Marriage : Problems and Possible solutions 

Subject : Social Studies


Topic :

Marriage in our community


Class :

Primary  3/ Basic 3


Term :

1st Term / First Term


Week :

Week 4


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Roles Of Every Member In The Extended Family

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • explain the meaning of marriage
  • mention types of marriage
  • write out the reasons why people get married
  • list the problems of marriage
  • say the possible solutions to problems of marriage




Definition of marriage

Marriage is the coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. It is the legal joining or union of two persons of opposite sexes as husband and wife with the purpose of companionship and raising a family. Marriage is the legal union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife 

Marriage may be between people of the same or different ethnic groups, e.g., Hausa and Igbo. It may be between people of different religions, e.g., Christian and Muslim. The people only need to love and respect each other.

  1. Marriage is the coming together of a ________ and a ________ as husband and wife. a) man, man b) man, woman c) woman, woman d) child, parent
  2. The purpose of marriage includes ________ and raising a family. a) cooking b) companionship c) traveling d) gardening
  3. Marriage is the ________ union of two persons of opposite sexes. a) informal b) illegal c) legal d) uncertain
  4. In marriage, individuals of ________ ethnic groups can come together. a) different b) the same c) unknown d) many
  5. People of different ________ can enter into a marriage. a) professions b) religions c) languages d) hobbies
  6. In a marriage, love and ________ between partners are important. a) hatred b) respect c) competition d) indifference
  7. Marriage involves the legal joining of ________ persons. a) three b) four c) two d) one
  8. Companionship and ________ are key aspects of marriage. a) isolation b) loneliness c) togetherness d) rivalry
  9. A married couple may work together to ________ a family. a) avoid b) dissolve c) raise d) separate
  10. Marriage typically involves a man and a ________. a) brother b) friend c) woman d) teacher

Types of Marriage

There are different types of marriage in Nigerian communities. They


  1. monogamy, : This type of marriage is between a man and a woman 
  2. polygamy : This marriage practice allows  a man to have more than one wife 
  3. polyandry : This allows a woman to have more than one husband .
  1. Monogamy is a type of marriage between a ________ and a ________. a) man, woman b) woman, woman c) man, man d) child, parent
  2. In polygamy, a man can have ________ than one wife. a) more b) only one c) no d) many
  3. Polyandry allows a woman to have ________ than one husband. a) more b) only one c) no d) many
  4. People get married because they want to obey the ________. a) law b) weather c) government d) will of God

Why do people get married

People get married because of the following reasons

  • It is the will of God and they want to obey the will of God
  • For companionship for God said the it is not good for man to be alone
  • For procreation and continuity of life
  • For love because the couples must love and respect each other
  1. Marriage is sought for companionship because it’s not good for ________ to be alone. a) animals b) man c) children d) plants
  2. Couples get married for procreation and the ________ of life. a) prolongation b) creation c) continuation d) destruction
  3. Love and ________ are essential reasons for marriage. a) rivalry b) separation c) respect d) hatred
  4. Marriage is the ________ of God’s will. a) denial b) defiance c) obeying d) misunderstanding
  5. Polygamy allows a man to have ________ wife/wives. a) one b) more than one c) no d) many
  6. Polyandry permits a woman to have ________ husband/husbands. a) one b) more than one c) no d) many
  7. A man and a woman are part of a ________ marriage. a) monogamous b) polygamous c) polyandrous d) celibate
  8. In polygamy, a man may have ________ wife/wives. a) one b) only one c) no d) many
  9. Polyandry is a marriage practice where a woman can have ________ husband/husbands. a) one b) more than one c) no d) many
  10. Companionship in marriage is sought because it helps to avoid ________. a) happiness b) loneliness c) wealth d) freedom
  11. Procreation is about ________ and the continuation of life. a) destruction b) creation c) celebration d) innovation

Problems of Marriage 

  • Infidelity
  • childlessness
  • Interference from in-laws
  • money


How to solve problems of Marriage

  • Couples should be faithful to each others
  • If there is no child in  a marriage , couples should consider adoption
  • In laws and friends must learn to respect the privacy of the newly wedded couples
  • Both couples must work and earn a decent income for the family so that there will be money to do what ever that money is needed for


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  • Write out or explain the meaning of marriage
  • mention three forms of marriage practice .
  • write out three reasons why people get married
  • list two problems of marriage
  • say two possible solutions to problems of marriage


Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :


Forms of Marriage

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