Revision PRIMARY 4 Basic Science and Technology

Subject : 

Basic Science and Technology

Term :

Second  Term


Week 1

Class :

Basic 4 / Year 4 / Primary 4


Previous lesson : 

The pupils have previous knowledge of previous topics that have been taught in the previous class

Topic :

PRIMARY 4 Basic Science and Technology

Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Pupils must be able to answer most or all the questions


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Content :


Part A Objectives

  1. To transform or evolve means to _____________ (a) expire (b) respire (c) change
  2. ___________ is inevitable in all living things . (a) speech (b) change (c) movement
  3. _________ is the movement from one state of matter to a latter state of matter (a) Change (b)Hot (c) Cake
  4. ___________ Things are things that have life in them (a) Living (b) Dead (c) Holy
  5. ___________ changes are easily reversible (a) Permanent (b) Temporary (c) Wet
  6. __________ changes are not easily reversible (a) Permanent (b) Temporary (c) Wet
  7. When girls are fully grown up , they will become women . This type of change is an example of ___________ change . (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) Beautiful
  8. A chameleon is popularly known to change the colour of its skin to match the background of any environment that it found itself . This type of change is known as __________ change . (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) Beautiful
  9. Water can transform from solid to liquid or gas as the case may be . This type of change is known as ______________ change . (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) Beautiful
  10. The transformation of caterpillar to become a butterfly is known as __________ change , (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) Beautiful
  11. How many colours has a rainbow (a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 2
  12. The weather symbols below signifies  ___________ and _________ (A) cloudy/lighting (b) rainy/sunny (c) hot/sunny (d) lightning/rainy
  13. Red, yellow and blue are examples of _______ colour  (a) primary (b) secondary (c) nursery (d) tertiary
  14. The unit of length is ______ (a) metres (b) litres (c) seconds (d) grammes
  15. Which of the following insects undergoes incomplete metamorphosis (a) cockroach (b) housefly (c) mosquito (d) butterfly
  16. The instrument used to measure the temperature of a particular place or person is known as _____ (a) barometer (b) thermometer (c) anemometer (d) hygrometer
  17. Yellow + Blue = _________ (a) green  (b) purple  (c) orange (d) indigo
  18. Which of the following animals changes its skin colour for protection (a) bird (b) lizard (c) chameleon (d) toad
  19. Which of the following represents the complete metamorphosis in the life cycle of an insect (a) egg – nymph – adult (b) egg – adult (c) egg – larva – pupa – adult(d) egg – larva – adult
  20. An adult  insect  body is divided into ______ main parts (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d)
  21. The process of changing from a liquid to a gas is called ___________ (a) melting (b) condensation (c) evaporation
  22. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert __________ and __________ into glucose and oxygen (a) water and carbon dioxide (b) oxygen and nitrogen (c) helium and methane
  23. A person’s natural response to danger is commonly known as the _________ response (a) fight (b) flight (c) fright
  24. The process of breaking down food into smaller components that can be absorbed by the body is called __________ (a) digestion (b) respiration (c) circulation
  25. The number of bones in the human body is approximately __________ (a) 206 (b) 306 (c) 106
  26. The movement of the earth around the sun is known as __________ (a) rotation (b) revolution (c) orbit
  27. An ecosystem is made up of __________ and __________ (a) plants and animals (b) rocks and water (c) clouds and air
  28. The process of converting sugar into energy is known as __________ (a) fermentation (b) combustion (c) radiation
  29. The process of creating a copy of DNA is called __________ (a) transcription (b) translation (c) replication
  30. The study of the origin and history of words is called __________ (a) etymology (b) phonetics (c) semantics
  31. The branch of biology that deals with the study of tissues is called __________ (a) cytology (b) histology (c) mycology
  32. The smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element is called a(n) __________ (a) atom (b) molecule (c) cell
  33. The process of exchanging gases between the lungs and the blood is known as __________ (a) inspiration (b) expiration (c) respiration
  34. The branch of biology that deals with the study of animals is called __________ (a) zoology (b) botany (c) microbiology
  35. The process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater is called __________ (a) distillation (b) filtration (c) evaporation
  36. The process of converting light energy into chemical energy is known as __________ (a) photosynthesis (b) respiration (c) digestion
  37. The study of the structure and function of the nervous system is called __________ (a) neurology (b) psychology (c) psychiatry
  38. The process of adding oxygen to a substance is known as __________ (a) oxidation (b) reduction (c) combustion
  39. The branch of physics that deals with the behavior of light is called __________ (a) optics (b) mechanics (c) thermodynamics
  40. The force that causes objects to fall to the ground is called __________ (a) magnetism (b) gravity (c) friction

 1.   State the units of measurement of

  • Length = ________________________
  • Volume = ________________________
  • Time = __________________________
  • Area = __________________________
  1. Write out four weather instruments and their uses
  2. Draw the rainbow and colour it , Also write out the rainbow colour
  3. Write out the time measure table ( 60 seconds make 1 minute)
  4. What is matter , Write out the states of matter
  5. Explain the meaning of weather
  6. Mention  four weather instruments
  7. Write out four weather instruments
  8. What is magnet

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