2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 DICTION



CLASS 2 grade


Instruction Answer all the questions.

2nd Term Summative Test Grade  DICTION

Choose a word that contains the given phonemic


1. /0/ (a) father (b) mother (c) cup (d) path symbol.


2. //. (a) clock (b) port (c) pet (d) clean


3./a:/ (a) cap (b) pig (c) fork (d) cart


4. 13:/) fight (b) nice (e) verb (d) neat


5./i:/ (a) sign (b) hostage (c) sleep (d) foot


Underline the transcribed word


6./ha: f/ (a) has (b) have (c) harsh (d) halve


7. /w : n/ (a) win (b).worn (c) work (d) worm


8./f3: st/ (@) first (b) earth (c) verb (d) bird


9./fl :/ (a) door (b) four (c) floor (d) come


10. /w 3: d/(a) word (b) work (c) worm (d) world.


Transcribe the following


11. Port


12. Food


13. Bird


14. First


15. Clock




Complete the following minimal pair s















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