Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 12: Examination Revision Instructions: For Teachers: Read out the instructions to the students clearly before the exam begins. Remind them to avoid any form of cheating, and encourage them to attempt all questions. Advise them to stay calm and take their time to answer each
Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11 Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: 11 Part A: Review and Revision 20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers Who are the people you see in your school? Answer: Teachers, students, cleaners, and the principal. Who helps you
Mid-Term Assessment and Break: Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term Week: 6 Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Assessment Components Part A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-blank with options a, b, c, d) A teacher helps children to _______. a. eat b. sleep c. learn d. play Answer: c A doctor treats _______ people.
Lesson Plan: Roles of Community Helpers Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: 10 Age: 4 – 5 years Topic: Roles of Community Helpers Sub-Topic: Understanding the Roles of Common Community Helpers Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify common community helpers
Lesson Plan: Activities in the School Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: Week 5 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Activities in the School Sub-Topic: Daily and Special Activities in the School Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify daily activities in the
Early Childhood Care Education Nursery 2 Second Term Week 1: Revision – Social Habits / Social Norms & Second Term Examination Week 2: Places in My House Week 3: Traditional Musical Instruments, Rulers, and Festivals Week 4: My School – People in My School Week 5: Activities in the School Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term
Lesson Plan: Social Habits Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: 9 Age: 4 – 5 years Topic: Values (Honesty and Trustworthiness) Sub-Topic: Understanding Honesty and How to Be Trustworthy Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define honesty and trustworthiness. State examples
Lesson Plan for Nursery 2: Community Helpers Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: 8 Topic: Community Helpers Sub-Topic: Roles and Importance of Community Helpers Duration: 40 Minutes Age: 4-5 years Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain who community helpers are. Mention various community
Lesson Plan: People in Our Country Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: Week 7 Topic: People in Our Country Sub-Topic: The Three Major Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Previous Lesson: The pupils learned about Activities in the School. Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
Lesson Plan: My School (People in My School) Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: Week 4 Age: 4-5 years Topic: My School (People in My School) Sub-Topic: Names and Roles of School Officials Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Mention the
Lesson Plan on Social Habits Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Traditional Features in Nigeria Sub-topic: Traditional Musical Instruments, Festivals, and Rulers in Nigeria Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify various traditional musical instruments in
Lesson Plan: Places in My House Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 2 Term: Second Term Week: Week 2 Age: 4–5 years Topic: Places in My House Sub-topic: Meaning, Rooms in a House, and Differences Between Big and Small Houses Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able