SUBJECT: C.R.S                                         CLASS: SS2                               

  1. Asa is an example of a parent (a) who failed to direct his children’s path (b) who admonished his children (c) whose children perverted justice (d) whose children interfered with God’s sacrifice 
  2. The contest on Mount Carmel was organized to (a) popularize Baal worship                     (b) prove the power of God (c) show that God answers by fire (d) prove the immorality of Elijah 
  3. God promised to punish the house of Ahab and not Ahab himself, because he                 (a) humbled himself (b) acted under pressure (c) was a righteous man (d) acted wisely 
  4. The worship of “Host of Heaven” in Judah during Manasseh’s reign was an indication that (a) Yahweh’s worship had declined (b) Judah’s king was weak                  (c) Assyrian influence was strong (d) Babylonian influence was great 
  5. Who among the following carried out a religious reform in Judah? (a) Jehoshaphat (b) Joshua (c) Josiah (d) Jehoiachim 
  6. Hosea’s daughter was called (a) Jezreel (b) No pitied (c) Not my people (d) Phinehas 
  7. The main lesson to be learnt from Elijah’s victory at Mount Carmel is (a) God empowers his prophets (b) the failure to false prophets (c) God’s Supremacy over false gods (d) ability to bring fire from heaven 
  8. When Elijah confronted Ahab over the killing of Naboth, Ahab (a) rejected any responsibility for it (b) blamed Jezebel for the murder (c) repented with sackcloth and fasting (d) reluctantly accepted responsibility for it 
  9. Gehazi became a leper because of his (a) Deceitfulness (b) greed (c) wickedness                (d) lies 
  10. Which of the following events could be attributed to Josiah? (a) Establishing relationship with Assyria (b) Reconstruction of the Valley of Hinnon (c) Revival of the feast of the Passover (d) Building walls around Jerusalem 
  11. Huldah, the prophetess announced evil upon Judah and its inhabitants because people (a) Had burned incense to other gods (b) were marrying foreign women                 (c) were disobedient to the law of God (d) had failed to keep the Sabbath 
  12. Nebuchadnezzar allowed the Chaldeans, Syrians and Moabites to attack Judah so that Judah might (a) Learn a lesson (b) be destroyed (c) face famine (d) ransack the temple 
  13. Which of the following distinctly demonstrates the episode of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego? (a) complete trust in God (b) God’s ability to save his servants                 (c) Weakness of an earthly king (d) Failure of a King’s dictatorship 
  14. Hosea named his first son Jezreel as a sign of (a) victory upon the enemies of Israel (b) Punishment to come unto the royal house (c) God losing his patience for Israel (d) breaking the covenant relationship with Israel 
  15. Ahab revealed his disregard for the law when he (a) got married to Jezebel                        (b) Persecuted the Prophets of Israel (c) appropriated the Vineyard of Naboth                (d) refused to listen to Naboth 
  16. Josiah sent the ashes of the burnt vessels of Baal to Bethel in order to (a) desecrate the golden calf being worshipped (b) desecrate the place for child sacrifice                (c) despoil the high places of Asherah (d) Consecrate the place for Yahweh worship 
  17. Daniel disobeyed king Darius by (a) refusing to honour the Persian gods (b) refusing to be made president of the Satraps (c) celebrating Jewish festival in a foreign land (d) praying three times daily for thirty days 
  18. The Judean King who revolted against Babylon after serving her for three years was (a) Jehoahaz (b) Jehoiakim (c) Jehoiachin (d) Zedekiah 
  19. Nehemiah showed concern for his nation by (a) reviving Yahweh worship                (b) rebuilding the temple (c) reconstructing Jerusalem walls (d) leading exiles home 
  20. The tribes which led the Jews in rebuilding the temple were (a) Judah and Benjamin (b) Levi and Gad (c) Ephraim and Manasseh (d) Reuben and Zebulon 
  21. Amos satirically invited the jews to come to Bethel and Gilgal in order to  (a) repent (b) worship (c) transgress (d) pacify 
  22. Hosea described the relationship between God and Israel as (a) a covenant contrast (b) a marriage bond (c) a marriage reunion (d) an agreement bond 
  23. The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my father’s” This statement implies the Israelites (a) do not sell inherited property (b) inherited property cannot be mortgaged (c) do not sell inherited property (d) forbid land transfer to foreigners. 
