Parler de Taille French First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

French JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: French
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 2
Age: 11 years
Topic: Parler de Taille
Sub-topic: Talking About Size
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Pupils will be able to describe and ask about the size of objects or people in French.
  • Pupils will be able to use appropriate adjectives and phrases to talk about size.

Keywords: taille (size), grand (big), petit (small), moyen (medium), long (long), court (short), large (wide), étroit (narrow).

Set Induction: Begin with a simple activity where pupils describe the size of common classroom objects using basic French adjectives.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils should be familiar with basic French vocabulary and simple sentence structures.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with size adjectives and pictures
  • A chart showing different sizes of common objects
  • Markers and board

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss the concept of size in English to ensure pupils understand it. Connect this to describing objects and people in French.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Descriptive language use
  • Listening and speaking skills
  • Vocabulary acquisition

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with size adjectives
  • Size comparison chart
  • Real-life objects or pictures

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for French

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Chart with different sizes
  • Objects for size comparison


  1. Introduction to size adjectives in French.
  2. Display flashcards with size adjectives and associated images.
  3. Pronounce each adjective and have students repeat after you.
  4. Show a chart of objects of different sizes and describe them in French.
  5. Engage pupils in a matching game where they match size adjectives to pictures of objects.
  6. Practice sentences like “Ce livre est grand” (This book is big) and “Cette boîte est petite” (This box is small).

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Cette voiture est ______. (a) petit (b) grand (c) moyen
  2. Mon stylo est ______. (a) large (b) petit (c) étroit
  3. La table est ______. (a) grand (b) court (c) long
  4. La pièce est ______. (a) étroit (b) moyen (c) long
  5. La boîte est ______. (a) large (b) petit (c) court
  6. Le cahier est ______. (a) moyen (b) grand (c) étroit
  7. La chaise est ______. (a) petit (b) grand (c) moyen
  8. Le lit est ______. (a) long (b) large (c) court
  9. Cette image est ______. (a) grand (b) petit (c) large
  10. La porte est ______. (a) petit (b) grand (c) moyen
  11. Cette bouteille est ______. (a) moyen (b) grand (c) petit
  12. Le jardin est ______. (a) petit (b) large (c) court
  13. La règle est ______. (a) long (b) petit (c) large
  14. Le bureau est ______. (a) moyen (b) petit (c) grand
  15. La fenêtre est ______. (a) large (b) petit (c) court
1SizeTailleThe dimension or extent of something
2BigGrandHaving a large size or amount
3SmallPetitHaving a tiny size or amount
4MediumMoyenIn between small and large
5LongLongExtending a great distance from end to end
6ShortCourtNot long; having a small length
7WideLargeHaving a great extent from side to side
8NarrowÉtroitHaving a small width; restricted in width

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. Q: Comment dit-on “big” en français?
    A: Grand.
  2. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “small”?
    A: Petit.
  3. Q: Comment décrit-on une chose qui n’est ni grande ni petite?
    A: Moyen.
  4. Q: Quel adjectif utiliser pour décrire une chose qui prend beaucoup de place?
    A: Large.
  5. Q: Comment dit-on “short” en français?
    A: Court.
  6. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “wide”?
    A: Large.
  7. Q: Quel adjectif est utilisé pour décrire une chose qui a une petite taille?
    A: Petit.
  8. Q: Comment se dit “long” en français?
    A: Long.
  9. Q: Quel mot utilise-t-on pour décrire quelque chose qui a une taille intermédiaire?
    A: Moyen.
  10. Q: Comment dit-on “narrow” en français?
    A: Étroit.
  11. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “medium”?
    A: Moyen.
  12. Q: Quel adjectif décrit une chose qui est plus petite que la moyenne?
    A: Petit.
  13. Q: Comment se dit “size” en français?
    A: Taille.
  14. Q: Quel mot utiliser pour décrire une chose plus grande que la moyenne?
    A: Grand.
  15. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “size”?
    A: Taille.
SNFrenchSimple Sentence in FrenchMeaning of the Simple Sentence in English
1TailleLa taille du sac est grande.The size of the bag is big.
2GrandCette maison est très grande.This house is very big.
3PetitIl a un petit chien.He has a small dog.
4MoyenElle porte une robe de taille moyenne.She wears a medium-sized dress.
5LongLe jardin est très long.The garden is very long.
6CourtIl a un pantalon court.He has short pants.
7LargeLa pièce est assez large.The room is quite wide.
8ÉtroitLe couloir est étroit.The hallway is narrow


  1. Step 1: Revise the previous lesson on body parts or introduce the concept of size.
  2. Step 2: Introduce size adjectives using flashcards and a chart.
  3. Step 3: Allow pupils to describe objects and use the new vocabulary in sentences.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present and explain size adjectives using flashcards and charts.
  • Facilitate interactive games and activities.
  • Provide feedback and correct any mistakes.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Repeat size adjectives and use them in sentences.
  • Participate in games and describe objects based on their size.
  • Practice matching adjectives to pictures.


  • Observe pupils’ ability to use size adjectives in context.
  • Use fill-in-the-blank questions to assess comprehension.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Comment dit-on “size” en français?
  2. Quel est le mot pour “large” en français?
  3. Comment décrit-on quelque chose qui est plus petit que la moyenne?
  4. Quelle est la traduction de “short”?
  5. Quel adjectif utiliser pour quelque chose de plus grand que la moyenne?
  6. Comment dit-on “narrow” en français?
  7. Quelle est la traduction de “medium”?
  8. Comment se dit “big” en français?
  9. Quel mot est utilisé pour décrire une chose de taille intermédiaire?
  10. Comment se dit “small” en français?

Conclusion: Review the key size adjectives and check pupils’ understanding by asking them to describe various objects or people using the new vocabulary. Mark their participation and provide feedback as needed.