Vocational Aptitude Primary 4 Second Term Examination




  1. __________ is an act of dressing or arranging the hair (a) artwork (b) hairdressing (c) barbing
    A man hairdresser is called ___ (a) stylist (b) coiffeur (c) coiffeuse
  2. _________ is a process of arranging hair (a) barbing (b) photographer (c) hair shaving
  3. A woman hairdresser is called _______ (a) hair dryer (b) coiffeuse (c) coiffeur
  4. Someone who colours hair is called ________ (a) barber (b) stylist (c) tinter
  5. ____ is the act of making things with beads (a) hair dressing (b) shoe making (c) bead making
  6. Someone who makes bead is called ________ (a) bidder (b) bead maker (c) teacher
  7. The following are examples of natural material sources (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
  8. Beading are carried out in a ____ (a) salon (b) studio (c) stadium
  9. ________ is used for stopping bead from jumping and rolling away while beading
    (a) plier (b) metal file (c) bead mat
  10. _______ is a person whose job is to hunt wild animals for business or food
    (a) bricklayer (b) butcher (c) hunter
  11. Which among the following is not a hunting tool? (a) trap (b) tractor (c) gun
  12. Hunter uses one of these animals for hunting except _____ (a) dog (b) ant (c) bird
  13. A hunter hunts for ______ (a) plant (b) water (c) animals
  14. __________ is the person that sews and repairs cloths (a) carpenter (b) welder (c) tailor
  15. A woman who sews and makes clothes is called _____
    (a) clothes maker (b) seamstress (c) sewer
  16. Which of these tools is not used for making fabric (a) scissors (b) needle (c) chacoliner
  17. A small fish is known as ____ (a) fry (b) fingerling (c) shark
    ___________ is the art of rearing fish? (a) eating (b) hunting (c) fishing
  18. Where do we rear fish? (a) pond (b) aquarium (c) bedroom

Section B:


  1. What is tailoring________________________
  2. List four tools in tailoring_______________________
  3. What is hairdressing____________________
  4. List four tools for hairdressing
    (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________ 
  5. Who is a tinter? ______________________________________________________________
  6. Who is a coiffeur? ____________________________________________________________
  7. Describe how a bead looks like __________________________________________________
  8. List four tools one can use for beading(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
  9. What is hunting?______________________________________________________________
  10. List four tools used in hunting
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