Nursery 1 Exams Science


1. We have _____ in our school compound (a) lion (b) flower

2. What do we use flower for? (a) decoration (b) cooking

3. We can see ___-in the school compound. (a) school bus (b) dig

4. ____ is a tin food (a) bournvita (b) fish

5. Mango and orange are ____(a) stones (b) fruits

6. ____ is the food we eat (a) rice

(b) paper

7. ____ is one of the classes of food

(a) market (b) protein

8. We should _____ good food (a) eat

(b) hate

9. We take care of our surrounding to prevent ____(a) air (b) mosquito

10. We must not allow our surroundings to be ____(a) clean (b) dirty


1. Is it good to take care of our surroundings. (a) yes (b) No

2. Flower is used for decoration.(a) yes (b) No

3. Milo is a tin food. (a) yes (b) No

4. We can see playing ground in our school compound. (a) yes (b) No

5. Stone is a sinking object. (a) yes (b) No


Mention five  tin food

i. ____________________________


iii. ____________________________

iv. ____________________________





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