Matrices and Determinants (2×2, 3×3)






SUBJECT: Further Mathematics[mediator_tech]


TOPIC: Matrices and Determinants (2×2, 3×3)


  1. Matrices as linear transformations
  2. Determinants
  3. Solutions of 2 and 3 simultaneous equations

Subtopic 1: MATRICES

  • Basic definitions
  1. A matrix is a rectangular away of numbers arranged in rows and column. A matrix with m rows and n columns is called an ‘m by n matrix’ or a matrix of order m x n.


  1. Is a matrix of order 2 x 2
  2. Is a matrix of order 2 x 3
  3. Is a matrix of order 3 x 2
  4. A matrix with only one row is called a row matrix e.g. (2 6 5) is a 1 x 3 matrix


  1. Scalar Multiplication


Matrix kP is the calar multiplication of the matrix P by the scalar k and is denoted by kP, thus

For example, Let


  1. Matrix Matriculation

Two matrices X and Y are said to be conformable for multiplication if the numbers of columns in one equal the number of rows in the other

Then the product of x and y written as XY or X.Y. is

Z11 = x11y11 + x12y21

Z12 = x11y12 + x12y22

Z21 = x21y11 + x22y21

Z22 = x21y12 + x21y22

Example 2:

Given that and B =

Find: –

  1. 3A
  2. AB
  3. BA


  1. Community

If A and B are matrices, then A + B = B + A

but AB ≠ BA

thus addition of matrices is commutative but multiplication of matrices is not generally commutative.

  1. Associativity

If A, B and C are matrices then (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) and

(AB) C = A (BC)

Thus the operation of addition and multiplication in matrices are Associative.

  1. Distributivity

If A, B, and C are matrices then

A (B + C) = AB + BC also

(B + C) A = BA + CA

Thus in matrices, multiplication distributes over addition.

  1. Transpose of a matrix

Let A = AT is called the transpose of the matrix A and is obtained by interchanging the columns and rows of A.

  1. Symmetric Matrix

If A = AT that is A is equal to its transpose then the matrix A is said to be symmetric.


(3) Skew symmetric matrix

For a matrix A, if AT = -A then A is said to be skew symmetric


(4) Scalar matrix: –

A scalar matrix is a square matrix in which the elements in the principal diagonal are equal and non-zero.


(5) triangular matrix

This is a scalar matrix in which the entries above or below the principal diagonal are zero.


(6) Identity Matrix

This is a scalar matrix in which all the elements in the principal diagonal are unity, it is also called a unity, it is also called a unit matrix.


(7) Null Matrix

This is a matrix with all its elements being zero it is also called zero matrix


  1. Given that


  1. A + B
  2. B – A
  3. 2A – B
  4. Given that ,



  1. 4B
  2. AB
  3. Let a X = ,

B =

Show that (A + b)T


  • Second order determinants of matrix A is denoted det A.

If A = then, det a is denoted by det A

Then, det A is defined as det A =

The determinant above is said to be of second order since it is obtained from a matrix of order 2 x 2.

Example 1: – Evaluate each of the following determinants



= (4 x 2) – (-6 x -3)

= 8 – 18

= -10

= (x-3) (x +2) – [x (x+1)] = 0

= -2x – 6

= 0

-2x = 6


Let A be a third order determinant. That is,

The minor of a particular element of the determinant A is obtained by deleting the row and column of the particular element. For example

Let Aij be the minor of aij



And so on.

