General care of the body


Class: Basic 1


Subject: Home – Economics


Topic: General care of the body


General care of the body means taking care of every part of our body.


example we cannot bathe our body alone. We must also wash our mouth, our hair and every other part of our body. Our clothes, pants, socks and so on must also be kept clean at all times.


We take care of our body by doing the following:


1. Take a bath at least two times daily.


2. Use a good toilet soap to bathe.


3. Wash your hair at least two times a week.


4. Use a good body cream or lotion.


5. Do not share your body care materials with anybody to avoid getting diseases.


6. Change your pants at least once a day.


7. Use clean water to take your bath.


8. Take proper care of different parts of the body.


Class work


Mention 5 ways of caring for your body.







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