Third Term Examinations Primary 1 CRS



SUBJECT: C.R.S                                 


1)    A     _________      is someone who has forsaken sin and has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour (a)True 

         devil  (b)True Christian   (c)True people 

2)    A Christian must fight people of other religions _________(a)Yes    (b)No   (c)I don’t know 

3)    A Christian must       _________     when he/she is being tempted to sin. (a)stay  (b)play  (c)runaway 

4)    A Christian must not               _________         , and     _________      (a)Pray everyday, read the Bible and help 

          others  (b)tell lies, insult others, disrespect his/her parents. 

5)    A Christian must     _________   always (a) Play   (b)Pray   (c)Sway 

6)    A Christian is the        _________  of the world (a)Candle   (b)fire   (c)light 

7)    Jesus told us to     _________      other people from other religion (a)Love   (b)Hate   (c)Fight 

8)    The Early Christians        _________     what they have with each other. (a)Sell   (b)shared   (c)kept 

9)    The early Christians     _________      were of one heart and of one soul (a)believe   (b)lie   (c)sorrow 

10)    Children of God should       _________     one another (a)kill   (b)Love  (c)Beat 

11)    Paul and Silas prayed and           _________ praises unto God (a)abuse  (b)curse  (c)sang 

12)    A great       _________     shaken the foundations of the person (a)earthquake  (b)storm  (c)thunder 

13)    The prison doors were       _________   and everyone’s bands were loosed (a)closed (b)tight (c)opened 

14)      _________     and    _________      were in prison (a)Mary and Joseph  (b)Paul and Silas (c)Isaac and Jacob 

15)    Paul and Silas believed in           _________ (a)Satan  (b)Man  (c)God 

16)    To become a Christian you must accept that you are a       _________     (a)saint  (b)sinner  (c)God 

17)    A good Christian must not         _________    (a)steal  (b)pray  (c)sing 

18)    We must do things that will bring         to the name of God _________

(a)Shame  (b)Cry  (c)glory 

19)    We have different religions in our society _________

(a)Yes   (b)No   (c)Maybe 

20)    Christian must do       _________     to people of other religion (a)bad  (b)good  (c)worst  


1)    Jesus told us to             _________       one another 

2)    A Christian must not         _________       people of other religion. 

3)    A true Christian must         _________       always. 

4)    Paul and Silas believed in            _________        

5)        _________       was the man who came to Jesus in the night. 

6)    The early Christian         _________      what they have with each other

7)    A true Christian must not               _________      

8)    A Christian must         _________       away from sin 

9)    Christians are the       _________         of the world. 

10)    The            _________         Samaritan helped the man that was attacked by arm robbers. 


1)    Who is a true Christian?                                                     _________   

2)    Mention 3 things a Christian must do 

    (a)        _________               (b)          _________                 (c)                _________           

3)    Recite John Chapter 3 verse 3 




4)    Mention 3 steps one needs to take before one can become a true Christian 

    (a)   ______________________                                        



5)    State one moral lesson from the story of the Good Samaritan 



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