Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 5 Verbal Reasoning




Answer all questions

In the following items, the same letter or letters are missing from both words

Examples: Cub __

Tub __

(a) f (b) e (c) y (d) t


The letter “e” makes the words cube and tube

Now do these

1. Stupi__


(a) s (b) t (c) q (d) d (e) o


2. Buil__


(a) d (b) t (c) y (d) k (e) s


3. Sh __ __ __

Sp __ __ __

(a) ou (b) or (c) ort (d) rot (e) out


4. N __ __ rish

Delici__ __ sn

(a) bt (b) uo (c) ou (d) co (e) io


5. Sp __ __ __

Sh __ __ __ (a) utk (b) abk (c) ark (d) rak (e) kat



6. Arr __ __

Fl __ __

(a) om (b) wo (c) uo (d) ow (e) on



7. P __ __ nd

S __ __ nd (a) mo (b) an (c) mo (d) uo (e) ou


Underline the correct spelt words from the following set of words

8. Enterprenour Entrepreneur Enterpreneur

9. Satellite Satelite Sartillite

10. Commissione Commissions Commission



11. Which of these words cannot be formed from AEROPLANE?

(a) plane (b) raft (c) ear (d) rope

12. Birds have _______________ (mouths, beaks, tongues)


Complete these sentences

Examples: Shoes are to feet as gloves are to hands

13. House is to man as nest is to _______________________

14. Food is to hungry as drink is to _______________________

15. School is to pupils as army is to _______________________


16. Feather is to bird as fin is to _____________________________

Fine a word to continue this series: Wave, 17. Weave, Leash, Leash, Pace, ____________

18. Pill, Peal, Sill, Seal, Hill, ________________

19. Road, Rod, Feed, Fed, Goat, ________________

20. What are these letters called A E I O U _________


Rearrange the words in the following sentences to make sense

Biscuit like children eating



His leg broken has John



You see whom did at the party?



The same song twice sang they



She will stay I do not think



To write I intended



Is tall neither of them



Her leg hurt she



To the theatre going him I saw



Worn out is this jacket



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