Changes in living things (Growth and Development)

Subject :

Basic Science





Week 6


JSS 2 / Basic 8


Topic :

Changes in living things (Growth and Development) 



Instructional Materials :

  • Samples of living things
  • Pictures of types of habitats
  • Examples of organisms living in the given habitat
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Online Materials


Reference Materials

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum

Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Living things Relationship between organisms living in the same habitat

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • Define Growth and Development
  • Explain changes that occur during Growth and Development
  • Explain the characteristic Features of each developmental Stages
  • Classify Growth and Developmental Changes that are temporary and the ones that are permanent Changes
  • Write out factors Affecting Growth and Development



Entry Behaviour 

Learners are familiar with growth and development


Content :

Changes in living things (Growth and Development)


Growth is an irreversible increase in the dry matter incorporated in the mass, volume or size, weight, number of cells and in the length (height) of an organism. Growth is also the irreversible increase in the mass, height and weight of living things.


Development is the qualitative changes in structure and functions. Heredity and Environment determine a child’s development from birth. Growth and development go hand in hand. Growth is quantitative while development is qualitative.

Auxanometer is used to measure the growth in plant and in animal is weighing scale.


Differences between growth and development


  • It’s an irreversible increase in size, weight and height.
  •   It’s a physical change .
  •    It can be seen.



  • It refers to the changes that lead to maturity
  •   It  may not be seen or noticed
  •   It is a change in physical attributes like learning, thinking, emotional   social abilities and the skills of an individual.




Differences between growth in plants and animals

     PLANTS                                                                                                                      ANIMALS

1.            Growth in plants is restricted to special areas as the meristemic tissures at the root tip and shoot apices


1.            Growth in animals is not restricted to special areas instead it takes place all over the body.


2.            Growth is continuous throughout life in the growing regions


           2.  Growth is not continuous throughout life in most animals. However, animals such as lobsters and fish grow throughout life even though growth reduces at old age.


3.            Growth in plants is directly influenced by  such external factors as sunlight, temperature, humidity, gravity etc.


3. Growth in animals is usually not directly influenced by such external factors.





Major Indices of Growth Changes in Living Things

Heredity: Heredity and genes certainly play an important role in the transmission of physical and social characteristics from parents to off-springs. Different characteristics of growth and development like intelligence, aptitudes, body structure, height, weight, color of hair and eyes are highly influenced by heredity.


Sex: Sex is a very important factor which influences human growth and development. There is lot of difference in growth and development between girls and boys. Physical growth of girls in teens is faster than boys. Overall the body structure and growth of girls are different from boys.


Socioeconomic: Socioeconomic factors definitely have some affect. It has been seen that the children from different socioeconomic levels vary in average body size at all ages. The upper level families being always more advanced. The most important reasons behind this are better nutrition, better facilities, regular meals, sleep, and exercise. Family size also influences growth rate as in big families with limited income sometimes have children that do not get the proper nutrition and hence the growth is affected.

Nutritional: Growth is directly related with nutrition. The human body requires an adequate supply of calories for its normal growth and this need of requirements vary with the phase of development. As per studies, malnutrition is referred as a large-scale problem in many developing countries. They are more likely to be underweight, much shorter than average, and of low height for age, known as stunting.

If the children are malnourished, this slows their growth process. There are nine different amino acids which are necessary for growth and absence of any one will give rise to stunted growth. Other factors like zinc, Iodine, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins are also essential for proper growth and deficiency of anyone can affect the normal growth and development of the body.


Hormones: There are a large number of endocrine glands present inside our body. These glands secrete one or more hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones are capable of raising or lowering the activity level of the body or some organs of the body. Hormones are considered to be a growth supporting substance. These hormones play an important role in regulating the process of growth and development.


Pollution: According to studies, air pollution not only affects the respiratory organs but also have harmful effects on human growth.

Indoor pollution or the pollution from housing conditions can result in ill health which can negatively impact human growth and development. For example, lead exposure from deteriorated lead-based paint in older housing can be very harmful. Lead is very harmful for children as it simply gets immersed into the growing bodies of children and obstructs with the normal development of brain and other organs and systems.


Race: Racial factors also influence height, weight, color, features, and body constitution of a human being. The body growth and development differences show a relationship with varied cultural groups. For example a child of black race will be black, their height, their hair and eye color, facial structure are all governed by the same race.


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise



  1. Growth in plants is restricted to special areas as the —– tissues at the root tip and shoot apices. A. meristemic B. systemic C. mesoric D. impulsive
  2. —– is used to measure the growth in plant and in animal is weighing scale.   Auxanometer B. anaemometer C. basketmometer D. humudity
  3. —— in plants is directly influenced by such external factors as sunlight, temperature, humidity, gravity etc. A. Growth B. Development C. Temperature D. Pressure
  4. Growth in—— is usually not directly influenced by such external factors. animals B. plants C. tree D. being
  5. Growth is —– while development is qualitative. A. quantitative B. qualitative C. all of the above D. none of the above



  1. Mention the instrument to measure growth and development
  2. Differentiate between growth in plants and animals
  3. What is growth?
  4. What is development?
  5. Mention four differences between growth and development
  6. List five major Indices of Growth Changes in Living Things




Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the learners.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



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