  24. Which of the following personalities witnessed the reforms of Josiah? (a) Hilkiah    (b) Isaiah (c) Ezekiel (d) Ezra 
  25.  Josiah’s reign as king was popular because of his (a) religious reforms (b) victories in battle (c) leadership style (d) discovery of the law book 
  26. Ahab and Gehazi demonstrated the spirit of (a) apostasy (b) selfishness (c) greed (d) treachery 
  27. When Nehemiah heard of the poor state of affairs in Judah, he immediately (a) left to build Jerusalem (b) became sand and fasted (c) took up arms to fight                   (d) mobilized resources for reconstruction 
  28. King Darius asked men to fear the God of Daniel because he is (a) the living God                 (b) the most supreme (c) gracious and Holy (d) a loving God 
  29. To Amos, Israel’s expectation of the “day of the Lord’ would be a day of                           (a) happiness (b) punishment (c) rejection (d) forgiveness 
  30. Amaziah warned Amos never to prophesy at Bethel again because (a) it was the King’s sanctuary (b) it showed disrespect to God (c) Israel easily broke the Sabbath laws (d) Amos belonged to the prophetic guild 
  31. In the teaching of Hosea, Gomer typifies (a) Canaan (b) Israel (c) Judah (d) Assyria 
  32. To Hosea, Yahweh was a God of (a) Righteousness and Justice (b) Love and mercy (c) peace and Justice (d) purity and righteousness
  33. Josiah defiled Topheth in order to prevent Jews form (a) sacrificing children to Molech (b) offering sacrifices to the god, chemosh (c) worshipping the Babylonian sun god (d) building the Asherah in Hinon 
  34. What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they sacrifice…..? Sanballat made this statement to (a) scare the Jews (b) attack the Jews (c) ridicule the Jews (d) sanction the Jews 
  35.  Nehemiah succeeded in building the walls of Jerusalem because (a) he defeated Sanballlat and Tobiah (b) Artaxerxes sent troops to protect him (c) God’s hand was with the Jews (d) God sent plagues upon their enemies 
  36. Which Persian king allowed the Jews to go back to rebuild the temple?                               (a) Nebuchadnezzar (b) Cyrus (c) Darius (d) Artaxerxes 
  37. King Darius decreed that men should tremble and fear the God of Daniel because He (God) is the (a) Saving God (b) Living God (c) Powerful God (d) Loving God 
  38. That Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no heed to you, o King…… The King being addressed was (a) Nebuchadbezzar (b) Ashurbanipal (c) Cyrus            (d) Darius 
  39. Amos inn his prophetic work advocated for (a) Sincere sacrifice and worship                     (b) true religion and social justice (c) love and true sacrifice (d) righteousness, peace and love 
  40. The book of Hosea is meant to illustrate God’s (a) universalism and love (b) purity and providence (c) love and mercy (d) forgiveness and sovereignty 
  41. Deborah, a prophetess who was a judge in Israel was the wife of (a) Barak                         (b) Lappidoth (c) Joshua (D) Sisera 
  42. The two sons of Eli were (a) Hophni and Phinehas (b) Phinehas and Joel (c) Joel and Abijah (d) Hophni and Abijah 
  43. Which of the following was the immediate effect of Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel? It (a) made Israel politically weak (b) made Ahab a dictator (c) corrupted Israel’s social system (d) gave foreign gods a stronghold 
  44. Elijah proclaimed drought in Israel as a punishment for (a) persecuting the prophets of God (b) worshipping Baal (c) Ahab marrying jezebel (d) the murder of Naboth 
  45. The contest between Elijah and the  Baal prophets took place on/at (a) Mount Sinai (b) Mount Carmel (c) Brook Cherith (d) Brook Kishon 
  46. When Nehemiah received the report about the ruin in Jerusalem, he (a) wept, fasted and prayed (b) put on sack clothes (c) refused to save Artaxerxes                      (d) confronted the King. 
