Members of our community Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 3
Topic: Members of Our Community
Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to identify family members.

Key Words: Community, members, family, friends, leaders, rules.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define a community.
  2. Identify various members of their community.
  3. Understand the roles of community members.
  4. Recognize the importance of following community rules.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Social Interaction, Critical Thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of different community members.
  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • Flashcards with key vocabulary.
  • Chart paper.


  1. Revision of the previous lesson on the community’s meaning and types.
  2. Introduction of the new topic: “Members of Our Community.”
  3. Identification and discussion of various community members (family, friends, leaders).
  4. Roles and responsibilities of community members.
  5. Importance of following community rules.

A community is a group of people who share the same values and beliefs in a given place. A community is made up of person,. their leaders and everything they share in common.
It could be a village, town, city or school.


Members of a community have right or privileges that they enjoy but the community also has rules that must be followed and observed by all.


Members of our community.
Our communities consist of very important members such as the father, mother, children, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother and other members of the extended family.


There are also people who are not related to us by blood who live in our community. These include our friends, teachers and so on. All these people together are led by community leaders who live as members of the same community.


Rules in the community.
There are rules that guide the behaviour of every member of a community. Some of these rules are as follows :

a. Obedience : Every member of community must obey the rules and regulations of that community.


b. Cooperation : The community lives and works as a team.


c. Loyalty: The Community members must be faithful in their support of the community and their leaders.


d. Sanitation : Members of a community must work together to keep their community clean.
This can prevent the outbreak of diseases and illnesses.


e. Honesty: Members of a community must be honest and sincere with each other in their day – day activities.


f. Community services: Members of a community join hands to help protect and build community projects such as town halls, boreholes, road constructions, etc.


g. Respect: There must be respect
among members of a community


  1. A __________ is a group of people who share the same values and beliefs in a given place.
    • a. city
    • b. community
    • c. school
    • d. family
  2. Members of a community include important members like __________.
    • a. animals
    • b. leaders
    • c. grandparents
    • d. robots
  3. __________ are people not related to us by blood who live in our community.
    • a. Friends
    • b. Strangers
    • c. Animals
    • d. Toys
  4. Community leaders live as members of the same community and __________.
    • a. control the weather
    • b. follow the rules
    • c. fly like birds
    • d. hide in trees
  5. Rules in the community guide the behavior of every member, and one of them is __________.
    • a. playing loudly
    • b. obedience
    • c. sleeping all day
    • d. ignoring everyone
  6. Cooperation means the community lives and works __________.
    • a. in silence
    • b. alone
    • c. as a team
    • d. underwater
  7. Loyalty in the community means members must be faithful in their support of the community and __________.
    • a. never speak
    • b. their leaders
    • c. always fight
    • d. wear funny hats
  8. Sanitation in the community involves members working together to keep their community __________.
    • a. dirty
    • b. loud
    • c. clean
    • d. colorful
  9. Honesty among community members means being __________ with each other.
    • a. silly
    • b. serious
    • c. honest
    • d. invisible
  10. Community services involve members joining hands to help protect and build __________.
    • a. spaceships
    • b. community projects
    • c. castles
    • d. ice cream shops
  1. What is a community ?

  2. Lists three members of the community.
    a. —————————
    b. —————————
    c . ————————–


  1. People who are not related to us by blood live in our community.
    ( True / False)


  1. Mention four rules in your community.
    a. —————————
    b. —————————-
    c. —————————
    d. —————————-



  • Step 1: Quick revision of the previous lesson using flashcards and questioning.
  • Step 2: Introduction of the new topic with a brief explanation of what community members are.
  • Step 3: Show pictures of different community members, and engage students in discussing their roles.
  • Step 4: Discuss the importance of community members following rules for a harmonious living.
  • Step 5: Use real-life examples and scenarios to illustrate the roles of community members and the consequences of not following rules.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Encourage participation through questioning.
  • Use visual aids to make the topic more engaging.
  • Facilitate group discussions on community roles.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Identify and discuss family members.
  • Engage in group discussions about community members.
  • Share personal experiences related to community interactions.


  • Ask questions to check understanding during the lesson.
  • Observe students’ participation in group discussions.
  • Evaluate their ability to identify and explain the roles of community members.


  1. What is a community?
  2. Who are the members of your family?
  3. Can you name a friend who is part of your community?
  4. Why is it important to follow community rules?
  5. What is the role of community leaders?
  6. Give an example of a community service.
  7. How do community members cooperate with each other?
  8. Why should we be loyal to our community?
  9. What does sanitation in the community mean?
  10. How can honesty benefit a community?

Conclusion: The teacher goes round to mark and provide feedback on students’ understanding of the topic, addressing any misconceptions. Homework may be assigned to reinforce the concepts learned.

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