Bible Knowledge Primary 6 First Term Examination





Objective: Answer all the questions

1.) Paul’s former name was _____________ (a) Samuel (b) Saul (c) Stephen

2.) Saul was a ______________ by profession (a) plumber (b) teacher (c) tent maker

3.) Paul was a _______________ by birth (a) Jew (b) Christian (c) Muslim

4.) ________________ was stoned to death in the presence of Saul (a) Jesus (b) Peter (c) Stephen

5.) Saul fell off from his _________ (a camel (b) horse (c) donkey

6.) “Saul, why do you persecute me”. Whose voice was that? ____ (a) John (b) James (c) Jesus

7.) Saul was blind for ___________ days (a) nine (b) three (c) seven

8.) Saul met the Lord on his way to ________ (a) Damascus (b) Bethlehem (c) Jerusalem

9.) Conversion means _____________ (a) wake up (b) express (c) change

10.) Saul was persecuting the ___________ (a) Jewish (b)Christians (c) Muslim

11.) What was Paul’s name before he became a Christian (a) Barnabas (b) Saul (c) Silas

12.) Who prayed for Saul to regain his sight (a) Barnabas (b) Silas (c) Ananias

13.) The Greek teacher who brought Paul to Jerusalem is called _______

(a) Ananias (b) Gamaliel (c) Lydia

14.) Macedonia is a country in ___________ (a) Africa (b) America (c) Europe

15.) What fell off from Saul’s eyes when he was prayed for? (a) feathers (b) furs (c) scales

16.) Who was Lydia? (a) a rich farmer (b) a rich trader (c) a rich queen

17.) One significance of the conversion of Lydia was that ___________

(a) she became richer (b) she threw away Paul and Silas from her house

(c) she invited Paul and Silas to stay in her house

18.) __________________ is not a disciple of Christ (a) John (b) Jesus (c) Abraham

19.) Jesus Christ had _____________ disciples (a) eleven (b) twelve (c) fourteen

20.) Sabbath day is meant to be a ___________ day (a) work (b) rest (c) fighting


Bible Knowledge Primary 3 First Term Examination



Bible Knowledge Primary 4 First Term Examination



Bible Knowledge Primary 5 First Term Examination




Part B:

1.) What is missionary work? _____________________________________________________


b.) On the first missionary journey, Paul preached the gospel to ____________________ nations

2.) On the first missionary journey, Paul went with ________________________________

b.) With whom did Paul go on the second missionary journey? ___________________________

3.) Give two importance of Paul’s conversion

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) Who converted Lydia to Christian? _______________________________________________


4.) Why did Saul decide to go to Damascus? __________________________________________


b.) What was Saul going to do in Damascus? __________________________________________


5.) Who instructed Paul to go on missionary journey? ___________________________________


b.) Mention two communities visited by Paul on the first missionary journey

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________




















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