  47. King Nebuchadnezzar issued a decree that no one should speak against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego because (a) He is a God who destroys (b) no other god could deliver like him (c) He listens to the cry of the afflicted (d) he easily performs miracles 
  48. Before Amos became a prophet he was a (a) judge (b) seer (c) tent maker                        (d) farmer 
  49. The name of Hosea’s daughter “not pitied” means God will (a) punish the house of Jehu for the blood of Israel (b) no longer have pity on the house of Israel (c) no longer have pity on the house of Judah (d) deny Judah his protective presence 
  50. Jesus was baptized by John in order to (a) confirm John’s power (b) please the Jews (c) fulfill all righteousness (d) identify with sinners 
  51. According to Christian belief, the second coming of Christ refers to: a) Jesus returning to Earth to establish his earthly kingdom b) Jesus coming to Earth to judge and take the faithful Christians to Heaven c) Jesus appearing on Earth as a human being again
  52. Who wrote about the signs of the second coming of Christ in his letter to the Thessalonians? a) Peter b) James c) Paul
  53. How did Jesus describe the timing of his second coming? a) It will happen at a specific date and time b) It will be like the coming of a thief in the night c) It will be announced in advance to all people
  54. How should Christians prepare for the second coming of Christ according to Jesus and Paul? a) By accumulating wealth and possessions b) By living holy lives and loving one another c) By isolating themselves from the world
  55. What is commonly referred to as “the rapture of the saints”? a) The moment when Jesus will take the faithful Christians to Heaven during his second coming b) The resurrection of the dead at the second coming of Christ c) The judgment of all people by Jesus during his second coming
  56. In what form will Jesus come during his second coming? a) As a human being b) As a spirit c) In his glorified body
  57. How did Paul describe the second coming of Christ in his letter to the Thessalonians? a) As a peaceful event with no signs or warnings b) As a sudden and unexpected event c) As a gradual process that will take place over many years
  58. According to Christian teaching, who will be involved in the second coming of Christ? a) Only those who are alive at the time of his coming b) Only those who have died and been resurrected c) Both those who are alive and those who have died
  59. What should be the attitude of Christians towards the second coming of Christ? a) Fear and dread b) Indifference and apathy c) Expectation and readiness
  60. What should be the behavior of Christians in anticipation of the second coming of Christ? a) Living holy lives and showing good conduct to people b) Isolating themselves from the world and focusing only on spiritual matters c) Accumulating wealth and possessions in preparation for Christ’s arrival
  61. How do Christians interpret the significance of the resurrection of Jesus? a. It confirms the truth of other religious beliefs. b. It validates the claims of Jesus as the Son of God. c. It proves the existence of multiple gods. d. It negates the need for faith in any religious doctrine.
  62. What does the resurrection of Jesus symbolize to Christians? a. Defeat over sin and evil. b. Defeat over other religions. c. Defeat over secularism. d. Defeat over the laws of nature.
  63. How does the resurrection of Jesus provide hope to Christians? a. It guarantees wealth and prosperity in this life. b. It guarantees physical healing and longevity. c. It guarantees eternal life and victory over death. d. It guarantees success and achievement in worldly matters.
  64. What does the resurrection of Jesus confirm about his identity? a. He was just a human prophet. b. He was a political leader. c. He was the promised Messiah and the Son of God. d. He was a fictional character created by early Christians.
  65. What impact does the resurrection of Jesus have on the fear of death among Christians? a. It increases the fear of death. b. It eliminates the fear of death. c. It has no impact on the fear of death. d. It depends on the individual’s personal beliefs.
  66. How does the resurrection of Jesus empower Christians to live a new life? a. It gives them superpowers and abilities. b. It provides them with wealth and material possessions. c. It gives them moral and ethical guidelines to follow. d. It empowers them with the Holy Spirit for a life of holiness and righteousness.
