Agricultural Science Primary 3 First Term Examination




Answer all Questions

1.) Vocational education deals with acquiring __________ (a) money (b) books (c) skill

2.) Acquiring skill on how to represent people in court is called _______

(a) tailoring (b) law (c) farming

3.) Cutlass is an example of tools used by a ________ (a) lawyer (b) doctor (c) farmer

4.) The following except __________ is a tool used by a teacher (a) camera (b) chalk (c) duster

5.) ___________ is the engineer that builds bridges

(a) chemical engineer (b) civil engineer (c) aerospace engineer

6.) The person that practices engineering is called _______ (a) doctor (b) lawyer (c) engineer

7.) The following are engineering disciplines except _____

(a) chemical engineering (b) mechanical engineering (c) law

8.) Agriculture deals with growing of crops and _________________

(a) planting (b) rearing of animals (c) fishing

9.) ___________ is the type of agriculture where farmer grows crops for eating alone

(a) subsistence agriculture (b) sole agriculture (c) commercial agriculture

10.) Crops that are grown for sale and export is called _______ crops (a) food (b) cash (c) eating

11.) The best type of soil for farming is _________ (a) sandy soil (b) loamy soil (c) clayey soil

12.) Farm implements are driven by ________ (a) train (b) tractor (c) plane

13.) A planter is used for __________________ (a) digging (b) eating (c) planting

14.) _______________ is a machine where eggs are kept warm until the young birds are born

(a) incubator (b) tractor (c) planter

15.) A land where gardening takes place is called _____ (a) farm (b) garden (c) pouting

16.) A _______________ is someone that does gardening (a) fisherman (b) nurse (c) gardener

17.) ________________ is used for protecting the hand while working in a garden

(a) glove (b) axe (c) spade

18.) _____________ is used for wetting plant (a) watering can (b) cutting machine (c) spade

19.) The workplace of a carpenter is called a/an ______ (a) office (b) workshop (c) studio

20.) A carpenter makes use of _______ for building and making furniture

(a) stone (b) metal (c) wood

Section B: Answer all questions

1.) List four tools used by a carpenter

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) Give two examples of each

(a) Leafy vegetables: _____________________________, ____________________________

(b) Fruity vegetables: ____________________________, _____________________________

3.) Mention two examples of farm implement

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) Mention two benefit of farm implement

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) Crops can be classified into _______________________ and _________________________

b.) What is agriculture? __________________________________________________________


5.) List four safety equipments in engineering field

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________



Agricultural Science  Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 3














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