Bonjour                                                                                                Good morning

Bonjour Monsieur                                                                           Good morning Sir

Bonjour Madame                                                                            Good morning Ma

Bonjour Madmoiselle                                                    Good morning Miss

Bonjour Monsieur le professeur                               Good morning Sir, a male teacher

Bonjour Madame la professeur                                 Good morning Ma female teacher

Bonsoir papa                                                                      Good evening Daddy

Bonsoir maman                                                                                Good evening Mummy

Bonne Journee                                                                 Have a nice day

Bonne anniversaire                                                         Happy birthday

Bon noel                                                                                              Merry Xmas

Bonne annee                                                                     Happy New Year

Bon paque                                                                                          Happy Easter

A la prochaine fois                                                                           See you next time

A bientot                                                                                             See you later/soon

Bienvenu                                                                                             Welcome

Ducourage                                                                                          Well done

Joyeux noel                                                                                        Merry Xmas

Bonne nuit                                                                                          Good night

Au revoir                                                                                             Good bye








Language en classe

Silence Stop making a noise
Pas du bruit No noise
Tais toi Keep quite
Taissez – vous Shut up
Assais toi Sit down
Assey – vous Sit down
Assey-vous tout le Sit down every body
Leve toi! Stand up
Levez vous Stand up
Croissez les bras Cross your hands
Regardez le tableau Look at the board
Ouvrez vos cahier Open you note book
Fermez vos livre Open your text book
Facez le tableau Clean the board
Ecoutez! Listen
Ecrivez! Write
Lisez Read
Encore Again
Repetez! Repeat
Repetez après moi Repeat after me
Ecoutez tres bien Listen very well
Ecoutez attentivement Listen attentively
Merci monsieur Thank you sir
Merci madamme Thank you ma
Viens ici Come here
Vienez Come
Tiens Take
Donne moi le bic Give me the biro
Donne moi le chiffon Give me the duster






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