Example 1: – given the matrix

Determine the following minors

  1. A23
  2. A12


  1. A23 =


= (4 x -2) – (1 x 0)

= -8 – 1

= = -9


A12 =

= (2 x 1) – (-5 x 1)

= 2 + 5

= 7


For each minor of an element of a determinant, a sign (positive or negative) is attached, this gives the cofactor. Usually if Cij denotes the cofactor of Aij then,

Cij =Aij if (i + j) is even

and Cij = (i + j) is odd

thus the signs of the cofactor are as follows



C11 = +A11 = 7-25 = -18

C12 = -A12


= 1-(-35)

= 36

These leads us to calculating third order determinants if ∆ denotes the determinant of the matrix


= a11c11 + a12c12 + a13c13

Example 3: – Evaluate each of the following determinants

  1. ∆ = 5


= –

= 5 (0-6) -2 (-7+8) – 4 (-3-0)

= -20

  1. ∆= -1

= -8

= +1

= -1(5-0) -8(15-0) +1(-9+2)

= -5-120-7

= -132

  • Some properties of determinants
  1. If the row and column of a determinant are interchanged, the value of the determinant is unchanged.

That is,

If ∆ =


∆* =

Then ∆ = ∆*

  1. If two adjacent columns or rows of a determinant are interchanged, the sign of the determinant changes but its numerical value is unchanged.

If ∆ =


∆* =

  1. If two rows of columns of a determinant are identical then the value of the determinant is zero.

For example if

∆ =

That is, row 1 = row 3

Then ∆ = 0


∆ = 2[mediator_tech]

= 2 x 18 – (12 – 12) + 2 x -18

= 36 – 0 – 36 = 0

  1. If every element in a rwo or column of a determinant is multiplied by the same constant then the value of the determinant is multiplied by that constant for example, if ∆ =

Then = 2D

  1. If by putting x =a , the value of a determinant becomes zero, then x – a is a factor of the determinant. For example by putting x = 1 in the determinant below

f(x) = = 0

therefore, x-1 is a factor of f(x).


  1. Evaluate the determinants below
  2. Show that = 1
  3. Evaluate the determinant of the matrix
  4. Find the values of x for which

= 0

  1. Find the value of x if
  2. = 17

Sub-Topic 3:

Solutions of Simultaneous Equations

  • Two equations in two unknowns

If we consider the system of two equations with two unknowns

a1x + b1y = C1 … (i)

a2x + b2y = C2 … (ii)

to eliminate the y variables, we

a1b2x + b1b2y = c1b2

  • a2b1x + b1b2y = c2b1

(a1b2 – a2b1)x = c1b2 – c2b1

x =


that the denominators are the same and is the value of the determinant

which we denote as

Therefore for a system of two linear equations in two unknowns

a1x + b1y = c1

a2x + b2y = c2

and ∆=

Example 1: – use Cramer’s rule to solve the follwoing simultaneous equations.

  1. 4x + 3y = 13

x – 5y = -14

  1. 2x – 7y = 12

3x – y = -1


  1. ∆ = = -20-3 = -23

1 = = -65+42 = -23

2 = = -56-13 = -69

= = 1

= = 3

  1. 2x – 7y = 12

3x – y = -1


= -2 + 21 = 19

1 = = -2 – 36 = -38

x = = = -1

and y = = -2

  • Three Linear equations in three unknown

Applying the same rule to the following system of three equations in three unknowns.

a1x + b1y + c1z = d1

a2x + b2y + c2z=d2

a3x + b3y + c3z = d3

Let ∆ =

2 =

1 =

3 =

It can also be shown that

x = , y = , z =

This is the Cramer’s rule for a system of three equations in three unknowns.

Example 2: – use determinants to solve each of the following systems of equations

  1. 2x – y – z = -10

x – 3y + z = 13

4x – y + 2z = 3

  1. x – y + z = 12

2x – 3y – 2z = 7

X + y + z = 6


  1. Let ∆ =

= 2 + – 1

= 2 (-6+1) )2-4) – (-1+12)

= -10 – 2 – 11

= -23

Let ∆1 =

= – 2 (-6+1) (2-4) – (-1+12)

= 50 + 23 + 4

= 77

2 =

= 2(26 – 3) + 10 (2-4) – 1(3-52)