  67. What does the resurrection of Jesus demonstrate about the power of God? a. It proves that there are many gods. b. It proves that God is weak and incapable. c. It confirms the power and authority of God. d. It has no impact on the belief in God’s power
  68. What is the meaning of Christian attitude towards work? a. Being lazy and avoiding work b. Working only when someone is watching c. Being faithful, diligent, and creative in our work d. Being deceitful and dishonest in our work
  69. According to Christian values, how should Christians approach their work? a. With a hypocritical attitude b. With disloyalty and deceitfulness c. With diligence and consistency d. With laziness and lack of creativity
  70. What does faithfulness mean in the Christian attitude towards work? a. Being unreliable and inconsistent b. Working only for personal gain c. Being honest, reliable, and consistent in our efforts d. Engaging in eye-service and deceitful behavior
  71. What is the saying that reflects the negative consequences of idle hands? a. “Work smart, not hard” b. “An idle mind is the devil’s playground” c. “Rest is best”
  72. How does the Bible view those who do not work? a. They are encouraged to find leisure activities b. They are viewed as lazy and may not eat c. They are seen as deserving of rest and relaxation
  73. What are the potential benefits of hard work according to the lesson? a. Personal growth and development, success and achievement, and positive impact on others b. Avoiding responsibilities, procrastination, and leisure time c. Taking shortcuts, relying on luck, and dependency on others
  74. What is the role of the devil in tempting individuals during idle time? a. The devil does not exist b. The devil can exploit idle time to tempt individuals into sin c. The devil encourages hard work and productivity
  75. How can individuals apply the teachings of the Bible on hard work and idleness in their daily lives? a. By ignoring the teachings of the Bible b. By understanding the negative consequences of idleness c. By prioritizing leisure over work
  76. What are the three main reasons why hard work is important in human life according to the lesson? a. Personal growth and development, success and achievement, and positive impact on others b. Leisure and relaxation, financial stability, and social recognition c. Random chance, luck, and destiny
  77. According to the Bible, idleness is viewed as: a. A virtue b. A sin c. A personal choice
  78. What is the relationship between idleness and temptation? a. Idleness protects against temptation b. Idleness is unrelated to temptation c. The devil can exploit idle time to tempt individuals into sin
  79. Which Bible verse emphasizes the importance of hard work and productivity? a. Proverbs 18:9 b. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 c. Genesis 1:1
  80. What is the potential impact of idleness on an individual’s life? a. Positive impact on mental health and well-being b. Negative impact on character and behavior c. No impact on life outcomes



  1. What is impartiality, and why is it important in our interactions with others?
  2. Define partiality and provide examples of how it can manifest in everyday life.
  3. What are the negative effects of partiality in society and communities?
  4. What does James 2:1-13 teach about partiality and impartiality?
  5. According to James 2:1-13, how does God view all human beings?
  6. How should our understanding of equality before God influence our attitudes and actions towards others?
  7. What are some practical ways we can practice impartiality in our daily lives?
  8. How can partiality hinder our relationship with God and with others?
  9. Share a personal reflection on the teaching of James 2:1-13 and its implications for your own attitudes and actions towards others.
  10. Discuss the relevance of the teaching on impartiality, partiality, and equality in today’s society and communities
  11. Describe king Josiah’s religions reforms in Israel
  12.  State four (4) ways Christians can maintain the purity of the religion.
  13. Narrate the circumstances that lead led to the rejection of Rehoboam as a king of Israel.               
  14.    what three (3) factors that can lead to the rejection of a political leader?
  15. Recount the effects of the behavior of Eli’s children on Israel as a nation.
  16.   what two lessons can be learnt by parents from Elis attitude?
  17. Describe how the supremacy of god was made manifest during the contest on Mount Carmel.
  18.    In what three (3) ways can the church fight against immoral acts in society?
  19.  Relate how Israel asked for a king to rule them
  20.  Identify four consequences of the king’s disobedience to God.
  21. Outline Amos’s vision of a basket of ripe fruit
  22.   State three (3) practices that Amos’s condemned
  23.  Give an account of  Amos encounter with Amaziah the priest
  24.    Indicate any three (3) practices in your society that need to be condemned.


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