Third Term Examination Primary 4 Social Studies




  1. The government use ______________ money to develop our country(a) salary (b) tax (c) hospital bill
  2. Tuwo shinkafa is usually eaten by the ___________________
  3. __________________ serves as link between the government and the people(a) Community leaders        (b) nurses    (c) people
  4. The democracy day was on ____________ (a) March 29 (b) June 29   (c) May 29
  5. A place where ancient relics are kept is (a) zoo  (b) library   (c) museum
  6. The arms of government which formulate law is __________________(a) judiciary (b) executive (c) legislative
  7. ______________ is the total way of life (a) culture (b) religion    (c) ethnic
  8. The ethnic group we have in Nigeria are _______ (a) 2 ethnic (b) 4 ethnic (c) 3 ethnic
  9. What date did Nigeria declare as its democracy day (a) 28th (b) 29th     (c) 30th
  10. Which of these groups belong to Igbo’s(a) Edo, Delta and Abia    (b) Sokoto, Anambra, Enugu    (c) Ekiti, Kwara, Lagos
  11. Security means being ______ from danger or harm.
    • a) Far
    • b) Safe
    • c) Close
    • d) Away
  12. The Nigerian Police ______ law and order.
    • a) Break
    • b) Ignore
    • c) Maintain
    • d) Discuss
  13. The ______ protects Nigeria’s borders from external threats.
    • a) Navy
    • b) Police
    • c) Army
    • d) Air Force
  14. The ______ safeguards Nigeria’s waters.
    • a) Navy
    • b) Army
    • c) Police
    • d) Civil Defence Corps
  15. The ______ ensures road safety and traffic rules.
    • a) Air Force
    • b) Navy
    • c) Road Safety Corps
    • d) Army
  16. The ______ protects the airspace with aircraft.
    • a) Army
    • b) Air Force
    • c) Navy
    • d) Police
  17. The Nigerian Police help during ______.
    • a) Cooking
    • b) Emergencies
    • c) Shopping
    • d) Sleeping
  18. The Nigerian Army assists in ______ relief.
    • a) Fashion
    • b) Disaster
    • c) Holiday
    • d) Music
  19. The Nigerian Navy stops illegal activities like ______.
    • a) Swimming
    • b) Dancing
    • c) Smuggling
    • d) Reading
  20. The Air Force conducts ______ surveillance.
    • a) Land
    • b) Water
    • c) Aerial
    • d) Underground
  21. The Civil Defence Corps protects people during ______.
    • a) Parties
    • b) Emergencies
    • c) Movies
    • d) Games
  22. The Road Safety Corps educates drivers on ______ driving.
    • a) Fast
    • b) Dangerous
    • c) Safe
    • d) Funny
  23. The Army participates in ______ missions.
    • a) Peacekeeping
    • b) Shopping
    • c) Running
    • d) Cooking
  24. The Navy rescues people in distress at ______.
    • a) Home
    • b) Sea
    • c) Market
    • d) School
  25. The Civil Defence Corps helps in ______ management.
    • a) Money
    • b) Disaster
    • c) Food
    • d) Car
  26. First, when giving first aid, you should stay ___.
    • a) calm
    • b) angry
    • c) sad
    • d) confused
  27. Always check for ___ around the accident scene before helping.
    • a) food
    • b) friends
    • c) danger
    • d) pets
  28. When talking to a conscious victim, you should ask them what ___.
    • a) time it is
    • b) happened
    • c) they want to eat
    • d) their favorite color is
  29. Use ___ to clean cuts and scrapes.
    • a) water
    • b) antiseptic wipes
    • c) soap
    • d) milk
  30. To stop bleeding, you should apply a ___.
    • a) hat
    • b) bandage
    • c) shoe
    • d) book
  31. Always keep the victim ___ until help arrives.
    • a) alone
    • b) comfortable
    • c) standing
    • d) running
  32. Dial ___ to call for emergency help in Nigeria.
    • a) 911
    • b) 123
    • c) 767
    • d) 555
  33. When calling 767, you need to tell them your exact ___.
    • a) name
    • b) age
    • c) location
    • d) hobby
  34. Describe the victim’s ___ to the emergency operator.
    • a) favorite food
    • b) condition
    • c) school
    • d) clothes
  35. Listen to and ___ any instructions given by the emergency operator.
    • a) ignore
    • b) sing
    • c) follow
    • d) write
  36. Use ___ pads to cover larger wounds.
    • a) paper
    • b) gauze
    • c) plastic
    • d) cotton
  37. If the victim is not breathing, you should check their ___.
    • a) clothes
    • b) pulse
    • c) phone
    • d) shoes
  38. Use ___ to secure bandages in place.
    • a) glue
    • b) tape
    • c) paint
    • d) rope
  39. Always ___ the victim to keep them calm.
    • a) ignore
    • b) shout at
    • c) talk to
    • d) laugh at
