Marriage : Meaning , Types and Different Marriage Practices in Nigeria Social Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject : 

Social Studies

Term :

First Term


Week 3

Class :

Primary 4 / Basic 4 / Grade 4 /Year 4


Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of


 Relationship of some members of the family.


that have been taught in their previous class which was primary 3

Topic :


Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. explain the meaning of marriage
  2. explain different types of marriage
  3. list some marriage practices in Nigeria and their difference from one community to the other.
  4. write out difference types of marriage problems .
  5. explain the possible solutions to various types of marriage problems


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content :

What is marriage ?

Marriage is the legal union of a man and a woman to come together and be living as married husband and wife.


Marriage is the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce). It is the union of a man and a woman. Marriage is the union (coming together) of a man and woman to become husband and wife. It is also the arrangements, and the ceremonies, which a society approves for a man and a woman to come together to form a family.


Marriage is always voluntary and the consents of both the bachelor and the spinster is sought before they are legally join together as husband and wife

Types of Marriage

The types of marriages that are popularly practiced in Nigeria are :

  1. Monogamous marriage
  2. Polygamous marriage


Monogamous marriage is one man, one wife. It is having only one spouse (partner) at a time. This type of marriage is commonly found among Christians.


Polygamous marriage is when a man marries more than one wife. The man can marry as many wives as he want but he should be capable of taking care of them. This is common among Muslims and traditional worshippers.


Marriage practices are different from one communities to another.

How marriage is done in Hausa land or in the North Part of Nigeria

  • When a Hausa boy sees a girl he loves,
  • he tells his parents,
  • The parent will meet with the parents of the girl to inform them about their son interest of marriage in their daughter,
  • If they agree,
  • The boy will start visiting the girl in their house and  can give her gifts,
  • The parent of the boy will go to the girl’s parent and fix the wedding date.

How marriage is done in the west (Yoruba people)

  • When a young man wants to marry a girl
  • His parents get a negotiator, who will talk to the girl’s parent while she is still young.
  • All the necessary arrangements are made
  • A date ifs fixed by members of the two families for proper get together or introduction
  • Gifts are exchanged between members of the two families
  • All necessary payment like bride prize or dowry are made 
  • The marriage is considered done and sealed



How marriage is done in the East (Igbo people)

  • When a young man sees a girl he loves,
  • He will inform his parents,
  • His parent will make inquiries about the girl’s family to know if they are good or bad.

Why marriage practices are different in our communities

  • Religion
  • Culture

Why marriage practices should continue

  • It brings unity
  • It is part of culture
  • It bring mutual understanding

Changes that have taken placed in our marriage practices

  • Influence of foreign culture
  • Western education
  • Outdated traditional practices
  • Cost of living

How marriage practices differ from one community to the other

Some communities, especially traditional communities, practise polygamy. One man would marry two or more wives. In polygamy, the man is expected to love all his wives equally. He must cater for them and their children. In many polygamous marriages, the man ensures that each wife has her own room or quarters within the main compound, where she stays with her children. The man may decide to stay in his own quarters, by himself, or he may share it with the first wife. Also, the man must ensure that the family lives peacefully. This means that he must make sure the wives and their children (and even his own relatives) do not quarrel among themselves. Muslims are also allowed by their religion to practice polygamy. The man may marry up to four wives. Some communities prefer monogamy. The man marries only one wife and has children by her. He is expected to take good care of his wife and children. The man heads the family and his wife helps him. Christians and most people who live in large towns and cities, practice monogamy




The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.


  • Explain monogamous marriage
  • Define marriage.
  • explain the meaning of marriage
  • explain different types of marriage
  • list some marriage practices in Nigeria and their difference from one community to the other.
  • write out two difference types of marriage problems .
  • explain two possible solutions to various types of marriage problems
  •  Mention two types of marriage that we have.
  • Mention three  reasons Why marriage practices are different in our communities
  • Mention three Changes that have taken place in our marriage practices



Objective Questions

1. The union of mature man and woman legally recognized is known as
(a) affection (b) courtship (c) friendship (d) marriage and
2. All these are conditions for marriage except
(a) physiological fitness (b) psychological fitness mat
(e) hasty preparation (d) financial readiness
3. All these are classifications of marriage except
(a) polyandry (b) polygamy (c) polygram (d) monogamy
4. The purpose of marriage includes the following except
(a) procreation (b) companionship (c) extra-marital life (d) security
5. All these are types of marriage in Nigeria except
(a) customary marriage (b) religious marriage (c) polyandry marriage
(d) ordinance marriage
6. All these are importance of marriage except
(a) for love and companionship between couples (b) for peace among
families (c) for social vices like prostitution (d) for procreation of
7. The following are effects of marital problem except
(a) psychological disorder (b) willful neglect of children
(c) elimination social lives (c) premature termination of children
8. Problems of marriage include all of these except
(a) infertility or bareness (b) unfaithfulness (c) love and
companionship (d) undue interference from relations
9. The following are solutions to problems in marriage
(a) cooperation (b) effective communication (c) total commitment to
each other (d) infidelity
10.Marriage of a woman to several husbands at a time is known as
(a) adultery (b) monogamy (c) polyandry (d) polygamy
11.A marriage between a man and a woman of the same ethnic groups is
known as
(a) court (b) interracial (c) intertribal (d) intratribal
12. The most acceptable types of marriage in Christianity is
(a) bigamy (b) monogamy (c) polyandry (d) polygamy


Prepare for the next lesson by reading about



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