= 46 – 20 + 49

= 75

3 =

= 2(-9 + 13) + (3 – 52) – 10 (-1 + 12)

= 8 – 49 – 110

= – 151

x = = = –

y = = =

z = =

  1. Let ∆ =

= (-3 + 2) + (2+2) + (2+3)

= – 1 + 4 + 5

= 8

Let ∆1 =

= 12 (-3 + 2) + (7+12) + (7+18)

= -12 + 19 + 25

= 32

2 =

= (7+12) – 12 (2+2) + (12-7)

= 19 – 48 + 5

= -24

3 =

= (-18-7) + (12-7) + 12(2+3)

= -25 + 5+ 60

= 40

x = = = 4

= = -3

= = 5

The adjoint of a given square matrix is the transpose of th matrix formedc by taking the co-factors of the matrix. It is someties called the adjugate

Examples 3: – determine the adjoint of the matrix

A =


Let the matrix of the co-factors be

C =

Where C11 = – = 54

C12= – = +15

C13= – = 33

C21= – = -3

C22 = – = 5

C23 = – = 1

C31 = – = -30

C32 = – = -10

C33 = – = 25


C = , let the transpose of C

be CT =

then the adjoint of A is given by

Adj A = CT =

Singular matrix

A square matrix whose determinant is equal to zero is called a singular matrix.

  • The inverse of a square maatrices of the same order. If AB = BA = I (i.e. the identity matrix)
  • the inverse of a square matrix

let A and B be non singular square matrices of the same order. If AB = BA = I (i.e. the identity matrix) then B is called the inverse of A denoted as A-1

that is A. A-1 = I

the inverse of a matrix A is defined as

A-1 =

for a 2 x 2 matrix A = the inverse

A-1 = where =

  • matrix method of solving simultaneous equations

example 4: use matrix method to solve each of the following systems of equations

  1. 4x + y = 1

5x – 2y = 11

  1. 2x + y + 3z = 16

X + 2y – z = -2

3x + y + 27 = 14[mediator_tech][mediator_tech]


The equations

4x + y = 1

5x – 2y = 11

Can be written in the matrix form as


Let A =

B =

C =

We can rewrite the matrix equations as

AB = C … … … *

If we pre-multiply both sides of * by A-1, then we have

A-1 A.B = A-1 C

IB = A-1C

B = A-1C

Recall A-1 =

A* =

= -8-5 = -13

A-1 = –

= –


Thus, =

Hence x = 1, and y = -2

(b) The equations

2x + y – z = 16

X + 2y – z = -2

3x + y + 2z = 14

In matrix form is =

Let P =

Q =

R =

We write the matrix as

PQ = R … … … **

Pre-multiplying both sides of ** by P-1, gives

P-1.PQ = P-1R

IQ = P-1R


P-1 =

Let x be the matrix of cofactors of P

x =

C11 = + = 5

C12 = – = -5

C13 = + = -5

C21 = – = 1

C22 = + = -5

C23 = + = 3

C31 = + = -7

C32 = – = 5

C33= + = 3


X = ,

XT =

= Adj P

= 2 – 1 + 3

= (2 x 5) – 5+(3×5)

= 10 – 5-15[mediator_tech]

= -10


P-1 = Adj P = –


Q = –

= –

Hence x = z, y = 0, z = 4.


  1. Use determinants to solve each of the following systms of equations.
  2. x + 3y = 5

x – y = -11

  1. x + 2y – z = -10

3x – y + z = 13

2x + y + 2z = 3

  1. find the matrix of the cofactors of the elements of the determinant
  2. use matrix method to solve

2x + 3y = 12

X – y = 1


  1. If A = , B = , C =

Find: –

  1. A + b
  2. 2A – C
  3. Given A =
  4. Evaluate
  5. Find the values of x for which
  6. Evaluate

Hence solve the following equations

3x + 4y + 2z = 4

X – 5y + 3z = -1

2x + 3y + z = 3


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