  40. After giving first aid, it is important to ___ with the victim until help arrives.
    • a) stay
    • b) leave
    • c) run away
    • d) sleep
  41. The main purpose of a bandage is to ______. a) Play with b) Cover wounds c) Clean windows d) Make crafts
  42. Plasters are used to cover ______. a) Big burns b) Small cuts c) Broken bones d) Hair
  43. ______ wipes are used to clean wounds. a) Water b) Antiseptic c) Juice d) Soap
  44. Scissors in a First Aid box are used to ______. a) Cut paper b) Cut bandages c) Draw d) Paint
  45. To remove a splinter, you would use ______. a) Scissors b) Tweezers c) Cotton wool d) Gloves
  46. Cotton wool is used to apply ______ to wounds. a) Water b) Antiseptic c) Food d) Paint
  47. Safety pins help to ______ bandages. a) Tie b) Decorate c) Secure d) Remove
  48. Gloves are worn to keep hands ______. a) Warm b) Clean c) Dry d) Wet
  49. Pain relief tablets help to reduce ______. a) Hunger b) Pain c) Sleep d) Noise
  50. Adhesive tape is used to ______ bandages. a) Paint b) Stick c) Break d) Cut
  51. A thermometer is used to check ______. a) Height b) Temperature c) Weight d) Speed
  52. Gauze pads are used to cover ______ wounds. a) Small b) Large c) Tiny d) Fake
  53. Eye wash solution is used to rinse out ______. a) Ears b) Nose c) Eyes d) Mouth
  54. Burn ointment is used to treat ______. a) Cuts b) Bruises c) Burns d) Bites
  55. The main use of antiseptic wipes is to prevent ______. a) Infections b) Fun c) Games d) Sleep
  56. First Aid is the immediate help given to someone who is __________.
    • a) Happy
    • b) Hungry
    • c) Hurt
    • d) Sleeping
  57. An Aid Box contains items used for __________.
    • a) Cooking
    • b) First Aid
    • c) Cleaning
    • d) Painting
  58. A person who gives First Aid is called a __________.
    • a) Teacher
    • b) Driver
    • c) First Aid giver
    • d) Pilot
  59. In Nigeria, you can call __________ for emergencies.
    • a) 123
    • b) 456
    • c) 789
    • d) 767
  60. A bandage is used to cover a __________.
    • a) Flower
    • b) Book
    • c) Cut
    • d) Pen
  61. First Aid can help someone who is __________.
    • a) Lost
    • b) Sick
    • c) Dancing
    • d) Eating
  62. An Aid Box might contain __________.
    • a) Toys
    • b) Bandages
    • c) Books
    • d) Shoes
  63. A First Aid giver should know how to stop __________.
    • a) Water
    • b) Music
    • c) Bleeding
    • d) Traffic
  64. Emergency hotlines are used to call for __________.
    • a) Fun
    • b) Help
    • c) Food
    • d) Friends
  65. You can find an Aid Box in __________.
    • a) Hospitals
    • b) Parks
    • c) Shops
    • d) Schools
  66. First Aid is important for __________ situations.
    • a) Emergency
    • b) Birthday
    • c) Holiday
    • d) Shopping
  67. An Aid Box can have __________ to clean wounds.
    • a) Milk
    • b) Antiseptic
    • c) Juice
    • d) Paint
  68. First Aid helps people before the __________ arrives.
    • a) Teacher
    • b) Doctor
    • c) Chef
    • d) Farmer
  69. A First Aid giver must be __________.
    • a) Rude
    • b) Trained
    • c) Lazy
    • d) Angry
  70. You call 767 when there is an __________.
    • a) Exam
    • b) Emergency
    • c) Party
    • d) Adventure
  71. To prevent road accidents, it’s important to follow __________ rules.
    • a) Traffic
    • b) Swimming
    • c) Cooking
    • d) Sleeping
  72. Drivers should drive __________ and pay attention to the road.
    • a) Fast
    • b) Slowly
    • c) Blindly
    • d) Loudly
  73. Using phones while driving can cause __________ accidents.
    • a) More
    • b) Fewer
    • c) Funny
    • d) Tasty
  74. Regular __________ of vehicles helps prevent accidents.
    • a) Dancing
    • b) Checking
    • c) Singing
    • d) Sleeping
  75. Educating others about road safety can __________ accidents.
    • a) Increase
    • b) Decrease
    • c) Double
    • d) Skip
  76. Police officers help control __________ at accident scenes.
    • a) Traffic
    • b) Parties
    • c) Weather
    • d) Books
  77. Paramedics provide __________ aid to injured people.
    • a) Medical
    • b) Musical
    • c) Magical
    • d) Mechanical
  78. Firefighters help __________ trapped individuals.
    • a) Cook
    • b) Rescue
    • c) Play
    • d) Sleep
  79. Road safety officials ensure __________ measures are followed.
    • a) Safety
    • b) Danger
    • c) Fun
    • d) Joy
  80. To prevent accidents, drivers should avoid __________ while driving.
    • a) Eating
    • b) Sleeping
    • c) Swimming
    • d) Dancing





