Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Examination




1.) _________________ can be defined as any object that has a flat outline made from lines (a) shapes (b) arts (c) general

2.) __________ is the material we use to paint any given object so that it can look good (a) marker (b) ink (c) colour

3.) Another word for colour is _____________ (a) use (b) hue (c) clue

4.) Those works of art that can be found at home, offices, hospital etc are called _______ (a) electric artworks (b) functional artwork (c) hospital artwork

5.) __________ can be defined as hand made goods or things (a) craft (b) food (c) work

6.) The kind of craft that are made with paper is called _________________

(a) water craft (b) pencil craft (c) paper craft

7.) Crafts that are made with woven materials are known as ______________

(a) fabric craft (b) woven craft (c) pencil craft

8.) ______________ are simple composition of shapes (a) patterns (b) fabric (c) paper

9.) _______________ are basic composition of shapes, lines and colour

(a) pattern (b) designs (c) lines

10.) Oval, cone, square, triangle, rectangle are all examples of shapes

(a) yes (b) no (c) maybe

Section B:

1.) Draw two shapes and name them

2.) List four materials used in craft making

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) Mention four types of colours

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) ________________________________

4.) List three types of craft

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

5.) Draw and colour a kettle






1.) Write in words 159

(a) one hundred and fifty-nine (b) one fifty nine (c) two hundred and five

2.) Write in figures: Two hundred and five (a) 250 (b) 205 (c) 105

3.) What is the place value of the circled number 258 (a) tens (b) units (c) hundreds

4.) 105 ____ 205 = (a) > (b) < (c) =

5.) Shade ½ of the shape below

6.) Find ¼ of 20balls (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6

7.) Find ½ of 30pencils (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15


8.) 3 4 1

+ 4 2 6 (a) 767 (b) 677 (c) 776


9.) 4 3

+ 2 9 (a) 62 (b) 72 (c) 27

10.) 14 + (7 + 13) = 14 + = (a) 20 (b) 15 (c) 19


11.) 7 5

– 2 2 (a) 63 (b) 43 (c) 53

12.) There are 29 pupils in a class if 16 are boys, how many girls are in the class

(a) 14 (b) 10 (c) 13


13.) 5 4

– 3 7 (a) 10 (b) 17 (c) 12

14.) 4 x 5 = (a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 20

15.) 6 x 8 = (a) 36 (b) 42 (c) 48

16.) 1 2

x 4 (a) 24 (b) 48 (c) 44

17.) Shade ¾ of the shape below

18.) 79 = 70 + (a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 3


19.) 3 7

+ 2 1 (a) 68 (b) 58 (c) 78

20.) Complete the abacus T U

(a) 69 (b) 96 (c) 79

Section B:

1.) Find ¾ of 32 oranges

b.) Find ¼ of 12books

2.) Copy and add the following using the expanded method

3 2 4 =

+ 2 4 3 =


2 4 6 =

+ 7 5 3 =


3.) Ahmed spent N38 out of N80 that he had. How much does he have left?

b.) Find ½ of 26milks

4.) A duck has 2 legs

8 ducks will have + + + + + + +

8 x legs =

b.) 1 pack of lipton tea has 10tea bags

3 packs of lipton will have + +

3 x teabags = teabags

5.) Write 250 in words = ___________________________________________________

b.) Write in figure: One hundred and seventy-five = _________






1.) _______________ teaches us what we need to know about our community or country

(a) basic science (b) civic education (c) mathematics

2.) Why do we study civic education (a) it makes us to know our right to education

(b) it makes us to disobey our elders (c) it makes us to fight one anther

3.) Civic education build us up for better tomorrow (a) true (b) false

4.) What is honesty (a) telling the truth (b) telling lies (c) saying evil

5.) When we say the truth, we will be _______________ (a) abuse (b) praise (c) curse

6.) Dishonesty can lead to _______________ (a) punishment (b) reward (c) praise

7.) _________________ means polite behavior that shows respect

(a) stubbornness (b) rudeness (c) courtesy

8.) Politeness is a good character that must be in everyone (a) true (b) false

9.) Which of these statements shows courtesy (a) please lend me your pencil

(b) I want you to lend me your pencil now (c) common lend me your pencil

10.) As citizen of Nigeria, it is good to pay tax (a) yes (b) no

11.) Defending my country in time of need is my civic _____

(a) responsibility (b) want (c) choice

12.) _____________ is the national identity of your country

(a) national symbol (b) national war (c) national disobey

13.) It is your right to vote in your country (a) yes (b) no

14.) ___________ provides good road, schools, market and health centre for citizens

(a) the children (b) government (c) the family

15.) There should be courtesy in greeting (a) yes (b) no

16.) The reward for politeness and courtesy is _____ (a) gift (b) punishment (c) dishonest

17.) Dishonest is the opposite of __________ (a) humble (b) obedience (c) honest

18.) Civic right is what you get from the country which you cannot be denied of

(a) true (b) false

19.) ______________ is one of the civic duties of a citizen

(a) protecting public properties (b) destroying public properties (c) damage properties

20.) _________ protect lives and properties of the citizens (a) Navy (b) Police (c) Lastma

Section B

1.) List three things government should provide for the citizens

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

2.) Mention two things dishonesty can lead to

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) Write two national symbols

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) List two civic duties of a citizen

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

5.) The five magic words are please, excuse me, sorry, thank you and ________________


Pry 2 Social Studies 3rd Term Exams


Primary 2 Exam Questions (2020- 2021) &#8211; First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination




1.) __________________ is the study of man and its environment

(a) social studies (b) creative art (c) bible knowledge

2.) _________________ is the total way of life of people (a) culture (b) school (c) dance

3.) It is good to keep our culture alive (a) true (b) false

4.) How many major tribes do we have in Nigeria (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3

5.) Which tribe eat tuwo shinkafa (a) Yoruba (b) Igbo (c) Hausa

6.) The Yoruba women wear _______________

(a) shirt and top (b) iro and buba (c) iro and sokoto

7.) Culture is very important (a) yes (b) no

8.) ________________ is part of the culture (a) greetings (b) sleeping (c) looking

9.) __________________ is the common way of greeting in Yoruba land

(a) kneeling and prostrating (b) shaking hands (c) head bowing

10.) Greeting promotes friendship (a) true (b) false

11.) The official language in Nigeria is _________ (a) English (b) Hausa (c) Calabar

12.) How many types of religion do we have in Nigeria (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3

13.) Traditional worshippers worship in the ________ (a) church (b) home (c) shrine

14.) Muslims reads the ________ (a) Holy Bible (b) reading book (c) Holy Quran

15.) Yoruba traditional worshippers worship Sango (a) true (b) false

16.) The Christian worship in the ____________ (a) shrine (b) church (c) mosquito

17.) Muslims pray _______________ times in a day (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 5

18.) Christians worship in the church every __________

(a) Saturdays (b) Mondays (c) Sundays

19.) What kinds of food can we get from yam (a) beans (b) pounded yam (c) snacks

20.) Religion is the way people worship God (a) yes (b) no

Section B

1.) List the three major tribes we have in Nigeria

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

2.) Mention two things we share in our culture

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) Name three types of religion that we have

(a) ______________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ______________________________

4.) What is the Christian Holy Book called _________________________________

5.) How do we greet when going to bed in the night _________________________























































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