Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 9 years Topic: Introduction to Personal Security Sub-topic: Meaning of Personal Security Sources of Threat to Personal Security Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 9 years Topic: Types of Personal Security Sub-topic: Understanding the Concept of Danger Classification of Types of Personal Security Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 9 years Topic: Importance of Personal Security Sub-topic: Precaution Tips on Personal Security The Importance of Personal Security Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 4 Age: 9 years Topic: General Safety Rules Sub-topic: Parts of the body not to be touched by strangers or others Personal safety rules Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson,
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 9 years Topic: Security Tips in the School (Continued) Sub-topic: Importance of school clubs, exit cards, and relating security tips to daily environments Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 10 Age: 9 years Topic: Dangers of Playing Rough and Safety Measures Sub-topic: Dangers of playing rough in the school compound Risks of running with sharp objects Hazards of jumping from staircases Safety measures to
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Mid-Term Assessment Week: 7 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Age: 9 years Duration: 1 hour Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options) The most important rule to follow when someone tries to touch you inappropriately is to ______. a) stay quiet b) run
Week 12: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Age: 9 years Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Exam Instructions For Teachers: Ensure that all students are seated quietly before the exam begins. Distribute exam papers and answer sheets to each student. Do not allow
Weekly Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes List of Topics Covered Throughout This Term Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Age: 9 years Week 1: Introduction to Personal Security Definition and importance of personal security Basic safety rules for personal security Introduction to Personal Security Security Education Primary 5 First
Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Age: 9 years Duration: 1 hour Part A: Review and Revision (15 FAQ with Answers) Q: What is personal security? A: Personal security means keeping yourself safe from harm. Q: Why is it important to know your name, home
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 9 years Topic: Security Tips in the School Sub-topic: Importance of information in security and key security tips for schools Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 6 Age: 9 years Topic: Roles of the School in the Security of the Pupils Sub-topic: The school’s responsibilities in ensuring the security of its pupils Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of
Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 9 years Topic: General Safety Rules (Continued) Sub-topic: Consequences of keeping bad friends General safety rules for children Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able