Part Theory

 Theory Questions

  1. What does security mean?
  2. Name a security agent in Nigeria.
  3. What is the primary duty of the Police?
  4. Who protects Nigeria from external threats?
  5. Which agency protects Nigeria’s waters?
  6. What does the Air Force do?
  7. Who helps during emergencies?
  8. Why is security important?
  9. Name another security agent in Nigeria.
  10. How can we help security agents?
  11. What is the first thing you should do when giving first aid?
  12. How do you clean a wound?
  13. What do you use to cover a wound?
  14. Why is it important to stay calm during an emergency?
  15. What number do you call for emergency help in Nigeria?
  16. What information should you give to the emergency operator?
  17. How do you stop bleeding?
  18. What should you do if the victim is unconscious?
  19. Why do you need to keep talking to the victim?
  20. What should you do after calling for help?
  21. What is First Aid?
  22. What is an Aid Box?
  23. Who is a First Aid giver?
  24. What items can you find in an Aid Box?
  25. Why is First Aid important?
  26. When should you give First Aid?
  27. What is the emergency hotline number in Nigeria?
  28. Who can you call in an emergency?
  29. Why is it important to know emergency numbers?
  30. What should you do if you see someone hurt?

Simple First Aid Steps for Kids Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9


Give one examples each on the following ethnic group

Mode of dressing food language state they belong to hair style




2. Write five sentences on the ethnic group you belong to during our cultural day

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________            (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________




3. State four reasons why people lose their jobs

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________            (d) ________________________________


4 .State four continents

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________            (d) ________________________________


 5. a)Who is a leader ________________________________________________________________


5(b) Give four examples of a leader

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________            (d) ________________________________


 6. Explain the following

  • Communication ______________________________________________________
  • Transportation _______________________________________________________
  • Accidents ___________________________________________________________
  • Live stock __________________________________________________________
  • Leadership __________________________________________________________


 7.State three duties of a work place

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


8. What is pollution __________________________________________________________________


9. (b) State any three types and two causes of pollution

(a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


10. Write a short story on Tafawa Balewa during his tenure or rule

Security Agencies and Their Primary Duties Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10

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