Employment : Meaning , Types and Causes of Unemployment

Lesson Plan: Employment – Meaning, Types, and Causes of Unemployment

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 4
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 11
Age: 8–9 years

Topic: Employment – Meaning, Types, and Causes of Unemployment

Sub-topic: Understanding Employment and Unemployment

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define the term “employment.”
  2. Mention reasons why people are unemployed.
  3. Explain how people can be gainfully employed.
  4. List reasons for employment.
  5. Suggest possible solutions to unemployment.


  • Employment
  • Unemployment
  • Jobs
  • Skills
  • Labour

Set Induction:

Ask pupils what their parents or guardians do for work. Discuss why having a job is important and introduce the concept of employment.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are aware that people work to earn money for their needs and families.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Charts showing different types of jobs
  • Flashcards with definitions of employment and unemployment
  • Pictures of employed and unemployed individuals

unemployment crime rate

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Remind pupils of the importance of savings and how people save money from the income they earn. Relate this to why being employed is essential.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Teamwork

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Social Studies
  • Approved Social Studies textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with key terms
  • Pictures and charts showing examples of jobs
  • Storybooks about working adults


1. Meaning of Employment

  • Employment refers to the work that people do to earn money or meet their daily needs.
  • A person is considered employed when they are engaged in a job or business that provides income.

2. Types of Employment

  1. Self-Employment: Working for oneself, such as farmers, traders, or tailors.
  2. Paid Employment: Working for someone else and receiving a salary, e.g., teachers, doctors, or factory workers.
  3. Casual Employment: Temporary work, such as laborers on construction sites.
  4. Part-Time Employment: Working for a few hours or days a week, e.g., shop assistants.

3. Reasons Why People Are Unemployed

  1. Lack of education or skills.
  2. Overpopulation leading to fewer job opportunities.
  3. Economic problems in the country.
  4. Companies closing down or relocating.
  5. Technological advancements reducing the need for human labor.

4. How People Can Be Gainfully Employed

  1. Acquiring relevant education and skills.
  2. Starting a small business or trade.
  3. Learning vocational skills such as tailoring, carpentry, or hairdressing.
  4. Participating in government employment programs.
  5. Networking and seeking job opportunities actively.

5. Reasons for Employment

  1. To earn money for personal and family needs.
  2. To contribute to the development of the community.
  3. To gain experience and skills.
  4. To improve living standards.
  5. To feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

6. Possible Solutions to Unemployment

  1. Providing free or affordable education and training.
  2. Encouraging people to learn vocational skills.
  3. Creating more job opportunities through industrial development.
  4. Supporting small businesses with loans and grants.
  5. Promoting agriculture and entrepreneurship.

Examples of Employment and Unemployment

  1. A teacher working in a school is employed.
  2. A trader selling goods in the market is self-employed.
  3. A factory worker is employed but may face unemployment if the factory shuts down.
  4. A university graduate without a job is unemployed.
  5. A hairdresser running their own shop is self-employed.


Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions

Instruction: Choose the correct answer.

  1. Employment means:
    a) Earning money from work
    b) Not having a job
    c) Borrowing money
    d) Closing a business
  2. One type of employment is:
    a) Paid employment
    b) Joblessness
    c) Hunger
    d) Migration
  3. A reason for unemployment is:
    a) Lack of skills
    b) Having too many jobs
    c) Starting a business
    d) Economic growth
  4. A solution to unemployment is:
    a) Learning skills
    b) Staying idle
    c) Closing schools
    d) Destroying factories
  5. One reason people work is to:
    a) Earn money
    b) Remain jobless
    c) Avoid saving
    d) Waste time

Part B: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

Instruction: Fill in the gaps with the correct answers.

  1. __________ refers to work done to earn money.
  2. A person without a job is __________.
  3. Learning __________ skills can help people find jobs.
  4. __________ employment is when you work for someone else and get paid.
  5. The government can create more __________ to reduce unemployment.

Part C: True or False

Instruction: Write “True” or “False” for the following statements.

  1. Employment means earning money through work.
  2. Overpopulation can cause unemployment.
  3. Self-employment means working for someone else.
  4. Providing education is a solution to unemployment.
  5. A person with a job is unemployed.

Class Activity Discussion:

FAQs to Guide Discussion

  1. What is employment?
    Answer: Employment is work done to earn money or meet daily needs.
  2. Name a type of employment.
    Answer: Paid employment, self-employment, casual employment, or part-time employment.
  3. What is unemployment?
    Answer: It is when a person is without a job.
  4. Mention one reason for unemployment.
    Answer: Lack of education or skills.
  5. How can people become employed?
    Answer: By acquiring skills, starting a business, or seeking job opportunities.


  1. Introduction:
    • The teacher revises the previous topic (Savings).
  2. New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the topic and explains the meaning, types, and causes of unemployment.
  3. Student Contribution:
    • Pupils discuss what jobs they know and reasons people might not have work.
  4. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Show charts and pictures.
    • Use flashcards to explain terms like employment and unemployment.
  5. Learners’ Activities:
    • Participate in discussions and answer questions.


The teacher summarizes the lesson, emphasizing the importance of gaining skills and seeking opportunities. Feedback is given on pupils’ contributions.

unemployment crime rate

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