Examination of Topics Covered in Second Term Exam Instructions for Teachers and Students For Teachers: Supervise students carefully to ensure fairness during the exam. Avoid giving hints or discussing answers with pupils. Set a calm and focused environment in the classroom. Ensure students follow the instructions given. For Students: Sit quietly and avoid talking to
Social Habits Nursery 1 Second Term Revision – Week 10 Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQ with Answers) What is a good habit? A good habit is something we do that helps us stay healthy and happy, like brushing our teeth or praying. What is a bad habit? A bad habit is something that
Lesson Plan for Social Habits: Good and Bad Social Habits Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Good and Bad Social Habits Sub-topic: Understanding and Practising Social Habits Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify good and
Lesson Plan for Special Days and Unique Celebrations Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 9 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Special Days and Unique Celebrations Sub-topic: Understanding Special Days and Celebrating Unique Events Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand what special
Lesson Plan for Friendship (Birthday) Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 8 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Friendship (Birthday Celebration) Sub-topic: Understanding Friendship and Celebrating Birthdays Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand the concept of friendship and birthdays. Recognize the importance
Lesson Plan for Friendship Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 7 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Friendship Sub-topic: The Importance of Good Friends and Dangers of Bad Friends Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand the meaning of friendship. Identify qualities of
Lesson Plan for Table Manners Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Table Manners Sub-topic: Importance of Good Table Manners Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand the importance of using good table manners while eating. Demonstrate
Lesson Plan for Dressing Habits: Importance of Dressing Neatly and Smartly Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 4 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Dressing Habits Sub-topic: How Dressing Neatly Boosts Confidence and Self-Respect Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand the importance
Lesson Plan for Helping Yourself: Developing Independence in Nursery 1 Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Helping Yourself Sub-topic: Developing Independence and Asking for Help Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Understand tasks they are expected
Lesson Plan for Social Habits: Good and Bad Habits Subject: Social Habits Class: Nursery 1 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age: 4-5 years Topic: Good and Bad Habits Sub-topic: Examples of Good and Bad Habits Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify examples of good
Social Habits Nursery 1 Second Term Weekly Topics Week 2: Good and Bad Habits Identifying good habits. Examples of bad habits to avoid. Week 3: Helping Yourself Things pupils should do by themselves. Tasks where pupils may need assistance. Week 4: Dressing Habits Importance of neat and smart dressing. Ways to improve dressing habits. Week
Mid-Term Assessment for Social Habits Nursery 1 – Second Term Part A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options) Good friends do not __ each other. a) love b) fight c) help d) praise A special day to remember the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is called __. a) Id El Maulud b) Christmas c) Valentine’s Day