
1.) ________ animal produces milk (a) chicken (b) cow (c) dog

2.) __________ is an example of guard animal (a) donkey (b) dog (c) goat

3.) _________ makes us grow healthy (a) sand (b) stick (c) food

4.) __________ is an example of foods gotten from animal (a) beans (b) meat (c) rice

5.) Seeds are sown into the _____________ (a) soil (b) sky (c) water

6.) We eat fruits to fight diseases in our body (a) yes (b) false (c) all of the above

7.) ____________ and ____________ are elements that make up water

(a) sodium and potassium (b) hydrogen and oxygen (c) plant

8.) Can food sustain human’s life (a) yes (b) no (c) I don’t know

9.) Water has __________ atoms of oxygen (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1

10.) _______________ is a sources of water (a) river (b) earth (c) sun

11.) Can we use pig to carry load (a) yes (b) no (c) all of the above

12.) Most leaves are _______________ colour (a) green (b) blue (c) brown

13.) _______________ is the best soil for planting (a) loamy (b) sandy (c) yellow

14.) Human being breath in and breath out ____________

(a) oxygen and carbondioxide (b) water and air (c) fan and AC

15.) The best soil for moulding is ___________ (a) loamy (b) sandy (c) clay

16.) How many types of soil do we have (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 4

17.) ______________ important to animals (a) air (b) purse (c) spoon

18.) Land is the solid part of the surface of the earth (a) true (b) false (c) none of the above

19.) Which animal can be use for many purposes (a) wild animal (b) farm animal (c) forest animal

20.) Farmers sell crops to make money (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above

21.) Can we feel air (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above

22.) Air is a mixture of ___________ (a) gases (b) water (c) sand

23.) All these are used by farmers except ___________ (a) cutlass (b) hoe (c) hammer

24.) Which animal are used to work on the farm (a) farm animals (b) wild animals (c) insects

25.) Plants need ____________ to grow (a) water (b) milk (c) juice

26.) ______________ plant crops and take care of animals (a) farmer (b) teacher (c) doctor

27.) Maize is a food crop eaten by animal (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above

28.) Cash crops are meant for sale (a) true (b) false (c) none of the above

29.) Which crop is grown for eating only (a) food crops (b) shoe crops (c) cash crops

30.) Is sunlight necessary for germination of crops (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above

Section B

1.) Mention four crops eaten by people

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) Mention two farm animals you know

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) List two sources of water

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) What is the general formula of water _______________________________________

5.) Mention two diseases caused by drinking unclean water

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________












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