CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:……………………………………………………………………………….. 1 When somebody is ill he or she will not be able to eat , sleep drink or go to toilet (a) True (b) False. Medicines are preparation used to prevent or cure diseases (a) True (b) False Hard drugs destroy people’s health and make them run
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:…………………… 1.) A dirty environment can cause (a) enjoyment (b) neatness (c) sickness 2.) When we visit the toilet we must ________ our hands (a) cut (b) wash (c) smell 3.) There are ____________ types of family (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 4.) How many
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: ___________________________________ Tuwo is to Hausa as ______ is to Itsekiri. (a) Akpu (b) Iyan (c) Starch Akpu and Garri are gotten from ______. (a) cassava (b) yam (c) maize An area where many families live, work, and play is called ______. (a) neighbourhood (b) market