Samaritan